my sister is number one

Chapter 208 Chapter 207. Chen Ziying: Brother, I will work hard!

Chapter 208 Chapter [-]. Chen Ziying: Brother, I will work hard!
In the hall of the gods.

Tianmo Luo Tianqi squinted at Chen Changqing.

"True immortal... I never thought that I could still see a true immortal in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm."

Having said that, Luo Tianqi stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

It looked at Chen Changqing, as if it didn't want to eat it, but to...

Chen Changqing pursed his lips and said, "Senior, can you stop looking at me like this? It's easy to be targeted by the Tianhe beast."

Luo Tianqi sneered: "Today, just obediently enter my mouth."

Chen Changqing: "..."

If it is possible to talk like this, it seems that it is not impossible.

But the next moment, Luo Tianqi moved.

Its speed was so fast that even Chen Changqing couldn't see clearly, and it moved behind Chen Changqing in an instant.

Seeing Chen Changqing's lack of response, she couldn't help but sneer.

How can a mere true immortal be its opponent?

it doesn't understand,
It doesn't understand Chen Changqing,
If you react and prepare in a hurry, it is better not to do it!

A ghostly hand condensed in front of Luo Tianqi and grabbed Chen Changqing.

Click click!

About two meters away from Chen Changqing's back, a shield appeared.

Star Pattern Backlight Mask!
This is an earth immortal spell.

Luo Tianqi's ghostly hand immediately caught the crack.

She smiled coldly: "I can't stop me!"

Chen Changqing turned around slowly, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Luo Tianqi helplessly.

I just watched quietly, just to see how many layers you can break.

Since the opponent is Tianmo, and Chen Changqing has prepared for such a long time, how could Luo Tianqi easily break through his defense.

All of this is just... the beginning!
Luo Tianqi smiled coldly, his magic power burst out, and the magic power of his claws directly crushed the star pattern back mask.


clack clack...

Luo Tianqi: "..."

second shield,
It is still a star pattern back cover.

clack clack...

Chen Changqing: "Heavenly Demon Boss, there is only immortal energy here. If your demonic energy is consumed too quickly, it will not recover."

"I will definitely eat you before my devilish energy is exhausted!" Luo Tianqi still disdains.

Chen Changqing sighed slightly.

You know nothing about power.


The ghost claw squeezed hard, and the shield shattered again.

The ghost claw dissipated.

At this moment, Luo Tianqi once again gathered two ghost claws.

Bow left and right!
Two ghost claws came from the left and right sides.

Chen Changqing shook his head slightly, and threw out the Luotian flower umbrella.

Aura adds another shield on top of the shield.

The devilish energy emanating from the ghost claw was slowly absorbed by the Luotian flower umbrella.

A black-purple flower bloomed on the umbrella.

That purple flower exudes a faint magic energy.

Chen Changqing: "..."

Wait, wait a minute?
Is this magic energy?

When Luo Tianqi saw the purple-black flower, he couldn't help laughing: "It seems that your luck is not very good!"

Chen Changqing's face also turned dark.

The flower that Luo Tianhua Umbrella bloomed this time was actually a black viburnum.

The effect of this kind of flower is very simple, that is, it will transform fairy energy into magic energy.

Although the black viburnum is only a flash in the pan.

However, it still transformed part of the immortal energy in the Shenxu Hall.

Luo Tianqi took this opportunity to absorb the demonic energy.

"Thousand Luo Ghost Hand!"

Luo Tianqi raised his hands,
Countless ghost hands flew out from all directions and flew towards Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing shook his head slightly,
Another shield is propped up.

Click, click, click!

There are still! ?
Star Pattern Backlight Mask!
This is Chen Changqing's last star print mask.

"I see what other means you have?" Countless ghost hands pierced the star pattern back mask, and flew towards Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing shrugged.

There was a flash of light on Chen Changqing's clothes.

Well, there's also the rune of the star pattern on the clothes.

Luo Tianqi: "..."

"Get off!"

Luo Tianqi rushed towards Chen Changqing directly.

"Calm down, calm down."

Luo Tianqi just rushed to a place about one meter in front of Chen Changqing.

A large area of ​​thunder flashed from Chen Changqing's side.The Nine Thunders and the Twelve-fold Curse!
At the same time, Chen Changqing swallowed a Nine Heavens Melting Thunder Pill.

He turned himself into a thunderbolt, ignoring the damage of this piece of lightning.

And Luo Tianqi fell into the lightning, and his body was constantly struck by lightning.

It twisted its face and let out a scream.

The demonic energy around her was boiling, protecting her body, it rolled over and flew out of the minefield.

Chen Changqing raised his head: "Come again."

The clothes on Luo Tianqi's body were scorched black, and his skin became pitch black.

Her eyes were red and she couldn't control her emotions.

Chen Changqing scratched his head,

I feel a little floating.

Think about how humble I was when I faced the stone demon in Phoenix Mountain Villa?

At that time, he held hundreds of spells in his hand, and still felt that he was extremely dangerous.

Now I am facing a heavenly demon, and I only have more than 4000 spells on my body, more than a dozen sets of suits that match the standard of true immortals, and five or six ordinary spirit treasures, but they are gone?

How dare you take the initiative to provoke?
But there is no way,

After all, this time is to help Ying'er delay the time.


Speaking of Chen Ziying.

At this moment, the magic dragon was hit by a single shot from the underground palace fortress.

Even it can't imagine that the powerful spiritual power erupting from the strange long tube drowns it in an instant, and its physical body is slowly disintegrating.

what weapon is this?
What kind of power is this?
I am dignified...

The body of the flood dragon resisted abruptly.Although there are many scars on the body, but...

Chen Ziying ordered another shot.

this shot
The body of the magic dragon completely disintegrated.

In desperation, the Mo Jiao could only release the Mo Soul to escape.

Chen Ziying smiled slightly,
She is the best at dealing with this kind of demon.

She thought,
A phantom flew out,
Boundary Breaking Yuanshen Slash.

Dedicated to the demon soul of Xiannian!

The phantom of the little girl appeared beside the demon soul.

"Who are you..."

At the words of the dragon, the demon soul made an unwilling inquiry.

Then, it was chopped into pieces by Chen Ziying's sword.

Chen Ziying opened her eyes inside the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda, and she let out a breath.

Chen Ziying came back to his senses, and immediately said, "Everyone, take a break. Let's go to the next destination right away!"

While speaking, Chen Ziying frowned to cheer herself up.

Brother, don't worry, I will work hard!


On the other side, in the Divine Void Hall.

At this time, Chen Changqing had already withstood Luo Tianqi's third attack.

Luo Tianqi became a little angry from embarrassment.

"How many spells do you have!?"

Chen Changqing shook his head slightly: "Not much, not much. Please let me go."

Luo Tianqi let out a breath and looked around.

"Very good, you are very good. But how long can you, this Lingbao, last?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Being able to become a sky demon, his mind is much better than that of a stone demon.

"What is your purpose of delaying time?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

He squinted his eyes: "Then, let me ask the senior to spend it. Anyway, I am not in a hurry."

Chen Changqing was polite, but Luo Tianqi was in a dilemma.

Do you want to continue beating him?
Chen Changqing shrugged, sat down, and took out snacks and snacks from the kit.

Chen Changqing's routine operation.

Luo Tianqi looked more and more angry.

"By the way, senior, I have a question to ask you." Chen Changqing ate the rock sugar cake, "By the way, do you demons eat these snacks?"

Luo Tianqi: "Don't eat!"

Chen Changqing: "Does it mean that what the human race finds delicious, you will find it unpalatable? Eating candy is like eating shit?"

Luo Tianqi: "What did you say?"

Chen Changqing smiled and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. I just have a thirst for knowledge."

I'll see how long you can bear it.

Luo Tianqi looked at Chen Changqing, squinted his eyes, and said nothing.

After Chen Changqing finished eating the rock sugar cake, he took out another ice stick and looked at Luo Tianqi while licking it.

"This is called an ice stick, senior, do you really want one?"

Chen Changqing raised the popsicle and asked.

Luo Tianqi: "..."

Chen Changqing touched his nose.

Still haven't made a move yet?so bearable?
Although Luo Tianqi didn't make a move, the consumption of the Shenxu Temple was still there.

Chen Changqing had to fill up his hatred now, and Luo Tianqi would chase him after he got out.

Don't lie to each other,

After Chen Changqing crossed,
Almost never used his taunt ability on anyone.

That's because Chen Changqing was worried that if he started to mock, he would be beaten to death.

"Senior Luo, to tell you the truth, you are so good-looking, why is your body a mouse?" The third level of piercing eyes had already seen through everything.

Luo Tianqi: "..."

How can you bear it?
Chen Changqing went on to say: "I just said, why are you thousands of years old, senior? You are still single, and you don't even have a companion to accompany you. It turns out that the main body is too ugly..."

"Stinky boy, you are courting death!"

Luo Tianqi cursed angrily, and rushed towards Chen Changqing.

There are still several layers of masks around Chen Changqing.

Bang bang bang!
The shields were broken one by one.

Just when Luo Tianqi rushed in front of Chen Changqing,

Another star-pattern reticle appeared.

its stuck.

Luo Tianqi couldn't break this immortal-level spell alone.

Oops, sorry.

The cooling time of the spell on Chen Changqing's clothes is over again.

"Senior is really good at drilling walls." Chen Changqing continued to start the mocking mode.

"Get off!"

With a roar, Luo Tianqi transformed into four phantoms of magic energy in an instant, and attacked Chen Changqing at the same time.

Chen Changqing waved his hand, and the nine-star array map.

The star map appeared on Chen Changqing's head and turned into twinkling stars.

The stars change and form formations.

Xuanwu Seven Star Formation!
Xuanwu phantom enveloped Chen Changqing's body.

Chen Changqing's blood power surged out.

The phantom of Xuanwu solidified, as if the real body of Xuanwu had descended.

The sudden force directly bounced Luo Tianqi and several phantoms away.

Luo Tianqi: "Xuanwu bloodline?"

Chen Changqing still maintained the previous state, and even ate a peach.

Luo Tianqi: "Brat!"

She controlled her emotions a little bit.

It can't be messed up anymore, but this kid is really annoying.

Seeing Luo Tianqi calm down again, Chen Changqing spoke again: "Senior, senior. There is a saying in my hometown. It is called a mouse to pull a turtle, and there is no way to start."

Luo Tianqi's devilish energy exploded again: "Die, kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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