my sister is number one

Chapter 214 Immortal is finally here!

Chapter 214 The immortal is finally back!
Here, what happened?

Chen Changqing flew close to the pier.

Seeing the scene that was both familiar and unfamiliar, he almost couldn't control his emotions.

What happened in the end?

Why did it become like this here?
He flew slowly towards the pier, and then landed from the sky.

The surroundings are barren, and there is no trace of human activities at all.

Chen Changqing walked over slowly and walked into the pier...

Nobody, not a single person.

Wait a minute, there seems to be another trace ahead.

Chen Changqing dodged over and saw something blast a hole in one of the wharf warehouses.

Chen Changqing walked over to take a look, and found that it should be a huge cavity created by a lava fireball.

This trace seems to have been around for a while,

The fluctuations of spiritual power and traces of spiritual energy could no longer be felt on it.

After all, these traces can be left behind with modern high-tech weapons.Therefore, Chen Changqing couldn't judge whether this was left by high-tech weapons or the traces left by spells.

However, from the analysis of evidence from the external environment, it is more likely that the traces were left by spells.

Resurrection ah.

If it is really spiritual revival,

What about other human races?

If the spiritual energy recovers, then the human race should be able to practice.

Moreover, there is a faint aura of immortality in this world.

That means that there have been immortals in this world, and the demon world has not completely invaded this world.

The demon should have invaded before, and it was probably blocked.

Chen Changqing has a bold guess.


Chen Changqing let out a breath.Walk towards the city.

Judging from the size of this wharf port, it should be considered a port of a big city.

Keep going in, you should be able to find something.

Chen Changqing kept walking along the road, and he quickly confirmed where it was.

This is his hometown in his previous life - Yuecheng.

He could even see the street sign of the Nayue City Tollgate on the road.

The gas station on the side of the road has been completely destroyed, it seems that there has been an explosion, the toll booth has also been abandoned, and many cars can be seen at the entrance and exit.

Chen Ziying also saw what Chen Changqing saw through Lingyu.

"Brother, I've seen these things before. I saw them when I was in retreat!" The little girl exclaimed excitedly.

Chen Changqing also remembered that Chen Ziying had told him before.

"Brother, could it be that I too... reincarnated from this world to the Yumen Realm?"

Chen Changqing thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure about this either."

He paused, and then said: "Look at the scenery and things around you more, and see if you can think of anything."

Chen Zi responded, "Okay!"

Chen Changqing walked into the toll booth and continued to walk forward. He saw some residential buildings and those familiar high-rise buildings.

It's just that at this moment, they are all reduced to ruins.

As soon as he entered the city, Chen Changqing felt as if he was being targeted by something.But he didn't find any induction spells or anything like that.

Is there anyone?

Chen Changqing kept walking, walking until he reached the central square of Yuecheng.

Most things were exactly as he remembered them.

Only the original fountain in the central square was replaced by a statue at this time.

The statue is six or seven meters high.Just don't know why the head of the statue has been knocked off.

Chen Changqing sat next to the statue and began to think.

Up to now, he has not seen a human being, and he has not even seen other creatures except for some beasts without intelligence.

There will be such a situation, either the human beings in this world are all extinct, or there is no concentration point of human beings nearby, and all human beings are hidden.

But looking at the surrounding ruins, it is estimated that human life is not going well.

someone is coming?

Chen Changqing stood up,

He sensed that many people were approaching him.

how did they find me

after awhile,

A group of black shadows appeared in front of Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing took a closer look and found that they were wearing very futuristic clothes, which were full of plastic tights.

The chest, trousers, and various joints are covered with armor made of unknown metal.

They also wear helmets on their heads, and their eyes are covered in fuchsia sequins.

Chen Changqing was taken aback.

Why is my life so twists and turns?

Are you going to jump from fairy tales to science fiction?
Wait, those lines...

Why does it look like a spell pattern?

Rune Weaving?
Those people came over and raised their hands at the same time. Chen Changqing looked at the spell in their palms. Isn't that the Thunder Fire spell?

"Don't move! You are surrounded by us."

Chen Changqing felt it, and there were fourteen people around.

These fourteen people are all dressed in exactly the same way.

I don't know why Chen Changqing thinks these people are a bit ridiculous.

That one person approached slowly, seeing that his movements have been cautious, this state is very tense.

"Don't be nervous, I'm alone. I can't surround you all by myself, right?"

Chen Changqing raised his hand instinctively.

This Huaxia language is too kind.

Chen Ziying asked in Chen Changqing's ear: "Brother, what are they talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Chen Changqing: "They are greeting me."

Chen Ziying asked: "The way they greet each other is very strange. Why are they pointing their hands at you so much?"

Chen Changqing: "Don't worry. These people have the most strength in the Lingquan realm. The thunder and fire curse is the strongest spell on them. They can't hurt me."

Chen Ziying sighed: "Okay, if you say you're fine, you'll be fine. But brother, I have a question. You weren't as weird as them in your last life, were you?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

"Raise your hand and unbutton your clothes. I saw the spell on your clothes." The leader came out. His eyepatch was different from the others, it was red.

Chen Changqing was also speechless for a while when he heard this sentence.

"I'm talking about brothers. I won't take off my clothes, right? After all, you can't beat me if you don't take them off!" Chen Changqing said with a smile.

For these fellow villagers, Chen Changqing is still very kind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Changqing finished speaking, more than a dozen thunder and fire curses hit him.

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Ziying: "Brother, do they greet you by hitting you with the Thunder Fire Curse?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

I don't want to talk to you!
Chen Changqing put up a shield around him.

The thunder and fire curse fell on the shield,

There is no fluctuation at all.

That group of people were dumbfounded.

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Changqing said lightly: "I am an immortal, and I have traveled all over the world to come here."


The leader was taken aback: "What proof do you have?"

Chen Changqing thought for a while, then raised his hand: "It's raining!"

Suddenly the situation changed.

clap clap,

Suddenly, a layer of rain clouds gathered in the sky, and spiritual rain fell.

The rain is getting heavier,
The team leader looked up at the spiritual rain falling,

Suddenly he took off his helmet,
It turned out to be a young man who looked less than thirty.

His tears flowed down, spiritual rain fell on his face, the rain mixed with tears,
It's just raining, do you need to be so excited?

The young man looked at Chen Changqing and said excitedly, "The Immortal, the Immortal is finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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