my sister is number one

Chapter 220 Socializing is Really Too Troublesome

Chapter 220 Socializing is Really Too Troublesome

blue star.

Deep in the heart of the earth.

The golden dragon is absorbing Da Luo's immortal energy.

This is the real Da Luo Xianqi.

Just absorb it all and hope for sanctification.

One second, it was full of hope, and the next moment it was dumbfounded.

Da Luo's immortal energy, why is Da Luo's immortal energy so little?
Where is Chen Feng's soul?
What is this spirit treasure?
Originally full of Da Luo's immortal energy, it would take at least a hundred years to fully digest it.

How long has it been since?
Is there three days?
It didn't even take three days to completely absorb it. Isn't this just a little bit of Da Luo's immortal energy?
The golden dragon let out a roar.

The blue star trembled again.

However, the next moment the golden dragon suppressed his anger.

Blue Star cannot be destroyed,

Once the blue star is destroyed, it will disappear with it.

It never expected that it would be tricked by the same person twice in a row within a hundred years!

Just now, after it started to absorb the immortal energy, it didn't even notice how Chen Changqing slipped away!

Chen Feng, Chen Changqing!

I promise, next time you come back to Blue Star, I will never let you go!
Chen Changqing's body was shattered and turned into a little fairy energy, which was absorbed by the golden dragon.

At the same time, Chen Changqing, who was in the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda, felt severe pain.

The pain of the broken body actually directly conveyed to his soul.

Mie Mowan fell to the ground with a thud, startling Ying'er.

Chen Changqing was in a daze when he heard a complaining voice: "Why are you leaving? I have arranged everything for you. As long as you are absorbed by the golden dragon, I will use the power of the golden dragon to help you further improve your physique, and then absorb more How immortal!"

grandma drops,
Who believes!

Chen Changqing gritted his teeth and got up.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Chen Changqing shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that the body is broken and the pain is unbearable."

"Brother, you have worked hard."

For a while, Chen Ziying didn't know how to comfort Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing saw that Ying'er was about to cry, so he controlled Mie Mo Wan and touched Ying'er's head: "It's actually okay, it just started to hurt for a while, and then I didn't feel it anymore."

Chen Ziying pursed her lips: "Brother, you...could have caused some trouble?"

Chen Changqing moved the body of Mie Mo Wan.

Still not used to it.

It is still necessary to quickly reshape the fairy body.

There is still about a month to go before the next destination.

During this time, Chen Changqing analyzed Chen Feng's intentions.

Although Chen Feng's voice told him that he might be able to absorb the golden dragon's immortal energy in reverse.

However, Chen Changqing really didn't know how credible this was.

Chen Changqing only knew that if he really let go and was assimilated by the golden dragon, he might disappear.

Faced with such a problem, Chen Changqing would naturally make the safest and safest choice.

Chen Changqing felt that he was right.


How could I be wrong?
time flies,
January is gone in a blink of an eye,
The next world is right around the corner.

This time Chen Changqing's mood was not as heavy as before.

This world was explored by the former disciples of the Yumen Sect in the Yumen Realm, and it is called the Celestial Star Realm.

This is a small world, even smaller than the Yumen world.

This world has experienced the invasion of the demon world, and it was finally restored hundreds of years ago. The resources of the entire world are controlled by a sect.

That boss from the Yumen Realm also became a hero in this world after that counterattack from the Demon Realm.Therefore, that sect has a certain relationship with the Yumen world.

Chen Changqing intends to see if he can use the resources in his hands to exchange some materials to reshape his body.

Chen Changqing controlled the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda to fly into the Star Realm.

As soon as he crossed the gang wind layer, Chen Changqing felt a wave of spiritual power.

He just wanted to control the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda to escape into the void again,
But found that the surrounding space was blocked.

Two real immortals suddenly appeared next to the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda.

"Fellow Daoist He Fang, please come out and see me!"

Well, being invaded by the Demon Realm is different.

be very careful
That's logical.

Chen Changqing glanced at Ying'er: "Ying'er, you go."

Chen Ziying pointed to the tip of her nose: "Me?"

Haven't you always been in charge of things like social activities?
Chen Changqing pointed to himself: "If I go out like this, people will only think that I don't respect them."

On this day, the immortals of the astral world can immediately discover the existence of the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda. If they use puppets to go out, it would be very embarrassing if they see through the changes.

Although the chance of being seen through is not high...

Chen Ziying sighed.

As a social fear, she really didn't want to come out and chat.

But now it seems that she can't do it if she doesn't show up.

"Be careful when you go out, and pay attention to your tone of voice. If there is anything wrong, just use a thread to bring it back immediately, you know?"

Chen Changqing said tirelessly.

Chen Ziying sighed: "I know, I know, I'm not an eleven or twelve year old girl anymore."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ziying left the Eight Faced Exquisite Pagoda in a flash.

Chen Ziying appeared in front of the two true immortals,

Those two also raised their eyebrows.

so small?

However, they are well-informed and know that there is a secret method that can rejuvenate people.

"Chen Ziying from the Yumen Sect of the Yumen Realm has met two fellow Taoists." Chen Ziying clasped his fists and said, showing the Jade Plaque of the Yumen Realm Seal.

"Tianxing faction Luo Shanhe. I met Chen Daoyou."

"The Tianxing faction Zhong Ming met Daoyou Chen."

The two of them clasped their fists at the same time and said to Chen Ziying.

"I don't know who Daoyou Chen and Daoist Zhou Xingyi are?"

Chen Ziying thought for a while, and then said, "Zhou Xingyi is my senior brother."

"So that's the case, then Daoist Chen must have traveled to ten thousand worlds and stopped here, right?" Luo Shanhe said with a smile.

Chen Ziying nodded: "Exactly. But there is another small matter that I hope to get help from your faction."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Is this a trivial matter?
Brother, is it a trivial matter for me to reshape my physical body?
"Then how about fellow Daoist Chen follow me to the Tianxing faction as a guest and we can talk in detail?" Luo Shanhe continued.

Chen Ziying: "Can the two Taoists show you the seal of the Tianxing School?"

Luo Shanhe and Zhong Ming looked at each other.

Luo Shanhe took out the seal of the Tianxing School.

Chen Changqing said: "Ying'er, test it again. What if this seal was taken from someone else?"

Chen Ziying nodded slightly: "You two, do you have any other seals?"

Luo Shanhe: "..."

Zhong Ming: "We have already shown the seal of the Tianxing School, and you still want us to prove ourselves? Did I ask you to prove that you are a disciple of the Yumen Realm?"

Luo Shanhe smiled: "The bell is ringing!"

Zhong Ming: "Brother..."

Luo Shanhe: "Chen Daoyou came here for the first time, so it's understandable to be cautious."

After finishing speaking, Luo Shanhe congealed a star-shining sword blade in his hand.

"This is the Tianxing Sword Art of the Tianxing School."

After finishing speaking, Luo Shanhe threw the Heavenly Star Sword upwards.

Suddenly the blade exploded,

It turned into a little bit of starlight fragments and fell.

"Brother, is it credible?"

Chen Changqing: "Well, more than [-]%. But be careful. By the way, I have to apologize to others."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Communication is really too much trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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