my sister is number one

Chapter 230 Reshaping the fairy body, Yumen is in danger

Chapter 230 Reshaping the fairy body, Yumen is in danger

Bursts of auras of different colors flew towards Chen Changqing's position.

Under the impetus of the formation, these auras kept blending and reorganizing.

Chen Changqing began to have a new sense of this world.

This time to reshape the fairy body, Chen Changqing naturally wouldn't just reshape the body of an ordinary fairy.

After so many years of preparation, so many precious materials, and Lanyu Tianjing were prepared.

The physical body that Chen Changqing reshaped for himself this time is naturally stronger than both the Tianshen and Miemowan.

This new body, although it looks and touches on the surface, is not much different from the body of ordinary humans.But ordinary spells and magic tools can't hurt this body, even the magic spells and spirit treasures of the heavenly level and golden fairy level can probably resist a few times.

To create such a brand new fairy body, Chen Changqing would of course have to pay a huge price.

Materials, formations, and risks are all necessary costs.

But as Chen Changqing, he must be fully prepared when facing risks.

He faced the difficulty of reshaping the fairy body this time with the standard of crossing the catastrophe.

But at this moment, all kinds of auras gathered in Chen Changqing's fairy place.

First of all, the body. What Chen Changqing didn't expect was that the rebirth of the body was actually more painful than when the body dissipated.

Enduring the severe pain, he reorganized his body inch by inch.

Although it was painful, he couldn't take it lightly.

Because if once distracted, his body may be deformed.

If something goes wrong...

Chen Changqing didn't dare to think about it.

After spending a whole day, Chen Changqing finally reshaped his body.

Then, hands, feet...

It's a long, painful, and boring process.

Soon, the limbs were all reshaped, and then... well, indescribable.

Lastly is the head.

After exactly five days, Chen Changqing finally completely reshaped his physical body.

Before he had time to get acquainted with this new body, a thick layer of thunderclouds gathered in the sky.

what's the situation?
I'm just reshaping a fairy body?

Why should I be punished?

What did i do wrong?
Chen Changqing felt the satisfaction of having healthy limbs, but before he could be happy, the lightning condensed and struck down with a thunderbolt.

Lei Guang immediately covered his brand new body.

It hurts!
Hasn't this physical body become stronger?
Why is it still so painful?
At this moment, the ball of light in his sea of ​​consciousness began to release layers of immortal energy, which covered Chen Changqing's body, and layers of golden light enveloped his body.

Thunder fell again.

Another ordinary, very plain looking Lei Guang.

However, Tian Lei Luo still felt that his body was about to be torn apart.

There are not too many bells and whistles, and there are no various phantoms, just like this lightning strikes down one after another.

I don't know how long it has been,
Lei Guang finally stopped.

The immortal energy in Chen Changqing's body finally combined perfectly with his new physical body.

The thunder light intertwined with the immortal energy, forming a phantom of immortal armor, covering his body.

He glanced down...

Could it be that the reason why the thunder fell this day was to make this phantom appear?
The phantom began to dissipate slowly, Chen Changqing hurriedly put on a suit of clothes, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Chen Ziying appeared beside Chen Changqing: "Brother!"

The little girl came over and hugged Chen Changqing tightly: "Brother, I miss you!"

The Lightning Cave actually bounced Chen Ziying away at once.

Chen Ziying: "..."

Chen Changqing was also taken aback: "Wait, wait a minute!"

He took a few deep breaths, the immortal energy inside and outside his body burst out, and the thunder light disappeared!

Chen Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, and opened his arms: "Come on, come and give me a hug."

Chen Ziying snorted: "Stop hugging! Shock me!"

Chen Changqing: "..."

He shrugged in embarrassment, then looked up at Tianlei above his head and shouted: "Thank you, Master Tiandao, for helping me reshape my fairy body!"

The sky thunder rumbled a few times, which seemed to be a response.

Not long after, the thundercloud dispersed.

Chen Changqing glanced at Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, we..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ying'er's serious face.

"What happened?" Chen Changqing couldn't help asking.

Chen Ziying said: "The Demon Realm invaded the Yumen Realm, something happened to the Yumen Realm."

Chen Changqing was stunned when he heard the words: "How is it possible? It should be a long time before the full-scale invasion of the Demon Realm Ears."

Chen Ziying shook her head: "I don't know either. Sister Yaoyao told me just now that the Devil Realm seems to have found some kind of secret method, which can break through the restrictions and directly attack in an all-round way."

Chen Changqing frowned and said nothing.

"Brother...let's go back." Chen Ziying said.

Yumen catastrophe, have to go back!
Chen Changqing still didn't speak.

After a while: "No, let's not go back."

Chen Ziying was in a hurry: "Brother, something happened in the Yumen Realm! Our friends and relatives may have an accident or be killed. How can we not go back!?"

Chen Changqing pursed his lips and said, "Ying'er, you and I. One is a real fairy and the other is a heavenly fairy. Even if we go back to help, it will not be able to reverse the situation."

"Brother, do you have any ideas?" Chen Ziying still knew Chen Changqing very well.

She knew that although Chen Changqing was cowardly, he would definitely make the safest choice in the face of the invasion of the demon world and the big right and wrong.

Chen Changqing nodded: "I have some ideas. But... I have to ascend to the Golden Immortal."

"Ascension to the Golden Immortal? How to fly?"

This progress seems a little too fast!

Chen Changqing said word by word: "Absorb Lan Xing's power of heaven, and the power of Golden Immortal in my body!"

"Is it okay?" Chen Ziying was a little worried.

Chen Changqing said seriously: "Yes, as long as you make all the preparations, nothing is impossible! However, I don't know how long the Yumen Realm can support it."

There are six immortal gates in Yumen Realm, and each immortal gate has at least one Jinxian or Daluo.Plus the ten immortals of the Yumen sect.That means that there are more than sixteen golden immortals in combat power.As for the heavenly immortals, there are actually quite a few real immortals in Yumen Realm.

Therefore, with the current combat power of the Yumen Realm, if they can't resist, it's useless for Chen Changqing and the others to go back.

When Chen Changqing just reshaped his fairy body, he already felt that the strength of his fairy body had surpassed that of ordinary golden immortals.Because of this, there will be thunder and punishment.

That means that his body is strong enough to withstand the immortal energy of the light ball in his body.

There are two reasons why he didn't immediately absorb the fairy energy in the light sphere.

The first is because he is worried that once he absorbs it, he may be replaced by Chen Feng.

The second is because he not only wants to be promoted to Jinxian, but also to be promoted to Daluo.

And there is a method that can solve this problem at the same time.

Absorb the fairy thoughts of the golden dragon above the blue star.

He can use his own method to absorb the golden dragon's immortal thoughts, so that he can control the golden dragon's consciousness to counteract the possible emergence of Chen Feng's consciousness.

At the same time, the combination of the golden dragon's immortal thought and the light ball's immortal energy is enough for him to become a great Luo.

However, if you want to use the golden dragon, then there is another problem.

That is, if there is no so-called Chen Feng's consciousness, then Chen Changqing must be able to suppress the golden dragon's consciousness in the first place.

This is extremely dangerous, and you must be fully prepared.

However, after reshaping the fairy body, Chen Changqing already had a plan.

As long as you are fully prepared, all problems will be no problem, and all accidents will become expected.

"Ying'er, without further ado, let's go back to the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda and set off for the Blue Star. Let's think about the plan to absorb the immortal energy as we go!"

Chen Ziying completely trusted Chen Changqing and nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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