my sister is number one

Chapter 233 You Are a Brother

Chapter 233 You Are a Brother
On the surface,
There was no change in the physical bodies between Chen Changqing and the golden dragon.

The real battlefield is in the sea of ​​consciousness between Chen Changqing and the golden dragon.

At this moment, Chen Changqing's consciousness was in chaos, and he could barely maintain a trace of his own will.

Countless memory fragments appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, the memory of Chen Feng, the memory of the golden dragon, and the memory of Lanxing and all the creatures in the Evergreen Realm...

The memory fragments kept jumping, causing explosions of fairy energy in Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness again and again.

Every time there was an explosion, Chen Changqing would feel a sharp pain.At the same time, his thinking will be a little clearer.

Does it matter if he was Chen Feng in his previous life?
At this moment, the most important thing for Chen Changqing is that he must clearly know who he is now!
I am Chen Changqing!
I am Chen Changqing!
I am who I am!


The golden dragon roared in Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness: "I'm not you!"

It clearly felt that Chen Changqing came prepared this time.

As a derivative of the Dao of Heaven here, it should be invincible here.

However, what is eroding its will now is the Dao of another world.

The way of heaven is of the same origin,
Intertwined with each other, fusion is not the norm.

In this process, the most important thing is which party can retain its own will.

Blue Star has been in decline for many years, and there are no more immortals in the world.

That means, without it, it is dead, it has no future, and it yearns for new life!

All industries in the Evergreen World are waiting to be flourished, but they are flourishing day by day. It represents new life and hope!

The power of heaven in the Evergreen Realm began to frantically suppress the power of the golden dragon,

The golden dragon is hard to control at all,

Its consciousness, its memory, everything about it gradually crumbled into fragments and turned into nothingness.

Even the will to resist is gradually disappearing.

How can this be?

The next moment, the questioning will also disappeared.

Before that, it never thought that such a day would happen to itself.

The will of the golden dragon, Chen Feng's consciousness, and all kinds of immortal energy are constantly blending, decomposing, and finally reorganizing.

Chen Changqing's consciousness can only barely maintain his own sea of ​​consciousness from collapsing, and the rest can only be allowed to develop freely by these immortal qi.

As long as Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness doesn't collapse, as long as his consciousness still exists, as long as he remembers everything in his life!
Then he is still Chen Changqing!
Chen Changqing also couldn't calculate how much time had passed,

However, Chen Ziying's voice could be faintly heard in his mind.

Chen Ziying has been calling Chen Changqing with the Ten Thousand Miles Concentric Mantra.

This is a very crucial step, this is one of the methods that the brother and sister came up with, awakened, and preserved Chen Changqing's exclusive will.

This sound is like a small boat swaying in the wind in the raging waves.

As long as the boat does not tip over, Chen Changqing can have the opportunity to go ashore.

I don't know how long it took, the frantic immortal energy in Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness began to calm down gradually.

Chen Changqing sensed many changes in his body and sea of ​​consciousness.

He opened his eyes slightly, and found that the golden dragon had completely dissipated, as if it had never existed.

At the same time, he became the master of the blue star.

Above the center of the earth, there was a faint roar of thunder.

"Ying'er, I succeeded. The Golden Immortal Tribulation is here."

He only had time to say something to Chen Ziying.

The next moment, an unpretentious purple sky thunder struck Chen Changqing directly.

This is the power originating from the original way of heaven,

This thunder brilliance seemed to be testing whether Chen Changqing was qualified to integrate the power of heaven.

Thunder brilliance seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact it is infinitely powerful.

Chen Changqing could feel that his body began to turn into particles under the thunder light.

Only the power of heaven can fight against the power of heaven!

Chen Changqing's reaction was quick,

He controlled all the power of heaven on his body and began to make up for his broken body.

Particles begin to reorganize and stabilize.

But the next moment, another thunderbolt strikes down.

Still so unpretentious,

However, Chen Changqing's body showed signs of dissipating again.

He seemed to hear a voice next to his ear - you boy, you don't deserve it!
You have only practiced for less than 100 years, why do you become a Da Luo Jinxian?
His sea of ​​consciousness also began to shake and split.

Chen Changqing gritted his teeth, once again controlling the power of heaven in his body,

As long as this power is still there, he will not collapse!
But at this moment, the third thunder came.

This Golden Immortal Tribulation, in terms of visual effects, is far inferior to the Immortal Tribulation.

However, in terms of danger,

But it far surpassed becoming an immortal.

What Chen Changqing didn't know was that the reason why his Golden Immortal Tribulation was so dangerous was because he jumped directly from the Heavenly Immortal to the Daluo Golden Immortal, and at the same time absorbed the power of heaven from the two worlds.

The latter is especially important!
Let's use this analogy,
In the beginning, he was just a servant of Tiandao, a follower of Tiandao, but when he absorbed the power of Tiandao and became a golden immortal, it meant that he would be on an equal footing with Lord Tiandao.

If you don't hit him like this, who will you hit?
Chen Changqing gritted his teeth and accepted,

The fourth thunder!The fifth thunder!The sixth thunder!
Thunder fell one after another.

Chen Changqing's entire body has been ionized, and he can barely recognize his original appearance.

But the power of heaven can only drag these particles together reluctantly, and can no longer guarantee the integrity of Chen Changqing's body.

Chen Changqing's consciousness collapsed.

he realized

He probably couldn't survive the last thunderstorm.

Are you going to die?

At this moment, Chen Changqing only thought of Ying'er...

Sister, I'm sorry!

The seventh thunder fell!
Lei Guang covered Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing gave up resisting...

everything is over.

Wait a moment?
How can it be so comfortable?
Could it be that I was struck by lightning so that I felt pleasure?
I'm not that perverted, am I?

This sky thunder gathers the pure power of heaven,
This time, the flashing thunder light not only failed to shatter Chen Changqing's body, but slowly repaired his body.

This is how the same thing?

Could it be that the purpose of the six thunders before was to scare me?

Chen Changqing didn't understand for a while.

The next moment, his mind suddenly became clear.

The will of heaven flashed in his mind, he felt the trembling of his sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time there was a roar in his ears.

He seems to have heard a sentence - you are a younger brother!
Chen Changqing: "..."

The series of thunders before Ganqing was just to tell me that I am a younger brother?
Oh I see……

Does Master Tiandao mean that as long as you survive this wave of thunder and calamity, we will be brothers?

Master Tiandao has become Brother Tiandao from today on?

(End of this chapter)

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