my sister is number one

Chapter 239 Fake for real, Yumen Seal

Chapter 239 Fake for real, Yumen Seal

The magic energy that Chen Changqing transformed was confusing the real one with the fake one.

Even the Undead Ancestral Demon can't tell the truth from the fake.

From the perspective of the Undead Ancestor Demon, the strength and cultivation of the Qingshan Great Immortal far exceeded expectations.

As such...

Don't I want to allocate more resources to that Immortal Qingshan?

After realizing this, the Immortal Ancestral Demon was actually upset at the first moment.

Why have I been attacking this place for such a long time, but I have not been able to break into it. The Great Immortal Qingshan has just broken into it in such a short period of time?
no way!Never!
The big formation here was arranged by me, and the combat power of the human immortals was consumed by my subordinates!

Yes, that Immortal Qingshan is just here to pick up a bargain!
It's all mine!
The Undead Ancestral Demon gritted his teeth, and shouted back.

"All demons, obey my orders!"

As soon as it thought about it, it immediately issued an order.

Its demon generals surrounded Chen Changqing's demon generals one after another.

"Everyone is not allowed to act rashly."

After finishing speaking, it ordered a few more magic generals under its command: "You guys, follow me!"

"Lord Zumo, what do you intend to do!?"

Just at this time,

As the number one dog leg of Qingshan Daxian, he couldn't help but jumped out.

Under tremendous pressure, the sky eagle demon bird actually yelled directly at the undead ancestor demon.

"Do you want to die?" The Immortal Ancestral Demon stared at the Sky Eagle Demon Bird.

The sky eagle demon bird's face changed, and he quickly changed his words and said: "Master Zumo, the little one just wants to invade the world with you, and stay by your side."

Undead Ancestral Demon: "Get lost!"

While it was speaking, it had already disappeared and flew into the Yumen Realm with a few demon generals.

It wants to see how the Great Immortal Qingshan fought those Da Luo and Jin Immortals.

Why can it defeat so many immortals with the power of one person.

Not long after the Immortal Ancestor Demon flew into the Yumen Realm, he saw four immortals above the Golden Immortal Realm besieging it within the realm of demon energy of Immortal Qingshan.

At this time, the Qingshan Daxian was already scarred.

But the condition of those immortals is also very bad.

The Immortal Ancestor Demon could tell at a glance that the Great Immortal Qingshan was consuming his original power to compete with those immortals.

Although in a short period of time it can explode beyond the combat power of ordinary people.

However, this approach is not sustainable.

And it will hurt the origin.

It turned out that this method was used to defeat the immortal.

No wonder he came in alone.

Just worried about being attacked, right?

The Undead Ancestor Demon sneered in his heart.

It already had calculations in its mind.

After that Immortal Qingshan completely suppressed those immortals.

Do it yourself!
At that time, the immortal energy, spiritual energy and various resources in this area of ​​Yumen Realm will belong to him!
Thinking of this, the Immortal Ancestral Demon trembled slightly with excitement.

It watched the Great Immortal Qingshan use the domain of magic energy to suppress those immortals, and even began to cheer them up.

Must win!

You must let out a sigh of relief for us demons!

If you can't win, just burn a little more power of origin!

The four immortals sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time.

Immortal Qingshan was spat out with a mouthful of black blood.

It actually really burned the source again.

The demonic energy around is even stronger.

The two golden immortals were severely injured by the Qingshan Daxian and flew out.

The remaining two big Luo Jinxians are struggling to support.

It's just that their condition doesn't seem to be good.

The fairy can't hold it anymore!

"Death to me!" The Immortal Ancestral Demon roared when he saw Great Immortal Qingshan.

Countless demonic energy flew out in all directions like sharp arrows.

The two big Luos had no choice but to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, and at the same time backed away and flew away.

Yuezong, the town of Yumen Realm, has finally become the territory of the Demon Realm!
Seeing this scene, the Undead Ancestral Demon slowly approached.And the demon generals who followed it quietly formed a battle formation and surrounded Chen Changqing.

It has waited for so long, just waiting for this opportunity.

Immortal Qingshan?

How can such a guy who has never even heard of his name be qualified to occupy his own resources.

These resources in Yumen Realm are mine!
With a thought, a bone gun appeared in the hands of the Undead Ancestor Demon.

There was a faint flow of devilish energy above the bone spear, it flew behind Chen Changqing, and pierced out with a single shot.

This is the time when the Great Immortal Qingshan is at his weakest!
One hit!
The bone spear pierced through Qingshan Daxian's chest.


The Demon Realm was not a peaceful place in the first place.

Among the demons in the demon world, there is no long-term cooperation.

Cooperation is only temporary, betrayal and war are eternal.

Back stabbing incidents like this are often seen in the devil world.

Some demons have been prepared for a long time, and maybe they can escape unharmed.

In the eyes of the Undead Ancestral Demon, the Great Immortal Qingshan was obviously not prepared.

At this moment, the Immortal Ancestor Demon saw that Great Immortal Qingshan turned his head to look at him.

It is actually laughing!
How can it be?

The next moment, it heard a scream from the demon general it brought in at the same time.

In an instant, all the demon generals died at the same time!
So fast?
How can it be?

Before the Undead Ancestor Demon had time to react, he felt that the demonic energy around him began to disappear and gradually turned into spiritual energy.

There was also a huge attraction from the bone spear that he had pierced into the chest of Qingshan Daxian.

The devilish energy in its body is being crazily absorbed.

Then transform into aura.

Demon Transformation Formation!

The "Great Immortal of Qingshan" in front of him is not Chen Changqing's true self at all.

It is just a puppet made up of Chen Changqing's immortal thoughts and spiritual liquid!
The battle just now was all an annual drama staged by illusions and several other immortals.

In fact, Chen Changqing and the others had expected the undead ancestor demon to enter the Yumen Realm, and a few immortals discovered it as soon as it entered.

Staged this good show to lure the undead ancestor demon to take action.

Then use the magic transformation array carved on the gold-plated puppet to restrict this undead ancestor demon.

Although the characteristic of the undead ancestor demon is immortality.

However, as long as you control the devilish energy on it, and use the effect of the double demon spirit to transform into a large formation, you can completely seal it!
At this time, the puppet hugged the undead ancestor demon tightly in a strange posture, absorbing its demon energy continuously, and the demon spirit transformation array arranged around it was also producing effects.

The Undead Ancestral Demon wanted to struggle, but at this time it found five immortals above the Golden Immortal level appeared beside it.

Among them is the Great Immortal Qingshan!

He is not a demon!

He is Da Luo!

Chen Changqing looked at the Undead Ancestral Demon with a smile: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

"You... despicable villain!"

"How can a fairy be so despicable!"

Chen Changqing shrugged, not bothering to argue.

He couldn't understand how a person who sneaked up from behind had the right to call others despicable.

Under the suppression of the five immortals, the Undead Ancestral Demon couldn't even move, and the demon energy in his body was suppressed at an extremely low level.

When it was completely sealed, Chen Changqing turned around and said to Duan Qilin and the others: "Senior Duan, Sister Yaoyao. It's over here, I'm going to break the magic circle elsewhere!"

Duan Qilin nodded, and said seriously to Chen Changqing: "Changqing, on behalf of Yumen Realm, I thank you for your great kindness, be careful all the way!"

Chen Changqing clasped his fists and said: "On the day when Yumen is out of trouble, let's meet again!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and flew towards the Demon Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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