Chapter 247
Since ancient times.

Why have the demons been unable to completely invade the world?
Maybe this is the answer.

Chen Changqing sighed in his heart.

It was precisely his arrangement that made the demon miss an opportunity to keep the crack in the demon world.

Under the influence of the talisman array, the cracks in the demon world are slowly closing.

The entrance is getting smaller and smaller, some demons want to escape back, but some demons want to rush out to get a share of the pie.

This leads to chaos both inside and outside the crack.

Tian Mozi wanted to fly back to turn things around.

But it was blocked by Chen Changqing's spell array.

At the same time, another big Luo Jinxian who was present also took the opportunity to make a move and flew towards the crack in the demon world.

His shot accelerated the closing of the crack.

Tian Mozi's face was turned aside, and he muttered something, and a black lotus with twelve petals rose from his seat.And behind Tian Mozi, a black phantom of a Buddha statue actually appeared.

The right palm of the Buddha statue slowly swung out.

Chen Changqing felt a burst of great pressure.

This day, Mozi, is the Buddha body in a demon?

A "卍" character emitting black light flew out from the palm of the Buddha statue and flew towards Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing felt a deadly and cold breath coming towards him.

Amulets transformed from immortal energy flew out one by one, and that was not all, spirit treasures flew out from behind Chen Changqing.

The Emperor's Umbrella, the Nine Heavens Cauldron, the Taixu Bell...

Not counting the spirit treasures that failed to transform, Chen Changqing got more than 20 spirit treasures, all of which were defensive spirit treasures.

Tianmozi's expression changed, but it had no way out.

There were streaks of black light shining on the black lotus, and the Buddha statue was hitting palm after palm.

One swastika after another flew out.

Each of those swastikas was half the size of a hill, and they were actually targeting Chen Changqing alone.

It is aimed at the immortals behind Chen Changqing, and it is aimed at the entire Yumen world!
If these "卍" characters were allowed to fly down on the ground of Yumen Realm, the speed of the collapse of Yumen Realm would definitely accelerate again.

Moreover, the immortals below must not be able to block these attacks.

Tianmozi treated his own body in his own way.

Chen Changqing just wanted to use the method of sealing the crack to force Tian Mozi to confront him head-on.

Just now Tian Mozi chose to escape, but at this moment Chen Changqing could not choose to escape.

Behind him, there is Fourth Uncle, Cai Guoshi, Senior Liu, and Senior White.Further down, it is Beihai, Yang Jingguo, and Yumen Realm!
At this moment, Chen Changqing can't be cowardly, nor can he retreat!

With a thought in his mind, he shouted: "All methods are unified, and the characters are kept!"

The simple word Shou has gathered a lot of immortal energy from Chen Changqing.

All the spells merged into one at this moment, forming a huge barrier in the midair of the North Sea.

At this moment, Chen Changqing felt an immortal thought: "The Xuanwu bloodline is indestructible and unbreakable!"

Lord Seagod is here too?
Chen Changqing was overjoyed.

The next moment, he felt something flying into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Before he could sense it, he felt his blood boil.

He stretched out his right index finger, and a little blood flew out from his fingertip and landed on the huge charm with the word "Shou" printed on it.

The phantom of Xuanwu appeared on the spell.

Swastikas fell from the sky one by one, and landed on the huge spell barrier.

Bang, bang, bang!
The swastika curse exploded instantly when it hit the barrier, and the aura flashed on the charm, without any damage.

"Lord Sea God!"

Chen Changqing was both surprised and delighted.


For some reason, Chen Changqing felt that when Lord Seagod spoke this time, there seemed to be a trace of pride and passion.

Lord Seagod's strength is already in the realm of heaven.Although there is a certain gap with Chen Changqing, her existence can stimulate the Xuanwu blood in Chen Changqing's body.

The four great beasts are born semi-holy.The strength is still above Da Luo.

At this time, Chen Changqing, who activated the Xuanwu bloodline, once again increased his strength by another stage.

Above Da Luo, a half-step saint!
The Xuanwu bloodline is indestructible!

The countless swastikas caused repeated explosions on the barrier, but they couldn't break through the barrier.

Tian Mozi felt the semi-holy power from Chen Changqing, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Its calculations have never been wrong, and this person in front of him is indeed the key to destroying their invasion of the Yumen Realm!

I have clearly calculated these things, and I have clearly made arrangements.Why, why can't I get rid of fate?

Tian Mozi knew that he was invincible, so he drove the black refinement under his seat to fly out into the sky.

Chen Changqing immediately realized Mozi's intention that day.

It wants to go directly through the protective wind of the Yumen Realm and escape into the galaxy of the Ten Thousand Realms.

Why did Chen Changqing think of this?
For exchanging thoughts.

How would he respond when the way to escape was blocked and his strength was not as good as his opponent?

If there is a method of teleportation, then naturally use the method of teleportation to escape.If not, you can only escape in the most primitive way.

Tianmozi is the original ancestral demon, and has a body protected by a lotus flower, so he is not afraid of the strong wind of the protective world at all.

Chen Changqing immediately chased after him: "Senior Situ, I will entrust you with the seal as soon as it is sealed."

"Changqing, don't worry about killing the enemy, as long as I'm here!"

Tian Mozi and Chen Changqing flew one after the other into the gale wind that protects the world, and the gale wind blows in, but neither Tian Mozi nor Chen Changqing are afraid of the gale wind at all.

Each of them has its own means.

A lotus flower protects the body, and a spell adds to the body.

"Why are you bothering?" Tian Mozi asked.

"Since you choose to invade my hometown, I can't let you go!"

Chen Changqing pinched his hands: "Xuanwu sealing array! Lock it for me!"

A phantom of a tortoise shell appeared around Tianmozi. This phantom not only protected Tianmozi from the strong wind, but also trapped him in the tortoise shell.

"Magic thoughts planted in the heart, the lotus broke!"

Pieces of petals flew out, flying towards the basalt turtle shell like sharp blades.

There were bursts of metal collision sounds, and Tian Mozi's spells were unable to break through the basalt turtle shell.

Chen Changqing flew into the turtle shell and said lightly: "At this time, I am a semi-holy, you are no match for me!"

"Mysterious ice gun!"

Several long spears made of black ice condensed in the void.

One spear after another flew towards Mozi that day.

"Black Lotus Bodyguard!"

The petals of the lotus gathered together, protecting Tian Mozi within the lotus.

Bang, bang, bang!
The spear hit the lotus petals and bounced away again and again.

Tian Mozi's voice came from Huaxin: "Even if you have the strength of half a lifetime, it is not easy to destroy me!"

"It's okay, I have a lot of time to spend with you!"

Chen Changqing sealed again: "Xuanbing Hanbo!"

Chen Changqing pushed his palms in the direction of Hei Lian, and a gust of extremely cold air flew out and immediately enveloped Hei Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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