my sister is number one

Chapter 250 The Last Retreat

Chapter 250 The Last Retreat

This time the person in charge of reception was not Song Yaoyao, but Chen Ziying.

"Seniors, please come with me to the main hall." Chen Changqing flew up to the immortals and clasped his fists in greeting.

Chen Changqing flew out first: "Yinger."

He asked via voice transmission, "Are you all right?"

Chen Changqing could tell that her sister's expression was a little strange today.

Chen Ziying sighed in his heart: "You will know later."

Chen Changqing pursed his lips, and now he was going to betray his brother.

But Chen Changqing knew that Ying'er must be in a bad mood, so he didn't say much.

The immortals followed Chen Zi and flew to the main hall of Yumen Realm.

As soon as they flew in, everyone saw many disciples of the Yumen Sect gathered here, setting up a large formation.

In the center of the formation were the nine great immortals of the Yumen Realm, and the nine great immortals surrounded Senior Duan Qilin in the center.

On Senior Duan Qilin's body, there was a beam of light condensed, the beam of light went up to the blue sky, penetrated the roof of the hall, and the falling loess penetrated the earth.

Chen Changqing could clearly feel that there was a strong power of heaven on that beam of light.

The power of Dao that day was closely integrated with Senior Duan Qilin.

That feeling is...

World Lord?

Chen Changqing was startled.

Then he quickly rejected this inference.

This is him, to prove the truth by himself?

"Master, this is to distribute his own longevity to the Yumen Realm."

When Chen Changqing and the others heard this, they were all taken aback.

The immortal's lifespan should be distributed to a world, and it is a world with abundant aura. A thousand years' lifespan can be exchanged for one year.

Can't last long.

Chen Changqing's heart trembled slightly.

"This junior thanks Senior Duan for everything he has done to the Yumen Realm."

Countless immortals behind him thanked at the same time: "Thank you, Senior Duan!"

Chen Ziying said from the side: "Everyone, in fact, this time I am here to let everyone discuss how to save the Yumen Realm."

As Chen Ziying spoke, he looked at Chen Changqing.

The little eyes clearly said: Actually, I mainly want to ask you.

Chen Changqing glanced at the other senior immortals behind him.

In fact, Chen Changqing also tentatively asked them about their thoughts before.

As immortals, they are naturally willing to contribute to this Yumen world.During the previous battle between immortals and demons, Chen Changqing had seen it very clearly.

Just, as a fairy.They are destined not to live and die with the Yumen world.

They have the ability to travel around the world.

If there is a way to save Yumen Realm, they will naturally do their best.

But once it fails, once the Yumen Realm completely collapses.

They can also choose to survive in other small worlds in the end.

But this mortal in Yumen Realm...

Chen Changqing sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, seniors. This junior has already thought of two methods."

In fact, Chen Changqing had already started planning for the Yumen Realm when he realized that something had happened in the Yumen Realm.

But it was about the survival of Yumen Realm, even Chen Changqing didn't think of a practical solution.

"Brother, is it the way to teleport the large formation?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing nodded: "Well, that's one of the methods."

Situ Dao stepped forward and asked, "Fellow Daoist Changqing, what do you mean by this?"

Chen Changqing said: "To be honest, the younger generation has become the master of the world."


Everyone looked at Chen Changqing with a look of shock.

Boundary, Boundary Lord?

Chen Changqing briefly explained the situation in Evergreen Realm to everyone.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Although the recovery of Evergreen Realm has reached a certain level.But there is still a lot of pressure to absorb everyone in the Yumen world.

But this is also a way out of nowhere.At least it can save the lives of mortal cultivators in Yumen Realm.

"Because of time. I have already drawn a sketch of the large teleportation formation. But there are some details that need the help of seniors to think about."

"Ordinary mortals can't bear the pressure of teleportation between the two worlds. So I hope that seniors can help me think about how to solve this problem."

Situ Dao stepped forward to take the blueprint, and looked at Chen Changqing with very...strange eyes.

"I didn't expect Changqing to be so foresighted. She was already prepared."

Chen Changqing sighed slightly: "What this junior has done is not as good as what Senior Duan did."

Situ Dao nodded: "I will also come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible."

Chen Ziying: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Chen Changqing took Chen Ziying's hand: "We are going to prepare the second plan together."

Chen Ziying was taken aback: "Together? Us?"

Even Chen Ziying had never heard of this second plan.

In fact, this second plan was thought of by Chen Changqing later.

And I don't know if it can be realized, but now that the Yumen world is in danger, he can only die as a living doctor.

"Can't you leave the Yumen sect?" Chen Changqing was a little puzzled when he saw Chen Ziying.

Chen Ziying pursed her lips and said, "It's possible. It's just..."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at the big formation behind her.

At this moment, Duan Qilin's voice came from the formation: "Ying'er, if there is a way to save the Yumen Realm, then you can rest assured."

Situ Dao also stepped forward and said, "Leave this to me."

Chen Ziying then nodded.

After the two left the Yumen Sect, Chen Changqing said to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, I'll go back to the Changqing Realm first. Then you use a string to lead them there."

Chen Ziying nodded: "Okay."

While speaking, Chen Changqing had already teleported back directly to the teleportation array in Evergreen Realm.

Not long after, Chen Ziying followed with a thread.

"Brother, you still haven't told me what method we are going to use to save the Yumen Realm." Chen Ziying walked to Chen Changqing and asked.

Chen Changqing sat down cross-legged and said, "I have a bold idea."

Chen Ziying let out a sigh of relief: "Don't be tricky, tell me quickly."

"Ying'er, are you sure you can become the Lord of the Yumen Realm?"

"Brother, what did you say?"

Chen Changqing said, "I think so..."

Chen Changqing expressed his vision.

After Chen Ziying listened to Chen Changqing's words, his expression became stiff: "Brother, are you crazy? This method is not like your style."

Chen Changqing shrugged: "Actually, I've been thinking of a solution since I heard that the Yumen Realm was invaded. After thinking for so long, I came up with two solutions."

"I have also asked all the immortals in the Yumen Realm. They have no better way."

"That is to say, if the teleportation array fails. Our method is the last way out."

Chen Ziying couldn't relax his brows: "But...we haven't tried it before. I'm afraid that if we do this, the Evergreen Realm and the Yumen Realm will attend the crisis together."

Chen Changqing shrugged: "Actually, there is still the last way out."

Chen Ziying was taken aback: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Chen Changqing said: "We can stay in Evergreen Realm forever. Don't worry about Yumen Realm or anything."

Chen Ziying: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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