Lord of Ten Thousand Races: I have a god-level fusion system

Chapter 124 Undead Demon Mage, Abyss Demon Sequence

Chapter 124 Undead Demon Mage, Abyss Demon Sequence (10 more, please subscribe)
"Very well, get up!"

Qin Yuan nodded.

Qin Yuan, as the person who reincarnated him from the dead, is his master.

Although it is the same body, it is actually after the sacrifice that it becomes an undead.

It is very different from resurrection.

Therefore, this is the same as recruiting arms, and they all have the loyalty of the initial full value.

However, the demon warlock had just died not long ago, and he was an extraordinary creature much stronger than Qin Yuan. Like the dead sword, it seemed that he still had some consciousness from his life.

However, with this awareness alone, it is still impossible to resist the will of the undead rules.

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[Name: Undead Demon Mage]

[Race: Undead (formerly Abyss Demon)]

[Level: Silver [-]-star (current strength, original platinum-level legendary combat power)]

【Strength: 100】

[Physical: 150]

【Speed: 120】

【Spirit: 450】

[Skills: Demon Necromancer (mutation technique, possesses the characteristics of undead and demon race, can switch between Demon Warlock and Necromancer professional status, has the basic skills and abilities of dual occupations)

Demon Power (Any attack is blessed with demon power, and the damage is doubled. Once it hits the target, it will erode the opponent and make the target fall into a demon; when facing the power of light, the strength will be weakened.)
Aura of Fear (after it is turned on, targets with weak spirits can fall into fear and surrender to the devil)

Demonic spells (speaking demonic words, bewitching the target, persuading them to surrender and other negative effects)
Demon Armor Shelter (summons demon armor to resist incoming attacks)
Devil's Eye (perceive the enemy's weakness and cause magic cannon damage to it)
Abyss Blood Curse (Take the target's hair, blood, etc., and perform a blood curse on it, so that the target will be tortured by demons, blood loss, luck dissipated, and bad luck)

Devil's contract (Using ancient devil spells as a contract, forcefully sign a contract with the target, making the target a servant of the devil)]

[Equipment: Demon Blood Eye Rod (legendary equipment, half-sealed state, only part of the power is unsealed), Demon Cloak (legendary equipment, half-sealed state)]

[Extraordinary Attribute: Abyss Demon Sequence.Belonging to the top-level races, it has a suppressive effect on lower-rank races (such as shadow blood bats, tauren, etc.), receiving a 30% reduction in physical damage (60% damage reduction for those below extraordinary), and can easily perform a demon contract on dark-type targets . 】

[Specialty: Devil's Bloodline Level 6, Magic Level 6, Spell Level 7, Commander Level 7]

[Evaluation: This was originally an abyss demon warlock with legendary strength, a rare alien among demons. After sleeping for many years for some reason, his strength fell to the extraordinary realm. Possess the dual abilities of undead and demons, and the future achievements are limitless]

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"Undead Demon Mage!"

"There are 450 points of mental attributes, this is too strong!"

"The most powerful thing is that he has dual race bloodlines and dual professions, demon warlock and necromancer!"

Qin Yuan was amazed at the attributes of the undead demon mage.

This is definitely the most luxurious attribute panel he has seen so far.

Each of the eight skills is very powerful and astonishing. With the high spirit of 450 points, the power is beyond ordinary.

Moreover, it still comes with two pieces of legendary equipment. Although it is in a semi-sealed state, it can be slowly unsealed as the strength of the undead demon mage increases or is infused with demonic power.

In addition, it is the extraordinary attribute that can only be possessed after reaching the extraordinary realm: the sequence of abyssal demons!

This is simply the crushing of non-extraordinary creatures by extraordinary creatures.

No wonder it can be called extraordinary, it is simply a state of detachment from ordinary people, what kind of high-level top-level creatures, compared with extraordinary, seems to be separated by a gap, which is difficult to cross.

Just relying on the 60% damage reduction below extraordinary, if there is no golden three-headed dragon, it is simply impossible to kill the demon warlock.

Finally, specialties: level 6 demon blood, level 6 magic, level 7 spells, level 7 commander

It just happens to contract the dual professional characteristics of the undead demon mage.

"Sure enough, it is a powerful demon with legendary strength."

"If it weren't for the decline in strength, I am afraid that the ten golden three-headed dragons will be wiped out this time."

Qin Yuan secretly rejoiced.

Looking at the undead demon mage, "Why are you here?"

"The last time the dark tide receded, I didn't return to the dark world in time, and was eventually trapped in the dark ruins. In order to avoid the loss of power, I had to go to sleep."

The undead demon mage pondered for a long time before speaking slowly.

Because of his great strength, he can remember part of his memories during his lifetime.

"Originally, I, no, the demon warlock should recover and wake up after the darkness falls after a period of time. I didn't expect that because of the master's intrusion, the dark power of the dark ruins rioted, and I had to wake up from my deep sleep in advance. .”

The undead demon mage said slowly.

"So it is."

Qin Yuan nodded.

Even the tide of monsters has not yet come, and it is farther away from the time of darkness.

Who would have thought that Qin Yuan possessed such a strong combat power, broke into the dark ruins directly, and took down the ultimate boss whose strength had not yet recovered.

And during this period of time, many dark portals should have appeared in the Ten Thousand Races Continent.

Even if the lords found out, their strength might not be able to take down the dark portal, and they could only passively wait for the invasion of dark creatures.

After all, in this dark ruins, there are a large number of dark creatures at the normal level and black iron level, even those at the bronze level.

On the fifth day of the lord's arrival, it is estimated that only Qin Yuan has the strength to overthrow the dark ruins.

Other lords are still in the early stages of development.

Facing a monster camp or a tribe of creatures may put the territory in crisis.

"Give you a name. Since you are a necromancer demon mage, I will call you a demon from now on!"

Qin Yuan patted the demon spirit on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the name, Demon Spirit!"

The demon bowed.

"Well, in the future, you have to give full play to your role and form a dark army and undead army as soon as possible."

Qin Yuan said again.

Whether it is a demon warlock or a necromancer, they all have the ability to master a large number of subordinates.

Moreover, the demon spirit also has a level 7 commander, which is one level higher than the undead general.

It's no wonder that the creatures who can control the entire dark ruins almost put Qin Yuan's fighting army in crisis of the tide of dark monsters.

"By the way, can you control the dark creatures in the ruins now?"

Qin Yuan asked.

"No, after the death of the demon warlock, the original demon contract has expired, and must be re-established. If all dark creatures are contracted, it will take a lot of time."

The undead demon mage shook his head.

Although he was transformed from a demon warlock, he was not a real demon warlock after all.

The contract established before, with the death of the demon warlock, has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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