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Chapter 10 Mortuary of Life and Death

Chapter 10 Mortuary of Life and Death

At a loss, there are too many people coming down, if they search like this, my whereabouts will be exposed soon, but the doctors in front of the elevator have not left for a long time.

While I was feeling annoyed, suddenly, the sound of the elevator door opening sounded not far away, and at the same time, there was a roar.


"What is this!" Someone shouted.

Then came the piercing screams.



From the side of my face, I saw that the police who came down to chase me also turned their guns on the elevator. There is no doubt that there are mutants hidden in the elevator—fortunately, I didn’t choose to take the elevator down just now.

After a few screams, the entire space seemed to be silent for a few seconds, and then there was a gunshot. It seems that the police have not realized the seriousness of the problem. This is no longer a case of a certain place, a certain village, or a certain area. The problem is, it's a disaster for the city.The June [-]th style in the hands of these policemen has no meaning at all. As expected, after a few gunshots, there are several clean chopping sounds and a short shout.

Then, the surrounding fell into silence again.

I poked my head out again quietly, and a tall figure appeared not far away. Under the dim light, I only saw him wearing a raincoat, but now the raincoat hat was taken off, and there seemed to be nothing on that face at all. There is no skin, and the bright red muscle tissue is exposed, and his left hand, the arm bone has turned into the left hand of the "sharp sword". At this moment, he is picking up a female criminal policeman, and the sharp sword penetrates the criminal policeman's abdomen. The criminal policeman is still alive. , struggled feebly, blood was flowing, it was very painful to imagine...

it again? !

How did it get into the hospital, how did it get in!What is he going to do? !

The monster had already stretched out its hand towards the head of the female policewoman who was hanging in the air, pulled it hard, and screamed, the policewoman was easily torn in half from the neck, the internal organs were scattered, blood mist splashed everywhere, and the air There was a terrible smell in it.In just a few days, I have witnessed such scenes countless times, but at this moment, I still feel so horrible, so unbearable for me.

Half of the policewoman's skin bag was thrown aside by the monster like trash, with a stream of viscous liquid and sagging and torn skin, and the man in the raincoat slowly lowered his raised arm bone, stretched out his right hand, Wipe off the blood on the sharp sword.

I slowly backed away, although I knew that the cold storage of the mortuary was behind me, but at this time I could only run away, no matter how strong my arms were at this time, even if I could break free from the handcuffs and break the chains, I was definitely not that The opponent of the arm bone and the sharp sword, and this monster can directly tear the life in half, and I am not Iron Man, I guess I am in his hands, it is the same as tearing the dumpling skin.

The more I retreated, the more I felt the cool wind whistling. I knew that I was getting closer and closer to the cold storage. At this moment, suddenly, the mobile phone in my bag vibrated again. Fortunately, it was vibrating, not ringing— — I was lucky, I forgot when I set my phone to vibrate.

Lin Wan.

I quickly picked up my phone and connected it. Before I could speak, the other person said, "Where are you?"

I gritted my teeth. At this time, my hatred for Lin Wan was far greater than my pity at the beginning. Sometimes, changes in people's feelings are often just such an instant. I lowered my voice, but said in a fierce tone: "Hmph... Where am I, I'm in the morgue, I'm being chased by that damned monster, I could be finished at any moment... You're really good, I trust you so much..."

Before I finished speaking, Lin Wan calmly said, " that so? Hehe, well, since you haven't come out, then I won't wait for you."

"What did you say?!" My heart went cold again.

"What I mean to say is that you are resigned to fate. You are not at a disadvantage against swordsmen." Lin Wan said, "But you should also pay attention, the concentrated liquid is not stable in your body, and it may produce intermittently. Extremely strong rejection reaction, if you die unexpectedly at that time, don't blame me, if you want to blame it, blame your poor physique."

"What are you talking about?!" I don't understand what Lin Wan is talking about, those strange terms are simply maddening.

"A swordsman's arm bone is the strongest weapon, but due to the modification of the skin, bone and muscle tissue of the arm, part of their muscle tissue and nerves were necrotic, and the whole body was inadvertently coordinated." Lin Wan's tone was still very calm. "So, their speed of action must not be as fast as yours, and the spine behind them is a very big weakness, think about it for yourself."


The other party hung up the phone.

Trembling, I put the phone away and leaned against the cold wall.

Swordsman...spine, concentrated liquid, what are these?
However, the most important thing now is to save myself and escape from this ghost place.

The heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, and I was about to reach the entrance of the corridor. I gritted my teeth and rushed into the cold storage.Immediately, I fell into a labyrinth of iron beds and corpses, the coldness and coldness were self-evident.I thought of hiding in the cold storage, but the other party is not an ordinary person, that kind of monster might even eat corpses, I will definitely stay here for a short time, and he will soon find out.

Looking around, there is no "weapon" that can be used here.

The heavy footsteps outside the door were still approaching. I touched my backpack, but there was nothing useful in it, and the June [-]th Type, which could have been used as a weapon, was also searched.

Sixty-four style...

It suddenly occurred to me that there seemed to be a few policemen who came down just now, and they must have guns in their hands. If according to Lin Wan's statement, the weak point of this monster is the back spine, then maybe hitting him with a pistol on the back would have a better effect, but How do I get around behind him? !
I can't control that much anymore, in the small morgue, it is definitely more passive than in the corridor. Thinking of this, I simply rushed to the corridor again.

This time, I'm going to confront that raincoat man head-on.

The moment I rushed out, the monster was less than ten meters away from me, and I could clearly smell his stench.

The moment he saw me, the monster was startled. This guy is not an ordinary zombie, or in other words, this kind of thing cannot be classified as a zombie at all. They are also human beings, mutated human beings, so he also has thoughts. The response is by no means a mere conditioned reflex.

I saw, on that skinless face, there was a low cry between the bright red muscles, the voice was hoarse and dull.

Randomly, the "sharp sword" intertwined with flesh and blood was lifted up again, and his whole body seemed to be injected with some kind of energy, and he rushed towards me with a stride.

The monster's movements are indeed very slow. When I encountered it before, I was too scared to notice it. Now, I am not particularly afraid.

This lunge, I feel that even if it is slower than ordinary people, it's just that his face and menacing aura are daunting. Those policemen must have been overwhelmed by their aura before they put on the handle. Under Bai Sensen's "long sword".But at this moment, that room had already torn through the dark wind in the basement and came towards me.

On one side of my body, I quickly flashed past the monster. The monster turned around immediately, and the sharp sword swept towards it. I quickly bent down to dodge. , but after all, I have no actual combat experience. I bent down to dodge and escaped the fatal blow, but it also made me slip and fall to the ground.

For a moment, I just felt a sharp knife come down from top to bottom, slashing at me fiercely. I quickly turned over and rolled over, regardless of the dirty and cold basement, and rolled several meters at once.

Although the action was embarrassing, it managed to put some distance between me and that damned monster. Immediately, I turned around and ran wildly. The guy moved slowly and didn't catch up for a while.

I went back to the elevator entrance, and the place was already bloody. Several doctors were killed here. One of them was stabbed directly from the bottom to the top by the sharp sword, and a big hole was opened in the head. The blood flowed all over the ground, which was horrible.

I suppressed the nausea, and began to search for guns among the corpses of several policemen. There were four guns in total, all of which were issued by ordinary police officers. Many, so he put his backpack on his back and aimed at the guy who ran out of the corridor.

Although the damage effect of this shot was not great, it immediately slowed down the opponent's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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