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Chapter 13 The Infected Who Skip the Sky

Chapter 13 The Infected Who Skip the Sky

I stood in the darkness behind the street lamp and moved all the parts of my body, but I felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

But I was still worried, so I took another deep breath and pressed my chest and stomach. It seemed that there was really no major problem except for a little tiredness and a dull pain in the place where I was hit and fell.

The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. Could it be that my guess just now was also wrong?

After thinking about it, I suddenly felt that it was meaningless to guard here, and even if I saw the guys who came to arrest me, it seemed that there was nothing I could do, so I might as well save my energy and find Lin Wan tomorrow, so I Turning around and bypassing the sidewalk, I came to the park in the middle of the street, found a bench and sat down, and decided to fill my stomach first, and then sleep for a while.

However, I had just taken a few sips of my drink when suddenly, I saw a figure slid straight past on the ground.

"Huh?" I raised my head alertly.

Did something fly overhead? !
Is it a person? !
I couldn't help but be amazed, because I kept my head down when I drank the drink, so I could see clearly. The shadow was clearly projected from directly above me. Although it passed by in a flash, I could still distinguish it clearly. The silhouette clearly looks like a prostrate person.

Thinking of this, I quickly put my hands in my bag and touched the Six-Fourth Style.

I checked, and there are three bullets in the gun. If there is a monster flying over my head, I can only do it after he hits the ground.

I dare not look up.

There are too many mutated things in this city. I don’t know what their attack method is. I am worried that if I look up, my face will be caught off, or my eyes will be cut off. I can only slowly hold the gun in my hand Here, gritted your teeth and waited.

However, before anything flew down, I first heard the sound of heavy footsteps.

Rhythmic, heavy, slow footsteps.

The moment I heard the footsteps, I was so scared that I stood up and looked sideways, only to see that next to the bushes, the lingering guy appeared again.

Under the dim streetlights, I could clearly see that guy's raincoat was torn, and a big hole was poked in his head. The black hole like an abyss made his face even more terrifying and hideous.

He was still waving the sword with the arm bone "turned into" aggressively, but at the same time he walked towards me calmly and slowly.

I know it's bad, if this guy's target is me, then I have faced at least two enemies now, one is light and the other is dark, one is him, and the other guy is in the sky, or maybe in a dense forest nearby on the canopy.

I have absolutely no chance of winning against them.

I realized that my only hope of survival at this moment is to go to a crowded place, or to guide people here. It can be seen from the last time this "swordsman" monster turned around and left when the police arrived. It turns out that he was actually not ready to kill in public, otherwise, he probably wouldn't have needed to attack me every time in the darkest corner or in the basement.

Since this is the case, then you have to give it a go!

I raised my hand and aimed a shot at the monster "Swordsman". With a bang, the opponent stopped immediately, and at random, I fired a second shot.

Today, such a big thing happened in a hospital not far from here. It is impossible that there are no patrolling police on this street.

Sure enough, the sound of the two gunshots was still there, and a few figures flashed not far away, shouting while running: "What are you doing!" "Don't move!"

"I'm sorry, the policemen..." I thought to myself, taking advantage of the panic of the monster, I rushed towards the policemen.

Behind me, the "swordsman" was not to be outdone, although his movements were slow and clumsy, but he was very persistent, and immediately followed in my direction.

I turned around and fired another shot, then turned around and ran away.

The criminal police who rushed up couldn't stop me, and I was sure that they would soon become the monster's ghosts under the sword.

But at this time, I have no choice.

When I ran past them, I yelled: "Run, let's run together!"

But none of the police took any notice of me. They had obviously seen the monster following me, and they were pulling out their guns.

I sprinted a few steps, and the sense of guilt and guilt in my heart continued to expand. This feeling made me come back to my senses again, and shouted: "Hurry up, you are not his opponent!"

However, the police officers didn't seem to hear me at all and started shooting at the monster.

I don't want to watch it anymore, I turned around and ran like hell, I know what will happen later, even if I don't look at it!

I rushed out of the park in the middle of the street and came to the road. At this time, I found that the entrance of the tea restaurant where I was just now was full of people.

There were also police cars and ambulances parked by the side of the road, and several policemen came out of the store carrying body bags.

I was dumbfounded.

It turns out that I guessed wrong, the one who tampered with my phone was actually that monster...

He was the one who installed the bug? !
I underestimated the IQ of these mutants. Although I know they are also human beings, I really can't imagine that such a thing can complete all thinking activities of human beings.

It was this kind of underestimation and negligence that harmed the people in that tea restaurant. did this guy do something on my phone?Are you in the hospital?
So, with his face, how did he hide from the group of policemen?

I am more and more puzzled. There are definitely many unknown secrets in this.

But no matter what, it is certain that that guy's target is me, and he will never let it go if he doesn't kill me.

I didn't dare to look in the direction of the tea restaurant anymore, and ran all the way to the opposite side of the street. At this time, I heard bursts of gunshots coming from the direction of the park in the middle of the street, and it was obviously not just the June [-]th sound.

I couldn't help turning my head, looking from a distance, and found that there was a strange thing hovering in the midair above the park in the middle of the street...

That black shadow must be the thing flying over my head, what is it? !Can the infected guy still fly? !
Suddenly, I found that group of black shadows swooping down from the air, followed by a burst of rapid gunshots and several heart-piercing screams.

The visitor is not good.

That thing is really extraordinary.

I shook my head violently, turned around desperately and continued to run away, although, I didn't know where I should run at all.

After about five or six minutes, I stopped exhausted and looked around. I found that I ran to a remote street, which seemed to be the side entrance of the hospital where I was in the morning.

At this moment, the commercial ports on both sides are almost closed at this point, only the tobacco and alcohol shops and canteens not far away still have bright white lights.

And not far from the canteen, the side door of the hospital was closed tightly, behind the iron railing it was gloomy, at the door, I seemed to see people moving around, I don't know whether it was a human being or a so-called monster.

I stayed in place for a while, staring at the darkness, but I still didn't see anything.

I don't know what has become in that hospital, is it just empty, or has become a hell on earth.

I sighed and had no choice but to walk about 50 meters forward, lay down on the bench waiting for the bus at the bus station, and slept all night.

That night, I hardly fell asleep, just drowsy, half awake, and just after dawn the next day I sat up, feeling pain all over my body and cold hands and feet.

I patted myself on the head, trying to clear my mind. At this time, I had to think about what to do next. Lin Wan would not answer the phone, and she didn't reply to any of the messages I sent her later. It seems , as long as she doesn't want to find me, I can't find her at all, just like before, just like when I liked her.

But now it is not the same as before. In the past, I could wait, but now I can't wait. I must find her. This is a matter of my life.

I flipped through the phone book, and suddenly, a name appeared in front of my eyes, Zhang Jiating, this person, in my impression, seemed to be Lin Wan's best friend, and the only person who stayed with her to work in this city after Lin Wan graduated .

Perhaps this is my only clue.

(End of this chapter)

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