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Chapter 15 Bloodman's Room

Chapter 15 Bloodman's Room
After listening to my half-ordered words, Zhang Jiating put her hands on her chest and said with a smile: "Are you begging my sister or ordering me?"

I felt helpless, so I had no choice but to reply, "Of course... please..."

"Good..." She touched my face without hesitation, I was very uncomfortable, but at this moment the most important thing is to find Lin Wan, I don't care about that much anymore.

After that, she didn't make it difficult for me anymore, and quickly pulled me onto a bus.

At that time, I was carrying my schoolbag tightly, and I only felt that my body was getting heavier and heavier. There were so many people in the car, I could only hold on to the handrail tightly, gritted my teeth, and kept telling myself, "Just push it through and you'll pass."

It took about half an hour for us to get off the bus, and the place where we got off was actually the terminal of this train.

This is a villa area, all of which are single-family villas with many houses. However, there are not many people coming in and out. I looked around and found that the sea seemed to be visible in the distance.

It seems that this place is indeed very remote.

I couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, and while clutching my chest, I said, "Where is this? Lin Wan's boyfriend's house?"

"That's right, of course Lin Wan's boyfriend is very rich, why not live in a villa?" Zhang Jiating said with her face up.

This explanation seems reasonable.

I didn't ask any more questions, and followed Zhang Jiating into the villa area.

After crossing a few paths, Zhang Jiating led me to the door of a villa. The villa was already a bit old, and it didn’t look like it was often occupied by people. I frowned and looked at the weeds and grass next to the villa. The untrimmed flowers and trees and the mottled exterior walls of the villa couldn't help but feel more and more confused, but Zhang Jiating couldn't help but walk up the steps in front of the villa, turned around, looked at me, and said: "Come, come, come up."

I hesitated for a while.

Zhang Jiating urged again: "What? It's all here, are you scared again?"

I said: "Of course not." So, I followed and reached out to knock on the door, but at this moment, Zhang Jiating gently took my hand, and gently stopped her and said, "Hey, what's the hurry?" After finishing speaking , unexpectedly pulled out an electronic key, the net door lock flicked, and only heard a "pop", and the door opened.

I was taken aback.

"Why do you have the key here!" As soon as I asked, Zhang Jiating had already pulled me into the room, and then closed the door behind her back. Surroundings, on the first floor of this villa, there is not even a TV set, and there are even fewer household appliances. There is only a lamp above the head, a sofa directly in front, and a wooden table on the side.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a place where people live, let alone a house where rich people live for a long time.

I questioned again: "Where did you take me here! Didn't you say you took me to meet Lin Wan's boyfriend, did you find Lin Wan?"

Who knows, before I finished speaking, Zhang Jiating has already pounced on me, blocked my words with her lips, a burst of crazy kisses, scared me back quickly, slipped my foot, slipped on the sofa, Zhang Jiating changed Without stepping forward, he reached out and pulled my collar, and said with blurred eyes: "Sorry, I lied to you, this is not Lin Wan's home, let alone Lin Wan's boyfriend's home, this is, my secret room!"

Before I could continue to ask questions, she grabbed my collar and pulled it hard. The collar of my shirt, which had been worn loose during the fight, was quickly pulled away, and a white button snapped. out.

My chest was immediately exposed in front of Zhang Jiating, I gritted my teeth and asked, "What are you doing?!"

But it was not Zhang Jiating's voice that answered me, but her movements, her fingers suddenly swam across my chest lightly, and I felt like an electric shock all over my body. You know, I have never felt it in more than 20 years. This touch.She raised her head and said with a smile: "What's so good about Lin Wan, sister likes you, sister knows, you are uncomfortable, but you will be comfortable soon..."

After finishing speaking, she actually came to kiss my chest.

Although the feeling suddenly felt like a dream, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

How does she know I'm not feeling well?Moreover, is it conclusive?
How did she see it, did she already know something? !

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. I looked down and saw that Zhang Jiating's hand was firmly grasping my chest, and her nails were about to sink into the flesh.

I have experienced several crises in the past few days, and my body has already been very sensitive. His action made me immediately realize that the situation was not good. I resisted the pain in my body, and raised my elbow hard. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jiating's action was extremely fast. The cross arm blocked my attack and took several steps back.I quickly stood up and stared at her.

She laughed miserably and said, "Sister said, soon, you will have no more pain." There was a terrifying greed on her face.

I clenched my fists and said in a trembling voice, "Unexpectedly, I did not expect that you are are too!"

What responded to me was a roar. Following the roar, I saw that almost every part of Zhang Jiating's arms, nose, mouth, and eyes began to ooze blood. That originally delicate and beautiful face had now become It was so ferocious, as if it was covered with a bright red mask...

I was so frightened by the ferocious face that I sat down on the sofa again.

It is absolutely impossible for any living person to bleed to this point, as if there is only blood in her body, and all internal organs, tissues and even flesh have turned into blood.

Zhang Jiating let out a roar, and waved her hand to grab me. I turned over and grabbed the backpack to block it. The backpack was sent flying, and a fruit knife fell to the ground.

I couldn't help turning my head to look, but Zhang Jiating had already rushed forward again.

Suppressing the pain in my body, I grabbed her arm, and a stream of blood gushed out from between my fingers—every pore of her seemed to be bleeding.

I was horrified and pushed her aside, she turned over and landed on the table.

I turned over to reach for the fruit knife on the side. Unexpectedly, when Zhang Jiating reached out, she picked up the wooden table on the side with one hand and threw it at me. The table was not big or small, but it looked very heavy. Zhang Jiating like this It is absolutely impossible for a girl to burst out with such a force, which is really unimaginable.

I tried to pick up the table with both hands, but the table was blocked by my "touch", and it fell to the ground with a crackling sound. My fingers, palms and arms were all sore. If it wasn't for the so-called concentrated liquid in my body, I'm afraid my hands are swollen into carrots by this time.

The growing family didn't stop moving. When the table fell to the ground, she rushed forward again, opening her mouth full of blood.

Her fishy smell made me suffocate, and the pain in my body made me dizzy. I was accidentally thrown down by her, and the thick and warm blood dripped on my face little by little.

I want to push this guy away with my feet, but I have almost no strength, and my hands are held down by her. I think, in just a few seconds, she can easily bite off my neck.

I struggled hard, but to no avail. However, at this moment, there was a sudden bang, followed by the crisp sound of glass shattering. I caught a glimpse of the window on the side of the villa being smashed open by someone, a figure in black Turning over and jumping into the room, Zhang Jiating was obviously taken aback and turned around distractedly.

When she was distracted, the strength in my hand suddenly weakened, and I immediately raised my hand violently, and plunged the fruit knife on the side into Zhang Jiating's waist.

Zhang Jiating froze for a moment, but she didn't show the pain she should have. I kicked my feet, and Zhang Jiating fell backwards. Immediately afterwards, I saw the black shadow who rushed into the room from the window just now suddenly take out a Here comes the gun—it should be a shotgun.

Two shots were fired, and in an instant, Zhang Jiating's chest was pierced, and only half of her head was left. What surprised me and even horrified me was that blood was only protruding from her broken body. But not a single bit of internal organ tissue flowed out.

Zhang Jiating shook her body, and hissed, "You...have my blood, you will..." Before finishing speaking, the person who fired the gun loaded his gun again, aiming at Zhang Jiating's head again. .


Thick blood splattered everywhere, I have never seen so much blood, even if I have encountered various bloody incidents before, this is really the first time I have seen such a scene.

There was an eerie silence in the room.

I struggled to get up and looked at the "man in black" in front of me.

It was a guy wearing a black baseball cap. She was quite tall, at least 1.7 meters—although her windbreaker was so wide that it almost concealed her curves, and she was holding a gun in her hand, looking murderous, but I could basically It was determined that it was a woman. Although the white face under the baseball cap seemed to be concealed, she could still distinguish the clear and soft outline that was different from that of a man.

It's a woman again, am I going to have trouble with women today?
(End of this chapter)

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