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Chapter 17 Eagle Eye

Chapter 17 Eagle Eye
"Be careful!" I shouted in my heart, but it was too late to say it.

This is not a TV show, you have to shout out to move, I instinctively rushed forward, the woman in front of me obviously didn't react, and I immediately fell down.

I felt a black shadow pass over my head with a "whoosh", and I even smelled a special fishy smell.

After the black shadow passed by, I quickly turned over and jumped up again. At this time, my body was much more flexible, and the pain all over my body was also reduced. I was afraid that the black shadow would turn back and sprint, so I quickly waited for an opportunity to dodge.

And the moment I jumped up from the woman, the woman had skipped over my body and fired three times.


Clean and tidy, coherent and shocking, I was even unprepared, and I was almost scared to fall the moment I landed.

I really admire this woman's responsiveness, it's so sensitive and terrifying.

When I saw everything in front of me clearly, the black shadow had already landed in the midair. Could it be that at this moment, her three shots hit the target successfully?

The moment the black shadow fell to the ground, I saw clearly what it was.

It was a man, a man with blood on his arms.

I once heard that human skin is the largest organ in the body. At first I didn't feel it intuitively, but at this moment, I felt it thoroughly.

The guy gliding in the air is not relying on his wings, but his skin. His arm is dripping with blood, and the skin on his arm has been fully unfolded, forming two huge wing membranes, with white bone spurs sticking out of his arm Besides, I believe, that is his weapon.His face and body haven't changed much, but this pair of arms is already shocking.

The guy in front of him was wearing baggy trousers, apparently for the run-up and flight. His hair was messy, covering his face, and hissing noises came from behind his hair.

"Huh... monster..." The woman not far from me snorted coldly, and another shot was fired with a "bang".

In an instant, the guy who fell on the ground flew out.

This time, the hand shotgun used by the woman is so powerful that it directly blasts the human body into the air.

But the guy who was rushed out did not land, but turned back and flew into the sky, and disappeared at the top of a villa in a short while.

The woman got up from the ground, looked coldly at the direction where the gliding monster disappeared, and said with frowned eyebrows, "Huh... the wingman..."

"Winged people?" My first reaction was those winged guys in various fantasy novels and online games, as well as another pair of handsome blond guys with big white wings in the movie "X-Men". The shape of the head is far from good, at least the things inside it will not be hideous and disgusting.

"Don't worry about these code names." The woman said again, "Infected people are different, and there must be an official classification and name."

"So..." I was a little surprised, "Actually, the government... the government has already done research on these things?"

"What do you think?" The woman said with a smile, and then, she suddenly retracted her gun, stretched out her right hand, and said, "You did a good job just now, my name is Mo Ge, a sniper from the resistance organization, a carrier of the eagle eye gene, and a synchronization rate About 17%”

I froze for a moment, then stretched out my hand to hold her in a daze, but I didn't know how to answer.

She smiled and said, "Oh, forgot, you still don't understand these terms, I can explain to you slowly, anyone who is injected with the concentrated liquid will gain some abilities to some extent."

"Ability..." I couldn't help being startled, so what kind of ability is mine?
This woman named Mo Ge has the ability of eagle eyes, so her shooting ability and reaction ability are very strong, and she should see farther than anyone else.

What about mine?
And what does the sync rate mean?Want to drive a robot? This is it? !What else is the rejection reaction, what is it all?
I fell into the fog at once.

"Don't think too much," the woman on the opposite side seemed to have seen what I was thinking, and said to me, "You'd better think about how to find Lin Wan first, we can talk while walking."

In fact, I didn't know where to find Lin Wan, so I could only wait until she contacted me. I shook my head and said, "I really don't know where she is."

"Then take me to see her house." Mo Ge said.


Is that hell?
Lin Wan's home is the beginning of everything I have encountered now. To be honest, I don't want to go back. There are always some thoughts of avoiding and conflicting in my heart, which cannot be eliminated.But it seemed that there was no other way, so I had to say, "Then let's go back to the city center by car."

Mo Ge didn't speak, and a pair of bright eyes swept across my face. I don't know why, after knowing that she has the so-called "hawk eye" ability, I feel even more that her eyes are extraordinarily sharp when looking at people.

After getting on the bus, the atmosphere calmed down a little, and I began to ask Mo Ge boldly: "Then what, you can always tell me about the concentrated liquid, synchronization rate, eagle eye, etc. Is something wrong? Didn’t you talk while walking?”

The other party's response was silence. After a long silence, the car reported the stop twice in a row, and then she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Hehe... Our battle with them did not happen overnight, but from the 70s of the last century. The era began."

"What?" I was very surprised, what rhythm is this?The 70s?That was what happened in 197X, how could this be possible, there were such mutants back then?
I wanted to continue asking, but Mo Ge suddenly waved his hand at me and said, "When there are many people, I don't want to talk about that."

I had no choice but to shrink back, and after that, it was silent all the way.

In [-] minutes, we changed cars several times, and finally came to the community where Lin Wan's family is located - the place where everything started - at least that's how it was for me.

I stood at the bottom of that building and dared not go upstairs, but Mo Ge had already gone up first, stood in the corridor, turned to look at me, and said with some dissatisfaction: "What are you doing? How could I not come upstairs?" Do you know which room it is in?"

I sighed and had to follow to help her show the way.

What shocked me was that even though the door of Lin Wan's house was closed, there seemed to be nothing unusual about it. It stands to reason that such a vicious case had occurred, and the case had not yet been solved. It is unlikely that there is no cordon in this place. , There is no seal, if this happens, unless no one has discovered that matter at all, or it has already been dealt with artificially.

I couldn't help but tremble with fear. Could there be a pile of rotten human flesh behind this door?

"Do you have the key?" Mo Ge asked.

I quickly waved my hand and replied: "Are you kidding me? Why do I have a key? I don't have that close relationship with her."

"So you can't get in?" Mo Ge said, walked to the door, and tapped on it lightly.

There was no response, and Mo Ge pressed the electric bell next to him again, but the electric bell seemed to have failed.

I also followed and helped to knock on the door a few times, but there was dead silence on the other side of the door.

As far as I know, the soundproofing effect of this door is not good-otherwise, I would not have heard... that kind of thing that day.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little sad again.

I took a long breath and felt that no matter what the reason, I should not stay in this place any longer.

"Mo Ge..." I frowned and said, "Let's go, we don't know if anyone is watching around here. There used to be such a bloody incident here, but there is neither a seal nor a cordon. Ben Sheng That's not normal."

"If it's the method of the church, then there is nothing abnormal." Mo Ge said lightly.

"Church?" Another church came out, what is this?
"Yes, it is our enemy, the creator of those infected." Mo Ge turned his face and stared at me with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Could it be that these infected people were created by a certain religious organization?No, such an organization should not be called a religious organization, but a cult organization...

Mo Ge seemed to have been searching around the door for a while, then turned around and said, "I can't see anything here, but the door is broken, it was broken, and it was forced to close. There are still blood stains under the door, and with your current skills, it is very easy to get in, but I am afraid that there will be trouble in getting in."

I nodded, and I also mean the same thing. Although I have been suffering from illness for a while, to be honest, it is very easy to open a door with the ability I have now.

But I also don't want to get in trouble with myself, I have enough trouble already.

"Let's go." Mo Ge finally made a choice that I agree with.

The two of us went downstairs side by side, she looked a little annoyed, it seemed that she was also very eager to find Lin Wan, this female sniper who looked about my age, what did she want to do with Lin Wan?
(End of this chapter)

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