global variation

Chapter 295 Prelude to the decisive battle, taking turns to encounter battles

Chapter 295 Prelude to the decisive battle, taking turns to encounter battles

The government army base was in chaos. Due to the intervention of the men in black, we almost effortlessly disturbed the entire base. The soldiers were killed or injured, but Lin Wan seemed to feel that even this was not enough. What she wanted was All these people died, and although I can't say that I have any compassion, I don't have the habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately. I know very well that most of these soldiers are not as evil as Lin Wan thought. They are just helpless, or in other words, as cowardly as I used to be.

"According to the original plan, directly attack the command room." I said.

"That's very dangerous." Lin Wan reminded, "If we fail, we may never return."

"Either method is risky." I said emphatically, "The explosion of the ammunition depot may also affect us."

Lin Wan didn't say anything more.

I took her hand and was about to take her away when you took her away, but she gently pushed me away and said, "I'll wait for you here, and I'll help you operate the jammer."

This place is not far from the central command room, maybe it is the best choice for Lin Wan to die, I nodded and said, "Okay, that's it, be careful."

Lin Wan let out a "huh".

I left quickly and walked towards the command room of the camp. When I was only a hundred meters away from the command room, I suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, no matter what happens outside, the vicinity of the command room must still be heavily guarded, but at this time, I discovered that there are not many people nearby.

I couldn't help becoming alert, slowed down my pace, and approached the command room cautiously, but within a few steps, I saw a large amount of blood stains on the wall on the slanted side. Following the blood stains, I saw a person falling in the corner below the metal wall. Half of his body, his legs were drooping, and blood and intestines were still oozing out from the crack that was severed from the waist.And the upper half of the corpse was above the metal gun, apparently thrown up by someone.

This kind of guy who forcibly tore people in half was either an infected person or a variant of those men in black.

I was mentally prepared to continue a tough battle, so I quickened my pace again and walked towards the core building of the command room. Sure enough, the closer I got to the core building, the more dead bodies were on the ground. The wounds on the broken parts of the young corpses were very smooth, and there were some wounds where no blood flowed out at all, only some tissues and organs were still functioning intact, but the human body had been exhausted.

I can basically confirm that it is the troops of the men in black.

But, didn't those people call in? Aren't they still fighting with government soldiers at the door?Could it be that they have launched a sneak attack here from somewhere?

I bravely walked into the interior of the central building. The situation inside was even worse than the outside. More corpses were lying around, the ground was covered with sticky blood, and there were large pieces of internal organs and stumps. That murderous "monster" It seems that he has gone crazy here, he doesn't even bother to use his "ability", and directly tears his opponent apart.

I turned around the corridor and walked slowly into the depths of the base. All I stepped on were a large sticky object.

I felt that I was getting closer and closer to the central control room. At this time, I heard the sound of "bang bang bang". Obviously, there must be someone in the small room that is not too big.

I gritted my teeth, shook my arms, and felt the flames emerging from my arms.

"Hmm..." I heard a low growl, and in the corridor not far in front of me, suddenly a black shadow flew over. I took a side step, and the man flew past me in the air, and fell heavily on the ground , I took a closer look, only to find that it was a corpse whose head had been pulled out.

I became more alert and walked towards the entrance of the command room in front of me step by step.

At this time, I saw another hand, a bloody hand, moving out little by little with difficulty.

Then, behind that hand, a bloody face appeared, that face was terrifying, its features could no longer be discerned, the face and forehead seemed to have been forcibly peeled off.The man was still alive, but he was about to die. The moment he crawled out, the skin on his back was turning into black mist and flying into the air.

This guy is being sucked into flesh.

I gritted my teeth, turned over and jumped to the door of the command room. I saw a tall man in a black windbreaker standing with his back facing me. He seemed to be rummaging for something. Looking at his back, I was startled. It's all too familiar, but isn't he already dead?No, didn't he already run away?

I couldn't help but take a step back and clenched my fists.

The man turned around slowly. At this time, half of his fat face was completely covered with horny skin, his eyeballs had already fallen off, his whole face was three parts human and seven parts ghost, and the calmness and handsomeness in the center of the circle had long since disappeared. Disappeared, at this moment there is only madness and terror, he stared at me coldly, slowly raised his hand.

"What are you doing here." I gritted my teeth and said, "Zhang Chu..."

"Hehe, are you here after all?" Zhang Chu said.

"You came here for..." At this time, I saw Zhang Chu's hand was on a button in the command room, and the original controller at that position had already been twisted off by him.

The moment I caught a glimpse of that button, my heart tightened: "You... those teams in black are also you..."

"Hehe, do you really think that my target is only you?" Zhang Chu said, "Although you are also a very important research object for me, if you can get first-hand data, it is better than taking it slow by yourself Research is much easier, isn't it?"

"Bastard!" I gritted my teeth and said, "You have become what you are now, what is the difference from me."

"Yeah, since everyone is a monster, it's okay, isn't it?" Zhang Chu said, "Maybe in the future, it will be a world of mutants like us, a world where Ebola virus and humans coexist? But in Before that, we still have to obey the law of the jungle, and you will be eliminated by me."

"Hehe." I sneered.

While talking, suddenly, I heard a "bang", and a huge hole was knocked open in the metal wall next to me. At the same time, two black corpses staggered in, and I widened my eyes. , I seem to feel something.I knew something was coming, but I didn't expect him to appear at this time.

"Death knight..." I let out a low growl, the words still lingering. Outside, a figure in a black toga flashed into the room. The steel armor on his body seemed to be more shiny than before, and half of his body was almost completely composed of steel and machinery. The robe fluttered, and the silver bone sword under that guy's hand was like a life-threatening charm. Although I might not be his opponent at this time, I still took a step back in fright.

This instinctive fear seemed to give Zhang Chu an opportunity. The guy didn't care about the death knight and the two corpses he manipulated at all. With a kick of his feet, he rushed straight towards me.

I let out a roar, and instinctively flew to block it, and there were several explosions, the flames flew up, and Zhang Chu flew back to the original place immediately.

As soon as I moved my shoulders, the black fleshy wings opened immediately, and I swept down, the wings cut the two corpses into two pieces like sharp blades.

"You changed?" the death knight roared in a low voice.

"Huh..." I stepped forward, just resisted Zhang Chu, and then flew to punch the death knight. The death knight swung out his long sword, and the flames suddenly appeared. I confronted the death knight in the narrow passage, Sparks directly ignited the nearby corpse and the large piece of black flesh, perhaps because the space was already filled with the Ebola virus, so within a short while, the corridor was filled with flames—the flames were burning in the air, and a piece of The sea of ​​fire is even more spectacular and terrifying.

After a while, the death knight and I had already matched several moves in a row. Although there was no routine at all, and it was not even considered a fight, the moves were fatal.

Zhang Chu's body was also burned by the flames, but he seemed to have no sense of pain, and punched me hard one after another.

My two fists were no match for four hands, and I took advantage of the gap between the two sides' attacks to quickly rush out of the metal gunshot hole in the corridor.

The death knight and Zhang Chu immediately chased them out. The death knight waved his toga, and the green gas hit me immediately, like a strange wave. I held my breath, and swung out a section of flame, which passed through the dark green gas , shot straight at Zhang Chu, Zhang Chu had no time to dodge, and was affected by the confrontation between me and the death knight, and hit the metal wall beside him with a bang.

I flew down, gritted my teeth and said, "You guys, why are you all gathered here..."

I knew that no one would answer at all, but I was still confused and asked the question.

But at this moment, I heard a burst of fierce shouts, and in an instant, I was surrounded by more than a dozen people—has Zhang Chu’s people slaughtered all those government troops?How could you surround me here? !

Just Zhang Chu and the death knight already made it hard for me to resist, let alone these dozen people.

I instinctively wanted to escape, kicked my feet, and wanted to use my flesh and blood wings to rush to the sky, but for a while, my body seemed to be bound by something. Words of pain.

I know that a dozen people, including Zhang Chu, are using their "ability" at the same time. Even if one or two people can't control me, a dozen of them are enough to cooperate with the Ebola virus on me and subdue me completely!
I gritted my teeth and stared at those guys. They regarded the death knight as nothing at this time, and started to fight me with all their strength.

It's ridiculous.

They are all human beings, but in the end, in front of the most powerful infected person, they can kill each other with their own kind.

The death knight seemed to be very interested in our battle, I could hear his sneer, he stood at the door, rubbing the metal sword in his hand, looking at me coldly.

My body is still unable to move.

"Ah!" I roared wildly, but there was no way to get rid of the shackles.

At this time, even the white spot of light never appeared!
When I needed this guy, this guy didn't come out, what is it...

While thinking about it, suddenly, I heard another loud noise.

The loud noise exploded not far from me, and at the same time, there was a burst of dust and flesh flying up, and the two men in black immediately lost half of their bodies.

fell to the ground.

My physical comfort seems to have eased a bit.

At this time, suddenly, another black figure rushed straight from the side and rushed into the crowd of men in black. I didn't see her make a move, but only saw a few rays of knife light. Immediately afterwards, several soldiers in black fell down. On the ground, some heads fell, and some were cut off in the middle and then beheaded.

The power that restrained me immediately collapsed, I waved my hands, and the flames rushed out, and then I rushed towards Zhang Chu who was at a loss at the side with the heat wave.

This time, I absolutely cannot let him go.

Who knows, before I got close to Zhang Chu, a silver bone sword like metal was lying in front of me, I retreated instinctively, and the bone sword immediately swept towards me again.

I turned over in the air and finally stood on the ground, only to find that the death knight was already standing in front of Zhang Chu.

"You, protect this guy?"

"Protection?" The death knight sneered, "No, not protection!"

(End of this chapter)

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