global variation

Chapter 67 The Origin of the Infected

Chapter 67 The Origin of the Infected
"This is my temporary laboratory." Lin Wan looked around and finally stared at me.

I was at a loss for words.

Lin Wan turned around, walked slowly to the researcher who was manipulating the computer in the middle, and said, "How about the data test results?"

"It's basically confirmed." The man glanced at Lin Wan, then stretched out his hand and pressed a button next to it. After a while, he pulled out the printed document of three chapters from the side of the machine and handed it to Lin Wan. After looking at it, my eyes fell on me again, I smiled slightly and said, "The situation is not very optimistic."

"What? What do you mean?" I wondered.

Lin Wan replied: "Your synergy rate composite index is 2.7%, but the probability of rejection exceeds 50%. Your body is still very dangerous."

I rolled my eyelids and thought to myself: This is not thanks to you.

But when the words came to his lips, it turned into a question: "2.7% among all people, what is the level?"

"Among all your recruits, the one with the highest coordination rate is..." Lin Wan manipulated extremely with one hand, and soon, the outline of a female body appeared on the screen, with a series of incomprehensible symbols and data all over her body.

"This person, named Huang Qian, injected bat concentrate. The synchronization rate is about 12%. However, her ability is better than yours, but the risk factor of injection is higher." Lin Wan said with a smile, " The risk factor of your injection is not very high, but..."

I frowned.

"The main effect of the bat concentrate is to allow people to have the ability to emit bat-like ultrasonic waves. This ability has been improved in the laboratory. The injector can not only detect the distance of objects through the echo of ultrasonic waves, but also Perceptual radio. In other words, this is a kind of thought power, and it is probably a small step in our research on spiritual power.” Lin Wan did not speak, and the operator explained, “It’s just that the science involving the brain, after all, It is more dangerous, so this female soldier named Huang Qian has a good ability to accept it."

I'm not interested in hearing what they have to say, I'm only interested in what my 2.7% actually means.

I asked again: "Then I... such a low synchronization rate, what does it mean?"

"Bringing you here today is to let you figure out what the concentrate is, and to let you know more about your current physical condition." Lin Wan couldn't move to the metal wall beside it. There is no computer equipment here. She stretched out her hand Press the button on the side of the metal gun, and the metal wall turned into a door, which opened slowly. Inside the opened door was a whole wall of bookshelves.

Between my astonishment and stupefaction, Lin Wan walked up the stairs protruding from one side of the bookshelf, pulled out a folder from the top of the bookshelf, and opened it in front of my face.

Lin Wan said: "For me, that period of history is also a little strange, so I have to use documents to tell you."

I pouted.

Lin Wan continued: "Let's put it this way, the so-called infection virus, the auxiliary material that has been concentrated, is actually an African hemorrhagic fever virus, Ebola."

"Ebola virus?!" I remember watching a horror movie about this virus when I was a child. It should be a Hong Kong movie, and it seems to involve something like "human meat pork buns". A virus, isn't it deadly?How can it cause people to mutate, and how can it be used to make concentrated liquid?

"Wait..." I said, "Isn't Ebola deadly? What, you mean... you mean the infected and the concentrate are actually of the same species?"

"That's right, this period of history is rarely mentioned. Even here, there are only a few sporadic archives." Lin Wan said, "In principle, the rebel organization is unwilling to let this kind of thing go out, but it is not necessary to discuss it in private. It's nothing, because it's hard for me to continue to explain the origin of the concentrate to you without explaining everything clearly, so I don't shy away from anything today...but." She smiled and said, "I'm not saying that. You must be right, just listen to it."

She is very wordy, but also very tactful.

I can secretly feel the unusualness of the incident.

At this moment, I can only listen quietly.

Lin Wan said: "Ebola virus is indeed a deadly hemorrhagic fever virus, but its history is much longer than human beings. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Ebola virus existed in this world, and they continue to mutate. Evolution, from a scientific point of view, I even think they are smarter than humans. After the Ebola virus enters the living body, it can effectively control the immune system in the human body, making the virus uninhabited, and then, It begins to parasitize the disease and destroy various organs of the human body. After entering the human body organs, this virus will release a special signal to completely destroy human cells... Hehe, to put it simply, it is like a computer virus. It’s like setting wrong codes and causing the program to completely crash. This virus is enough to destroy the entire human body from the cells, causing the various organs of the person to bleed profusely, and even turn into blood.”

"I know, I've heard of it, it's a terrible virus." I bowed my head.

Lin Wan nodded and said, "But what is more terrifying is not Ebola itself. In fact, Ebola has been effectively prevented and controlled decades ago. But the mutant virus we are facing now has other characteristics. A role."


"They can not only destroy the human cell structure, but also reshape the cell structure!" Lin Wan said, "Research has found that without any intervention, this Ebola variant virus body can choose the most beneficial for its own survival. Hosting means to reshape human cells, or achieve the function of coexisting with the human body, or directly destroy the human body and control human beings."

"Controlling humans?"

"There is no direct case or evidence to prove that the Ebola virus can do this, but..." Lin Wan looked worried, "Although everything is just theory, theory is always one of the basis for practice."

My mood became tense for an instant.

Aren't human beings the primates of all things? How do you listen to Lin Wan's meaning, we seem to be played by a group of primitive viruses and applauded?

Lin Wan adjusted her glasses, and continued: "As for the Divine Body Asceticism, they have been researching this new type of mutant virus since the 70s—what kind of extreme cult is the Divine Body Penance? You should already understand, right?"

I nodded.

"Well... I... I understand." Shao Guangyi told me about those dark histories, and I still remember almost every word.

Lin Wan nodded, and continued: "They have basically mastered the technology to control this new type of virus, and use it to transform human beings, first starting with believers, then bewitching other people, and what's more, they started to release the virus As far as the people are concerned, of course, before the war in City Z started, they had never dispatched an army of infected people on a large scale, nor had they released the virus on a large scale. They often used some small mountain villages as experimental subjects. The basic steps were—— Let the mountain village residents who are almost isolated from the outside world be infected with the virus, and then select the best among the surviving people to reform and experiment, the virus tries to control them both physically and mentally, and finally makes them the fighting machines of the church."

"Over the years, the resistance organization has been fighting with them, and it has become more and more fierce. I think now, it should be the peak of the struggle. This spiritual body penance society should also be unable to hold back. City Z is definitely just the beginning. In the future , their actions will become even more rampant."

Anyone should have thought of this point, but I didn't dare to think about it. Even if I just thought about it, I felt extremely horrified.

Lin Wan said again: "But having said that, in fact, the rebellion organization and the Ascetic Society of the Spirit Body originally came from the same source, and there are even a group of people in the government army who are related to this group of people."

"What?!" I looked at Lin Wan suspiciously.

Lin Wan straightened her long hair at the sideburns, motioned for me to sit down, and then looked at the researchers present. Those people seemed to have not listened to our agreement at all. Lin Wan sighed and continued: "You It should be known that before the New York incident in the 80s, the Divine Body Penance Society was not officially classified as a cult organization, at least in the international community."

(End of this chapter)

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