global variation

Chapter 69 Private Nursing

Chapter 69 Private Nursing
Lin Wan didn't say anything more, let alone explain to me what the "operation of death" meant three days later.

She was silent for a long time. After drinking a glass of water, she stood up and said, "I've finished what I want to tell you. Do you have any questions?"

I thought about it, sighed slightly, and said, "I only have one question for you."

"You said."

"How's your body feeling?" I asked.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm a scientific researcher and I understand the human body better than you." Lin Wan chuckled and said, "You just need to protect yourself."

I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, but I don't know what to say.

Lin Wan reached out and patted my shoulder, and said, "Okay, you go back, the big battle is coming, take a good rest."

"Is that all?" I said, "Is that all for today's training and lessons?"

"Actually, there is no training." Lin Wan said, "Your training has been completed in battle, and you can only continue to improve in battle in the future. That kind of boring basic practice is for people who have no combat experience. .”

"Okay." I stood up too.

"Take care." After Lin Wan finished speaking, she actually gave me a military salute.

I quickly straightened up and returned the salute.

Lin Wan couldn't help laughing "puchi", bent down suddenly, put one hand on my shoulder, and said, "Oh, no, I can't come here with you, I will laugh."

I couldn't help laughing, but there was still an indescribable sadness in my heart.

"You go back." After a while, Lin Wan raised her head, took off her glasses, smoothed her messy hair, and said, "I have already entered your code instructions in the elevator and the security system of the laboratory. In the future, you only need to verify the genetic information to come in, which is very convenient.”

"I... I don't understand these things, what's the use of me coming in..." I said.

"From now on, this will be our secret base." Lin Wan said with a smile.

I couldn't help but glanced around at the other people in the lab.

Lin Wan probably saw what I meant, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we're all on our own. If you're still worried..." She touched the button on the wall, and the bookshelf was slowly covered by the metal baffle. But another door suddenly opened next to the bookshelf, and here, there is actually a small compartment.

"This is my room," Lin Wan walked slowly into the hut.

The room is bigger than mine, and the furnishings are similar to mine. Probably the rest rooms of the whole building are designed to match. However, probably because she is a girl, there is a very faint fragrance in her room , seems to exist.

Lin Wan smiled and said, "From now on, if we talk here, we don't have to hide anything."

My heart suddenly seemed to be touched lightly by something, causing ripples in layers.

Is this a date in disguise?
But I didn't dare to continue thinking, I know, that's meaningless.Now is the age of war, the age of war, probably shouldn't think too much about other things, and I, Xiang Lin Wan, don't have any special thoughts.

So, I nodded and said, "Thank you."

"There is nothing to thank for that." Lin Wan said, "However, in the future, when I ask you to come down to the laboratory, don't shirk."

"Hmm..." I nodded slightly.

"In a while, Mo Ge will send you the communication device and clothing dedicated to the resistance organization," Lin Wan said, "At that time, you will officially join the formation of the resistance organization, and the communication device with your related personnel will also be in the You write down your code when you turn on the machine."

"Understood." I nodded again.

Sure enough, in the resistance organization, everything will be arranged for us in a simple and direct way, and what we have to do is to stand by, execute, and die...

After leaving the underground laboratory, I went directly to the restaurant. I didn’t eat all day yesterday. To be honest, I felt an inexplicable sense of nausea whenever I saw meat during this period, especially the large pieces of barbecue provided by the restaurant. When I saw them , I always felt that I saw the scorched corpse lying on the street again.

It wasn't until today that I felt a little bit hungry and had to eat something.

But in the end, I chose the simplest vegetarian soup and rice to eat. I sat alone at the side of the restaurant, silent, worried, and didn't want to talk to anyone.

But things turned out to be contrary to my expectations. I ate less than half of the food when someone sat across from me. At that time, I didn’t look up, I only saw a shadow.But I can probably guess that at this time, Zhang Ziyang is probably the only one who will come to me carelessly.

So, I simply continued to lower my face and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's our first time meeting." A girl's voice came from the opposite side, "Are you Chu Tingsheng, a soldier from Special Operations Squad?"

I froze for a moment, and could not help but slowly raised my head.

I saw that sitting in front of me was a young girl with short hair.

Her appearance is completely different from Lin Wan and Mo Ge's. Her eyes are agile, her facial features are well-defined, her face is rosy and small, and she looks lively and cute. If Ah Meng is like a little girl who came out of a cartoon, then this girl is more Ah Meng is more realistic and approachable, like a little girl next door.She was dressed very casually, probably because of the temperature control device in the base, she only wore a white women's long-sleeved shirt, holding something similar to a business card in both hands, and approached me, half shyly Said: "Hello! My name is Zhu Qing, and I am... a researcher under Teacher Lin Wan. Now, the organization has arranged for me to be your exclusive nurse!"

"You...are my exclusive care?!" I froze for a moment.

At this time, another voice suddenly came from the side: "She is just a nurse in life. I am responsible for testing, nursing and assisting you in combat." The voice was calm but clear.

I couldn't help but turn my face away, a slender boy walked up slowly with his hands in his jeans.

He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was wearing a white shirt, which was meticulously trimmed, yet somewhat dignified in his leisure.

And when I saw his face, my heart skipped a beat.

Is Xiaoxia resurrected? !
He wears black-rimmed glasses. Although he doesn't look similar to Xiao Xia, and he doesn't have a bit of a "sissy" feeling like Xiao Xia, he can be regarded as that kind of gentle and calm boy.The face is fair and clean, the lips are carved like a knife, the bridge of the nose is high and sharp, and although the eyes are blocked by the glasses, they still show a ray of heroism.However, this heroic spirit does not give people a sense of coldness and inhumanity like Zhang Chu, but makes people feel comfortable and friendly.

To be honest, the first impressions given to me by these two people are really good, but I haven't figured out why the base sent me two more nurses. Although Mo Ge mentioned it before, I didn't expect it to come so soon .

The boy also took out a "business card", handed it to me, and said, "Zhu Qing and I are both researchers under Teacher Lin Wan. My name is Li Jin. Unlike her, I am not only a researcher, but also a soldier. Eel Concentrate, I'm... the magician in the team."

I took the business cards of the two and looked at them carefully for a while. Then I realized that I seemed a little rude, so I stood up straight and shook hands with them, and said, "Sorry, the organization didn't notify you before, so..."

"You're welcome, everyone will be a family from now on." Zhu Qing said with a smile.

Li Jin also nodded, and said, "If I don't like you, I'll electrocute you when I shake hands."

At this time, I remembered that I seemed to have seen them in the underground research room, and I couldn't help but say, "When Lin Wan and I were talking down there just now, were you recording data..."

"You finally remembered!" Zhu Qing laughed.

The people in the underground research room were all wearing white coats, and both of them had short hair. I couldn't tell the difference between the men and women at a glance. No wonder Lin Wan said that the people below were all her own.

"Okay, let's not bother the hero for dinner." Li Jin probably saw my slightly embarrassed expression, and said, "Let's just introduce ourselves, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble at work in the future."

In fact, I really want to ask, to what extent is this "personal care" and "private"? If they are all like Lin Wan, they can look at my naked body to record data, without changing expression or heartbeat— —I, I really can't bear it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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