Chapter 72
Near the iron gate on the other side of the hospital, the environment looks even more gloomy and terrifying. This seems to be the inpatient building of the hospital. Generally, the inpatient building is the most evil place in the hospital, because there are often the most dead people here, and it may be connected to the morgue.

But at this moment, what we are afraid of is not the illusory things like evil spirits. What we have to face are living mutant creatures and real people—if they can still be considered human beings.

The outer wall of the gate of the hospital has been mottled, and the exquisitely carved holy paintings have broken and fallen off at this moment. The Gothic iron gate stands in front of us. The railings are dark, and the cross at the top is like a key, like a navigation buoy. , like a prop that shows a certain special meaning.

Under this gloomy sky, everything is covered with a mysterious color, with some kind of meaning that makes people feel hairy.

I just feel very cold, not the cold weather, but the chill from the inside out.

We stood close to the wall next to the door, there were ten of us here, and I knew Shao Guangyi, Yitian and Li Jin. It stands to reason that I was not alone in such a team, but At this moment, my heart was empty.

"Turn off all your communication equipment! If you can't turn it off, block the signal." Shao Guangyi ordered.

"What?! The roads there are complicated and the light is dim. Let's turn off the communication system, just in case they get separated..." someone questioned.

"You can imagine, can't the enemy think of it? Since they can interfere with the radio on the gunship, they can detect our walkie-talkie signal. It will be more dangerous to enter with the radio on. Maybe we enter the hospital with our front feet, and they will immediately locate and track us with our back feet. !" Shao Guangyi said, "I obey orders!"

We had to do it quickly.

"When attacking, try to use pistols, special daggers and miniature submachine guns, and avoid large-scale firefights, so as not to startle the enemy, do you hear me?" Shao Guangyi ordered again.

"Yes!" We could only obey.

After everything was ready, Shao Guangyi waved his hand to signal us to climb over the wall and enter the hospital immediately.

It took less than half a minute from when we climbed over the iron gate to when we rushed into the inpatient building of the hospital from an unclosed safety exit.

At this time, the communication device came in handy.

The communication tool in our hands can still be used as a timer after it is turned off, and the dial can also be displayed on the screen. People who know how to survive in the wild can locate the direction of true north by looking at the hour.

On the other hand, one side of the communication device can be folded to reveal a button the size of a fingernail. This button is used to control the lighting device at the front, and can adjust the brightness and move the irradiation point, whether it is used in the dark It is very convenient for aiming or general lighting.

After entering the long corridor of the inpatient building, we folded the communication devices one after another and turned on the lights, but the brightness had to be adjusted to almost the lowest level. This gathered light did not seem to be of much benefit to us. The people behind can only follow the pioneers, not daring to leave an inch.

Since it is a church hospital, every wall and every inch of the ground here seems to bear traces of religion.

The biblical figures, carved or painted on the wall, looked very hideous under our dim light.

I don't know if it's nervousness, but I even feel that each of them has been corrupted by the infected.

Turning the corridor between the first and second floors, we came to the corridor of the inpatient department on the second floor.

There is still a dead silence here, but I can vaguely smell a stench.

Moreover, I don't know if I am too sensitive, but I always feel that there is something stalking in this layer of darkness.

There are more than a dozen rooms on both sides of the corridor of the inpatient department. Since our task is to search for the location of the command room, we cannot give up any possible clues.

Shao Guangyi ordered in a low voice: "We are a group of people acting together. The goal is too big and the efficiency is too low. Chu Tingsheng, Li Jin, Wu Lun, Chen Sheng, you four, follow me to search the second floor, and the other five people, you continue to the third floor." Go upstairs and be safe."


Divide the troops into two groups. Although it is dangerous, there is no other way.

The five of us tried our best to keep walking in the middle of the corridor. Although the doors of the wards on both sides were closed tightly and the windows were dark, we couldn't be sure if there was something deadly hidden there.

When the lighting device in our hands swept across the corridors, doors and windows of the ward, we finally determined that this place was indeed in danger.

There are bloodstains everywhere on the doors, walls, and corridors of the wards here. In some places, there are only a few drops or a few bloody fingerprints, but in other places, there is a large beach spreading out, which is shocking.

"There was a battle here... No, it should be said that there was a massacre here." Shao Guangyi gritted his teeth.

Massacre, what does that mean?
As we walked forward, the bloody smell became stronger and stronger, and I was even choked to the point of nausea.

I resisted the unsuitability of my body and the layer upon layer of restlessness in my heart, tried my best to calm my mind, steady my steps, and followed Shao Guangyi to move forward little by little.

Suddenly, I heard a few small sounds of "clicking".

I couldn't help becoming alert, and quickly picked up the pistol.

"Attention!" Shao Guangyi obviously noticed the approaching danger, and stopped all of us with his hand.

"Keep in battle formation!" He ordered again.

All of us immediately gathered around, with our guns pointed outward, paying attention to the movements in all directions.

"Hiss..." There were two low groans again, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, making people's hairs stand on their heads and chills.

"Pay attention to the top!" At this moment, Shao Guangyi suddenly raised the miniature submachine gun in his hand.

I also raised my head up, aiming the muzzle at the dark ceiling.

But at this moment, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a black mass wriggling slowly in the corner of the corridor ceiling.

Although my eyes can adapt to the darkness, I can only see the outline of that guy clearly.

However, I judged that it was definitely a person, a person curled up on the side of the ceiling.

How can a person run up to the ceiling? !Does he have the same ability to climb up against the wall like Ah Meng?But that guy obviously didn't stick to the wall, but almost fell down.

Without even thinking about it, I raised the gun to aim, and the white light of the lighting device in my hand just swept across, and I had already shot.

There was a "poof", the gunshot was slight, but the guy on the ceiling let out a strange cry that resounded through the entire corridor, and then turned over and fell, struggling on the ground. This guy seemed to be a winged man. I stretched my arms for a moment, and I clearly saw a wide wing membrane flapping in the dark.

I stepped forward and fired again.


The shot hit him accurately in the head.

The guy's head was the closest to me at the time, probably because he was injured and lost his balance, so he didn't even bother to dodge.


With a muffled sound like a balloon bursting, the brains of the "winged man" in front of him burst.

"Good job!" Yiren stopped moving, and Shao Guangyi patted me on the shoulder, "However, for things that can be done with one shot, it's best not to fire a second shot. Bullets are precious."

I didn't speak, feeling a little embarrassed.

Shao Guangyi waved to us, and we cautiously approached the body of the "Winged Man", everyone was obviously resisting the stench coming towards us.Several beams of light gathered together and condensed on the body of the winged man.

I found that this so-called winged man seemed to have undergone a more extreme transformation than the guy I saw before. There was no trace of skin on his body, and his bright red muscles were exposed, just like a human specimen from a medical school.And those two huge wings are not made of stretched skin like the previous Wingman, but a piece of fleshy membrane connected with the arm muscles, which was forcibly stretched and opened, due to the pulling of the hand muscles He was open and growing misshapenly, exposing the bones of his arms.

Seeing such a corpse makes my stomach churn.

"This thing..." But Shao Guangyi at the side was lost in thought, "Don't you think this thing looks like an animal?"

"Animals." At this moment, everyone was very puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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