Chapter 88

At that moment, the capsule, dry and tasteless, slid down my esophagus in my astonishment, as if it disappeared into my body.

At this moment, that dreamlike feeling completely changed.

what is this? !!

I hurriedly pushed Lin Wan away, and Lin Wan took a few steps back.

I was terrified in my heart, stared at Lin Wan with wide eyes, and said, "What did you eat for me?!"

"The medicine to alleviate your rejection reaction." Lin Wan stood where she was, lowered her eyes, and said lightly.

" give me medicine, do you need to use this method?" To be honest, I felt uneasy.

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "No need, it's just... I want to kiss you, and this is the only way..."

"What are you talking about...what nonsense." I stared at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan didn't answer my question, but said to herself: "You haven't answered my question yet... Would you like to leave with me?"

I straightened up, managed to stabilize my mind, and asked, "Is it you...are you instigating a mutiny?"

"I..." She raised her head slowly, but her eyes were not looking at me.

I seemed to have the answer, stepped forward and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because the base will be finished soon." Lin Wan's mouth hooked up, as if smiling bitterly, "I will also be finished soon."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" I snapped. "You're not well, aren't you! Is there no cure?"

"Escape from here." Lin Wan turned her face and said.

Lin Wan seemed to know something, and I recalled what she had said last time but didn't finish, so I couldn't help asking: "What do you know, is there anything you can't say? No matter what, you should let me I understand, what is the basis for what you said."

"Now, have you started asking me why?" Lin Wan smiled, "You really have changed..."

I didn't answer, I was waiting for her to give me a convincing reason.

Lin Wan pondered for a moment, and finally turned around and took out the tablet computer I saw last time from the room, and stretched out her fine fingers to slide the screen. After a while, a strange black and viscous figure appeared on the computer screen. From the photo of the creature, the guy is bent over, and the front of the body seems to be resting on a sucker-shaped mouthpart.This thing is very similar to a leech, which is what we often call a leech, but judging from the reference in the photo, this guy seems to be much bigger than a leech.

"what is this?"

"If this kind of thing really still exists in this world, we should call it the rotting-faced black leech."

"Rot-faced black leech?!" I've never heard of such a creature.

"That's right," Lin Wan said, "Didn't I tell you that this matter involves an old case of a resistance organization? I didn't want you to get involved at first, but now it seems that you still know about it good."

"What exactly is this?"

"In the late [-]s, when Xie Chun, the chief researcher of the resistance organization, was organizing research on the pathological characteristics of Ebola virus, a research accident occurred. At that time, the conditions of the research institute were poor, and the cultivation room and the research room were in the same space. That accident caused some of the Ebola virus liquid to leak out. Although the situation was brought under control, some of the Ebola variants were parasitic on an artificially bred leech." Lin Wan was silent for a moment, and said, " Professor Xie Chun wanted to make a mistake at that time, and simply used this leech to conduct in vivo research. Who knew that after the parasitic leech mutated, it suddenly got into the body of a young researcher, and within a short time, the researcher's face was The whole skin is corroded."

"The resistance organization had to order the immediate removal of the infected leech, but...and my father Lin Baihe, who was known as the craziest researcher at the time...he secretly preserved the leech in culture medium, wanting to further Carrying out research... He is actually trying to resist the good organization. If at that time we can grasp the pathological characteristics of Ebola when it affects various organisms, and the principle of their transformation of biological cells, then our research can save countless steps detour."

"But..." Lin Wan lowered her eyebrows and said, "This action has brought endless disasters to the resistance organization."

"Did a lot of people get corrupted and die?" I said.

"That's not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that the leeches will split..." Lin Wan said, "Moreover, they not only start to corrupt the members of the resistance organization, but also have the function of parasitism, they will parasitize on the members of the resistance organization face, until those people die..."

"It's scary..." I said, "but what does this have to do with offshore bases, is this happening again?"

"I'm not sure..." Lin Wan took a deep breath, shook her head with a tense expression, "'s very possible. After the leeches were completely removed, my father was executed for violating military discipline , but he left behind an important research material. My mother gave me the research material out of hatred, but refused to let me make it public... This material was almost forgotten by me until now, until Liang Wenhui The dead body was found, and I remembered this information again."

"Is there something wrong with Liang Wenhui's body?"

"Just imagine, if Liang Wenhui is really the mastermind behind the scenes, why would he show up in front of you without any scruples? Isn't that too ridiculous?" Lin Wan said, "Why did he let you see his face? Why do you lock your location and track it? Have you thought about it?"

I also felt something was wrong, but I didn't think deeply about it.

Lin Wan added: "His purpose is very clear, that is, to make you think that the mastermind behind the scenes is Liang Wenhui, and if he throws out another corpse, that mediocre Wei Guodong will immediately think that our victory is in sight, and immediately lead his troops to Stop the so-called 'runaway church troops'!"

"You mean that what we saw was not Liang Wenhui?! But how could Shao Guangyi admit the wrong person?"

"Is what you saw real?"

"what do you mean……"

"The research materials left by my father show that the corrupted black blood leeches have acquired a special genetic memory ability after being pathologically modified by the Ebola virus, that is, they can record human beings during the process of corrosion and parasitism The facial feature information of the human body is stored in a tissue or organ similar to an information storage device in the body - this organ should not have been found in leeches, but the Ebola virus has indeed transformed such an organ... The reason why the faces of those parasitic researchers at that time had various changes was because of this ability to record facial information."

"You mean... this technology may have been used by the church?" I stared at Lin Wan.

"At first, I just guessed, because the technology at that time could not successfully use the ability of the black blood leech to disguise, but...hehe, now that the group of people in the base are preparing to block it with great fanfare, I can basically be sure of them I must have fallen into the trap." Lin Wan started to cough very badly, I hurried up and patted her on the back, after a while, she stopped coughing, gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said, " Almost [-]% to [-]% of the troops were dispatched here to block Zhanhai City, and the offshore base became an empty shell, but a large amount of research materials and almost all the researchers stayed. Hehe, that Wei Guodong The old man wants us to bury his mistakes!"

"You mean, the real purpose of the church is to lure them out and attack offshore bases?"

"That's right." Lin Wan said, "I have secretly inspected the central control system of the offshore base, and the result I got is that in recent months, the terminal system here has actually recorded several abnormal data, but The higher authorities have covered up all this, because once the defense of the offshore base is breached, even if there is a small loophole, they will not be able to escape the responsibility."

"We are basically living under the surveillance of others, living on a huge time bomb." Lin Wan said angrily, "That guy is so happy that he can't be more successful. For his own official career, he will sacrifice anyone. ,anything!"

"You mean, the network protection here has been breached by the Church?" I asked.

"Even if it's a tiny leak and data overflow, the technical security personnel here have to do a long time of analysis and remediation, let alone such a dense data anomaly?" Lin Wan said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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