Chapter 91

The metal was cold, and the muzzle of the gun made my forehead ache slightly.

Sun Tianhao hissed, "It's useless to stop you, we're set!"

"Only someone who is not confident would talk like you." I said coldly, "Use your so-called bravery to cover up your cowardice as a deserter."

"I'll kill you first, then..."

"You shoot, there are gun fire alarms everywhere in this base, you shoot, try to see if someone will come to trouble you!"

"Hmph, I'm leaving anyway, do you think I'm afraid?" He yelled loudly.

I understand that he definitely has the guts to shoot at this time, and I am not afraid of death, I also want to live, I am just betting with myself, and with the group of guys behind him with vacillating eyes.

Sure enough, at this moment, Zhang Ziyang and Wu Lun had already stepped forward, and Wu Lun said, "We haven't rushed out yet...Brother Hao, you better be careful."

"That's right, Brother Hao... We are running to survive, the gain is not worth the loss if we work so hard, leave him alone, let's go..." Zhang Ziyang glanced at me and said.

I despise Zhang Ziyang from the bottom of my heart, and I probably know why Wang Bin died so badly. Maybe at that time, he never thought about saving Wang Bin, or even remembered that there was such a person, but in When he was in school, he always hypocritically gave Wang Bin a generous smile and concern—maybe he just wanted others to think that he was a good person, a kind person.

But at this time, it is useless to say these things, I still stare at Sun Tianhao.

"Aren't you fucking afraid of death?" Sun Tianhao's already gloomy face had turned ferocious due to anger.

"It's not that we're afraid of death. We just want to be safer. Let's go quickly, brother Tianhao. We'll run out of time." Zhang Ziyang warned again with a timid expression.

Sun Tianhao gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to say one more word, I..."

Before the words were finished, at this moment, suddenly, there was only a strange and mournful sound coming from the training ground at the bottom of the base.

Two weird shadows rushed straight up from the bottom of the training ground, the speed was indescribable.

The two figures rushed to the high altitude of the base, then fell and dived again. The moment they approached the glass window on the third floor, suddenly, a flame burst out from the body of one of the figures.

"Be careful!" I yelled.

Sun Tianhao and the others obviously didn't react at all. The flame, accompanied by the loud cracking noise, the moment I turned over and hugged my head, a piece of tempered glass in front of me shattered and shattered.

I knew it was absolutely impossible to wait in place, so I hurriedly rolled and dodged, and retreated to a door next to the charge.

However, the guy in mid-air didn't give me time at all.

"Bang" was another loud bang, and the glass in front of me shattered again. I only felt an indescribable and frightening cold pain on the side of the shard.

With great difficulty, I rolled to the door and managed to hide sideways into the dead angle of the guy's attack in mid-air—but the blind angle is not foolproof, as long as the opponent moves a little, I will be exposed to their guns again.

Taking advantage of this moment of stability, I took a closer look.

Wing man!It turned out to be a winged man, and a winged man actually appeared in the base!
The guy who shot and shattered the glass just now seems to be the "Mustgun Mutant Wingman" who chased and killed us that night when he dared to come to the base. To be strong.And the one next to him seemed to be just an ordinary Winged Man waving its sharp claws. After the guy fired the third shot, he bent down and got in through the cracked hole in the tempered glass.

The group of recruits who had assembled to flee just now were thrown into chaos, especially some of the female soldiers, who had already started to yell.

I know that none of us will have a chance of escape if this continues.

The Winged Man in mid-air had already fought with both hands and rushed down, but after a while, a head rolled to the ground, blood splashed everywhere, some of the recruits drew their guns, but more people ran screaming, the guy named Sun Tianhao frightened You have to step back.

I gritted my teeth, rolled over to Sun Tianhao's side, and snatched the gun from his hand.


I didn't answer him, but kicked him to the door, strode forward randomly, and shot twice at the Winged Man in the air.

I know that the tempered glass on the side seems to be impossible for the winged man outside to penetrate with one shot. It takes at least two shots to hit the target behind the tempered glass. Therefore, this has become an invisible barrier for me to avoid attacks, and , the winged man with the gun is strong and tall, and it seems that he still has some difficulty in getting into the corridor, so as long as I quickly run along the intact tempered glass, he can't do anything to me.

After being shot twice, the Winged Man in the sky trembled, but did not fall.

He turned his face, and his sharp eyes told me that this guy had already locked me in as the first target.

At the same time, there was another explosion next to me.

The debris flew, and I had to retreat to the door of the next room while covering my side face.

In mid-air, the Winged Man swooped down, and I quickly turned over to dodge. The guy with the gun outside turned his hand and shot again. After two shots, the hot weapon in the glass in front of me shook a hole more than one meter wide.

I suddenly felt something was wrong, there was no one here to help me, the reinforcements didn't come, and that group of recruits had originally chosen to flee, but at this moment there was a sudden change, and they were naturally terrified.

I have a very low chance of winning against these two Winged Men alone.

And I'm only wounded with a weapon that barely works.

The Yi man in the corridor rushed to nothing, but he didn't show weakness. He shook his body and charged from directly in front of me again. I backed up and shot him in the head. These shots finally worked. The movement of people slowed down obviously, and I withdrew to the vicinity of the charge. At this time, I realized that besides those who ran away just now, there were still seven or eight people left at the charge, including Sun Tianhao who was kicked by me just now and Wu Lun and Zhang Ziyang were always by his side.

The location of the assault exit can be said to be one of the safest positions in the corridor. Even if the elevator leading to the main entrance of the assault exit is not opened, the metal guns extending from both ends of the elevator door can block most of the enemy's firepower, shattering The tempered glass slag is not a problem. These few people could have hidden here and gathered the winged people outside, but now they are shrinking one by one, and one by one is more timid than the other. They all shrink in the corner, not daring to go out.

I glanced at the ordinary Winged Man who was still approaching here.

That guy was already injured, and the places he crawled were covered in blood, but as long as he was able to stand up with wings, he could still kill people.

I took a deep breath, turned around and said, "Who has a grenade!"

No one answered me.

I asked sharply again: "Who the hell has a grenade, give it to me quickly! Otherwise, everyone will die!"

Finally, Zhang Ziyang timidly rolled a cylindrical metal grenade in front of me. I immediately took the grenade, held it in my hand, and poked my head out again.

There was another loud bang outside, and another large piece of glass shattered above my head. Obviously, the Winged Man who was flying outside the corridor fired again.

However, just after this gunshot, there was another rhythmic gunshot outside, which seemed to be the sound of a miniature submachine gun. As soon as the gunshot rang out, I saw the winged man in mid-air startled and started to return. Fight back.

It appears that reinforcements have arrived.

This is my best chance.

I rolled over into the hallway, and the wingman who was lying on the ground was ready to get up and fly again-especially when he saw me.

I didn't give him any chance, I raised my gun and fired continuously until the magazine was empty. To be honest, I was also afraid at the time, my marksmanship was really bad, and I could only make up for the reality that it was difficult to hit in this way.

The bullet was emptied, and the winged man's face was covered with blood. I waved out the grenade without hesitation, then turned around and rolled back to the side of the elevator at the exit.


There was a muffled sound, and all I could see was a puff of smoke and a few wisps of blood drifting across the corridor not far in front of me.

The crisis was finally resolved temporarily, and I let out a long sigh of relief. However, before I sat still for half a minute, suddenly, the winged man with the gun returned to the side of the glass hole in front of us, with a long gun, The black muzzle of the gun was facing the recruits who were hiding in the charge.

(End of this chapter)

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