farmer's daughter

Chapter 10 Let You Eat Too Much

Chapter 10 Let You Eat Too Much
Chapter 10 makes you overeat

As long as the girls in the village went out, they were taught by their families to stay away from the couple.Don't get involved with them.

The small bamboo fence house was full of people, but it was quiet.Everyone listened to the voices in the main room with their ears pricked up.

There was no sound from the main room, but Xiao Wu next door started to cry.Mrs. Liang had no choice but to take care of the little one first, so she confessed to Yueyun:
"Look at a few small ones, and don't leave any of them."

Yue Yun nodded, still hugging Yue Ya tightly.It seems that Xiaocao may not be sold.That's most likely the crescent bud.Yueyun knew that just now the eldest brother said that he would pay to find a better teacher to give lectures, because the eldest brother is going to take the examination of scholar next year.

The family has no money.The last time the elder brother came back to get the money, I thought about it for a long time before deciding to sell the millet.Now the millet is still in the field and not yet yellow.So my mother said that Shen Wuniang had mentioned that there were many daughters in her family, and she sold them to other people's families to be maids, and maybe she could get an aunt to do them.That was a lifetime of wealth.

To say that the old Shen's parents are the best are Xue Jian and Xiao Yuewei from the third uncle's family, but generally speaking, the girls from the Shen family are all well-ranked in the village.It's all because their fathers are good-looking.

Yueyun is getting old, otherwise Yueyun would be the one who was sold.And seeing that Yueyun is about to talk about kissing, she can also ask for a sum of money from her in-laws.This is of course Hong's plan.

"Who are you? Is it your turn to take care of my wife's affairs?"

It was heard that Hong Shi was also scolding Shen Sanzhu sharply.You don't need to stretch your head to look, but you also know what Hong's face looks like now.

Xue Jian tightened her hold on Xiaocao.I had no strength, but finally I leaned on Xiaocao's body.Xiaocao didn't forget that her younger sister was not in good health, so she moved to Xuejian's to make Xuejian more comfortable.

"The Shen family is not divided, so you can tell me whether I can control it. Once you tell about the sale of your daughter, will you let your son take the exam? Do you want this reputation? Our old Shen family is poor, but I have never done such a thing of selling children. Besides, you know what kind of person that woman is, so you can safely give your girl to her? You let our old Shen family be shameless in this Shenjia Village?"

Hearing Shen Sanzhu's rebuttal, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The third uncle had touched on the heart of the grandfather. The grandfather valued the eldest grandson and the reputation of the family.

"You also said that you should be shameless. Do you know that when people mention that there is a tuberculosis ghost in our family, all the people who came to say goodbye to the second girl retreated. If you want to lose face, you will throw your tuberculosis ghost out. what."

This Hong family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he just scolded Shen Sanzhu in turn.Xuejian also tensed up when she heard this.He couldn't help looking at Yueyun.Xiaocao turned around and patted Xueer.

Shen Sanzhu slapped the table and stood up, saying:

"Let me tell you, I, Xueer, is not consumptive. It's just the weakness brought about by the child from the womb. Uncle Qi has already said this. You are the one who spread everywhere that Xueer is consumptive. Even if someone withdraws because of this, it is still The result of your own nonsense. Whoever dares to come to me and say that Xueer has tuberculosis, I will let him know what tuberculosis is!"

Yue Yun looked at Xue Jian and said softly:

"Xue'er, don't listen to her nonsense. The one who retreated did it because she wanted a lot of money from other people, so she stopped doing it."

Even if Yue Yun said so, Xue Jian knew from the behavior and conversation of the family members that she saw that people outside might really think she was consumptive.There is no problem with tuberculosis in modern times, it is tuberculosis, but in this era, there is only death and it can infect people.

Xiaocao also comforted Xuejian softly:

"Xue'er, don't worry, you are not consumptive. If so, I have been sleeping with you. How can I be fine? Grandma and the second sister have been taking care of you, and it's fine. Grandma didn't let the third aunt take care of you, because she was thinking Wu'er is young, so I'm afraid that Wu'er will get sick. Then your crime will be serious."

Xue Jian nodded and said softly:
"I see. I'll be fine later."

Even Yue Lian said:
"Sister Xue'er, you just don't have the appetite to eat. If you eat more, your health will be fine. Eat more in the future, and I will bring you whatever I find in the future."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Okay, then I'll eat more tomorrow."

There was still arguing in the main room. Seeing that the uncle had been silent, the eldest aunt slapped him down and shouted:

"You're dumb. You didn't see your brother bullying me. He was a big man bullying me and a woman, and you didn't say a word? Now that my son wants money to study, you're giving it away. You've got to find a way." Huh? Look at this house. There are a lot of people when they eat, and this room is full, not counting the two houses who run small stoves. How many belongings have to be eaten. Now my son wants I have studied but have no money, so what if I sell my daughter? It was born by me, so I dare not sell it?"

Hong's words scolded everyone in the room.It means that everyone pointed at home and ate.The family is eaten up.

Lan Shi is not used to her, Lan Shi stood up and said:
"Sister-in-law speaks reasonably. How many people are there in our family? In our family, only Xiaoyuelian doesn't do anything, and everyone else does. The third child's family is young now, and the third child also pays all the monthly money. I gave it to my mother, and I’m afraid it’s your son who spends the most money from the third child. Even the third sibling hasn’t opened a small stove for a month, so what else can you say? Why didn’t you say that your family had a big mouth when you were young? How much? To be honest, your eldest brother and your daughters are the only ones doing things in your family. Which one of you and your sons has done something good? Just look at your body, and you will know who is eating up this family of."

Lan's words are not polite.After this conversation, there was a burst of laughter in the bamboo fence room, and the person who laughed was of course Shen Chengqiang.This kid is fearless.

As soon as Lan shi said this, Hong shi lost all face.This Hong family was originally a shameless person.I couldn't find anything to say, so I just let it go.So he sat there and started crying.

"God, who am I married to? All the men and women in this family bully me, so I can't afford to give my son money. My good son, you were misled by your mother! Even a good official will not pass the exam." Ah. How does this make you honor your ancestors!"

Once Hong's voice was opened, it could be heard everywhere. Although it was dark, there were inevitably people outside to watch the fun.Old man Shen couldn't afford to lose this man, so he slapped the cigarette bag on the table.scolded:
"I bought meat for you today, so that you can eat too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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