Chapter 102

Chapter [-] The east and west compartments must be symmetrical to look good

Liang Junlin saw that Xue Jian was still writing and drawing seriously, but he couldn't tell what she was drawing.So he ran to call the third uncle and said:
"Third uncle, what do you think Xuejian wrote? I can't understand any of them, and she ignores me even if I call her."

Liang Shengyue greeted Lao Niu, and Lao Niu smiled dotingly and looked at his granddaughter who was still lying on the ground writing, and said softly to Liang Shengyue:
"I have been writing and drawing here for a long time, and I will come after noon."

Liang Sheng nodded slightly, but did not speak.I just stood aside and watched, but found that I didn't understand what Xue Jian wrote at all.Just waited until Xuejian sat up.Seeing Xuejian heaving a long sigh, she said with a smile all over her face:

"Grandpa Niu, I know how I'm going to fix the house."

Looking up, she found her little uncle standing on the side. Xue Jian wanted to stand up, but found that she had been kneeling for too long, her legs were numb, and she couldn't stand up.Liang Sheng took a step forward to pick up Xue Jian, carried her to sit on a chair beside her, and pointed at the twisted things on the ground, saying:
"Xue'er, there is nothing like a word for what you wrote here."

Xuejian looked down, and her heart skipped a beat. What she wrote on the ground were calculation formulas and Arabic numerals, so of course they didn't exist here.Xue Jian just now was calculating the size of the house she wanted and how many long pipes she would need for floor heating.As soon as it was written down, it was considered a large area, and finally it was calculated, but my uncle saw it.

Xuejian smiled and said:

"Uncle. This is a secret, so I won't tell you yet. But I can show you something, what does the house I want to repair look like, do you want to see it?"

Liang Sheng looked at the things on the ground again.road:

"Okay, show me."

Xue Jian slid down from the chair and said:

"Then I have to go to the drawing paper to show you."

Standing on the ground and still staggering, Liang Sheng wanted to reach out to help her again, but Xue Jian squatted down and stood up again.He did two or three hands in a row, shook his hands and feet, and took a broom to sweep up all the nonsense that he had written on the ground, so that no one could see what it was.Then they took Liang Shengyue back to the study together.

When they arrived at the study, Ning Yuanzhi and Chengwen were still writing in the study. Recently, Chengwen always said that his sister's handwriting was not as good as Ning Yuanzhi's, so he changed to follow Ning Yuanzhi's handwriting. stood up.

Now everyone in the Liang family knows that Liang Shengyue will teach Xuejian alone in the study every time he comes back, and others can listen to it, but everyone feels that listening to Liang Shengyue's lectures to Xuejian feels a little unclear, no It is too clear why Liang Shengyue's lectures to Xuejian are so difficult to understand, and how Xuejian can keep up with it. Sometimes arguing with Liang Shengyue about a word also makes both sides very excited.

The only one who was interested was Ning Yuanzhi. Now every time Liang Shengyue and Xue Jian gave lectures, he would listen in.Not only can she listen, but she is also more and more interested in listening. The first time Xue Jian heard Ning Yuanzhi speak was when she was attending a class.At that time, what Liang Shengyue was talking about was that the theme was originally about a topic of a family where the male lead is outside and the female lead is inside. Xue Jian put forward different opinions. , men and women should be equal.The two had an argument.Liang Shengyue slapped the table.Xuejian didn't budge either.Only then did Ning Yuanzhi stand up as a peacemaker and said:
"There's no need to argue. You all have reasons, but it depends on what kind of family it is. Like the Liang family, it is basically achieved. It is male and female outside, and men and women are basically equal. What kind of concubines do some families have? Ah concubine, then there is no equality between men and women, right?"

At that time, Xuejian looked at Ning Yuanzhi in surprise:

"I thought you fell into the water and became dumb."

One sentence made Ning Yuanzhi speechless, he bowed his head and sat down again, quiet.Liang Shengyue said with a smile:

"Yes, what Yuanzhi said is right. Each case is different, Xue'er, don't argue with me."

Xue Jian didn't argue about that meaningless topic anymore, it was just a momentary argument.But think about it later, in this era, what are you fighting for equality between men and women?It would be nice to be able to equalize this in your own home.

Liang Sheng pulled away the chair for Xue Jian to sit down, and when Xue Jian sat down, she reached out and grabbed the writing brush on the table and put it down again:

"It's not easy to draw this with a brush. I still use this."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of incompletely burned charcoal from his small purse, which was like a pencil when writing on white paper.

Liang Sheng looked at Xue Jianxue's little white hands that had turned black from touching the charcoal, pulled the corners of his mouth, and said nothing.Xuejian raised her hand and drew on the paper:
"Look, our land looks like this. Here is the pond, here is Grandpa Seven's house, here is the river, and here is the mountain."

Talking and drawing at the same time.

"I want a big yard. The yard is surrounded by walls. Leave about three feet on the edge of the wall to make a flower bed. In this way, we have a large circle of flower beds. After entering the gate, facing the The main room is still the main room. Of course the parents live in the main room. The main room is probably the same as the grandma’s house. The middle room is the main room. The east side is the house for the parents. The left side is a study. The left side is connected to the West Wing, I draw three rooms like this. One is for Sister Cao’er and the other is for me. I like to live on the side. The middle is for Xiao Wei’er to grow up. There are two rooms, one for Chengwen and one for the grown-up Chengwu."

Xue Jian drew while talking, explaining very carefully.But I didn't want a writing brush to come out from the side, and added a touch to the end of the east wing.Xue Jian glared at Ning Yuanzhi who added a stroke.Ning Yuanzhi said something lightly.

"An extra room here, I live."

Not only was Xue Jian stunned, but Liang Shengyue also looked at Ning Yuanzhi deeply, but didn't say anything, but Ning Yuanzhi seemed to be talking about a very ordinary thing, calmly said it and then calmly put down the pen .He looked at Xue Jian as if he was waiting for you to continue talking.It seems to be just filling in for Xue Jian.

Jian Xuejian stared at him for a long time without speaking.Ning Yuanzhi pointed to the picture again and said:

"The East and West Wings must be symmetrical to look good. If there are three rooms in the West Wing, then there should be three rooms in the East Wing."

It means that it is not the point that I can't live, the point is that your asymmetry is not good-looking.It's useless for Xue Jian to stare twice, just think about it.One more room will be used later.He also added this one with him.

Xue Jian continued to speak:

"In this way, in every room I think, the difference between me and these houses is that I want to set up a place for bathing. Each room can take a bath. There is a separate space. Therefore, every two rooms There is a compartment in the middle of each room. People in the two rooms use half of this compartment. There is an extra compartment in the west wing. This compartment is used as a toilet."

"Sister, you are a girl, you can't say these things. Be gentle."

Chengwen reminded on the side.Xue Jian stared and said:

"Who doesn't eat and drink? Even the emperor has to go to the toilet!"

(End of this chapter)

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