farmer's daughter

Chapter 104 If You Can't Eliminate It, You Should Learn to Use It

Chapter 104 If You Can't Eliminate It, You Should Learn to Use It

Chapter One Hundred and Four

With Xuejian's proposal, the family started a lively discussion after dinner.Zhang and Hu felt that the wooden floor was not easy to clean, and it was easy to deteriorate when it got wet.Liang Shengbei was the most active, repeatedly saying:

"Aren't you going to try it out? Just use my house to try it out."

Chen's face was also full of excitement!I've never heard of this thing before, but it's very useful, and Mrs. Chen is also a person who dares to use new ones!

Liang Zhongqiu turned to ask Lao Niu,

"See if you're too busy? How about I ask my second child to help you? Anyway, the busy farming season is over now. My family, watch over the arrangements!"

The old cow took a puff of cigarette and said slowly:
"Grandpa, I can ask my second child to help me when I'm busy, but it's not a long-term solution! See if you can find me a child who can endure hardships. I'll give it to him after I try and think it works! I'm old too!"

Lao Niu's words made everyone silent for a while.Zhang said on the side:

"Father, can you see Mavericks?"

Liang Sheng said loudly:

"Yes! This is fine! Xiao Niu is also a down-to-earth kid. He also understands the current situation of his family. If he can learn a craft well, he will not take care of his grandma."

Liang Zhongqiu also nodded and said:

"Okay! I'll ask tomorrow morning! If the child is willing, ask him to come home and try it out. No matter what he learns, he must be talented!"

The family discussed it and decided to find a room in the backyard to try first.Liang Shenggao and Shengbei went to cut some trees first and then split them into even planks for later use.Liang Zhongqiu took the old ox to drive the ox cart the next day and brought back some iron smelted by others.

Xue Jian was fine and nestled in her mother's room, listening to her mother practicing Pinellia's mother embroidery, and she didn't go out even when her uncle told her to.Seriously hold the needle and follow along!Liang Chengfang, who was half lying on his stomach, stretched out his hand and took Xuejian's handkerchief and laughed:

"What are you embroidering?"

Xue Jian snatched it back, blushing and said:

"Don't look! I won't! I did it blindly!"

Liang Chengfang laughed:
"You can tell from the way you hold the needle that you can't!"

It happened that Liang Fei stretched out her head at the door to wave to Xue Jian, Xue Jian slid down the kang and ran away, Liang Chengfang laughed and scolded from behind:
"Slow down! I didn't scold you, hide so fast!"

Liang Fei asked Xuejian to ask her for help. Liang Xia had already embroidered a large pillow, but when she was using a candle last night, she accidentally dropped a drop of candle oil on the lower left corner of the pillow. The oil is hot, even if it is removed in time, it will burn that point. This kind of wedding is originally dyed red with white cloth, but after being hot, that point becomes white.Liang Xia burst into tears, the white dots on the red background were very obvious, Liang Xia was afraid of being scolded by adults, and she couldn't think of a way, she could only think that Xue Jian had many ways, so she asked her sister to call Xue Jian.

Xue Jian looked at Liang Xia and shed tears, leaned over to look at that spot, Xue Jian frowned and thought about it:

"Sister Xia, do you know the name of the woman who is going to marry?"

Liang Xia shook her head and said:

"I can't tell others the name of the daughter of a big family. I only know that family's surname is Zhao, and the girl is older than me, and she belongs to the rabbit."

"It's a rabbit!" Xue Jian's eyes lit up, and said:
"Sister Xia, I have a solution."

Xue Jian took out another piece of charcoal from her purse, found some paper from Liang Xia's house, and drew a rabbit with simple lines on the paper.Xuejian can sketch, so with a few simple strokes, he can draw a smart rabbit. Xuejian pointed to the rabbit he drew and said:
"Sister Xia, you just need to use black thread to embroider the side of this picture, the eyes are embroidered with our red thread and the white is in the middle, then this rabbit will come out. It is small, does not take up space and does not affect the eyes. Beautiful, and a little playful!"

Liang Fei liked this rabbit very much.Look left, look right, and say:
"Sister, give it to me after you embroider it! I want this rabbit!"

Liang Xia still hesitated and said:

"Is this really possible?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"You are a girl, do you want to have your own logo on your own things. This is a pillow, you can embroider it on the quilt and cover, and this is the whole set. If you, do you like it?"

Liang Fei immediately answered from the side:

"I like!"

Liang Xia also nodded, she had no other way, Xue Jian this way is a good way.Liang Xia carefully looked at Xue Jianhua's paintings, determined the thread to use, and embroidered the cute bunny according to it in a short while!It looks alive!

Now not only Liang Fei likes it, but Liang Xia herself likes it too!I am also very interested in this method of concealment.Liang Xia said:

"Xue'er, how did you come up with this method?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"It's nothing! If you know it can't be removed, then find a way to use it!"

Liang Xia sighed:

"How do you grow such a small head! You can think like this! I'm crying! If it breaks, I won't be able to apologize. This is someone else's dowry!"

When Liang Fei talked about this at dinner, Xue Jian was praised by everyone again!In the next few days, Xuejian will stay with Grandpa Niu and study and make the pipe with Grandpa Niu!

The pipes that came out of the first furnace felt thicker, and the threaded joints that were tried out could not be fastened!For this reason, Grandpa Xue Jian and Niu used wood to try it several times before he succeeded. For this reason, Xue Jian used a knife to carve the thread, and his small hands made several bloody mouths!This made Liang Chengfang feel distressed.

How can I make a thinner tube?This matter made Xue Jian want to break her head!Until one day, Xuejian found two bamboo tubes of different sizes, put the small one in the middle of the big one, poured the melted molten iron into the side for a while, and slowly poured it in when it was still flowing. Between the two fixed bamboo tubes, wait for it to cool down.Xuejian found that she couldn't remove the bamboo!I had to cut open the bamboo, and finally took out a thin iron pipe!
In the end, it was Liang Zhongqiu who came to think of a way to make a pipe mold, and then made the pipe that everyone was satisfied with in the first session!It's so much easier to do it with the mold!Even the threaded mouth that Xueer thought of can be successfully connected!

It took ten days!It was only made at noon!It will be easy to make the mold later!Fortunately, Xiao Niu and Liang Lao Er have been pulling the bellows non-stop for ten days, and they finally got tired and lay down!But the old man Niu finally accepted the calf and became his successor!But the requirements can not be commensurate with the master!Also followed Xue Jian called Grandpa Niu!

Only the Liang family knew about the successful manufacture of iron pipes!Because about the iron pipe, Xuejian has other ideas.In Xuejian's words, I don't want to say it for the time being.This Xue Jian was borrowed by Liang Zhongqiu to greet everyone.Others saw that the Liang family was forging iron, but they said they were helping others make threshing machines!

(End of this chapter)

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