Chapter 106

Chapter [-] I met a rogue

Shen Sanzhu reached out to pat his father.Said peacefully:

"Father, although Xue'er is a girl, without Xue'er I can't buy the land this time! This time I bought the land with Xue'er's money! Don't always look down on girls!"

When Wang heard this, she raised her head in surprise and said:
"Is Xue'er in better health now? Last time I gave birth, she came back without saying a word. I'm afraid she doesn't want to come back! How did she find the money?"

"Mother, Xue'er is in much better health now! She has grown taller and has a bit of flesh! The children are living very well at grandma's house!"

"This time, Xueer came up with a solution by coincidence. It was Weier who accidentally wet the red handkerchief made by his second uncle's daughter! Xueer managed to restore it! Then her grandfather helped her make it according to her idea. A thing came out called an iron! It was specially used for ironing and washing wrinkled clothes. Xueer took it to the town and sold it to the boss of Hongfu. I don’t want any of it, she said it was Xue’er’s idea! I gave it all to us! I have the money to come back and buy the land! I bought my land, and I’m here tonight to ask my second brother, if he wants to move out, I will first lend him money to buy the land to the left of Uncle Qi! If I still need money to repair the house in the future, I will find her grandpa to find a solution."

Old Shen didn't open his mouth after hearing this, he didn't expect that sick girl to help the family a lot this time!In this way, the third family doesn't have to worry, it's good to have a nest.

Wang said with a smile:

"Hehe, I didn't expect this girl to be really nice! She can also make money for the family! This is not a small amount of money!"

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:
"Yes! 100 taels of silver! I bought some better medicines for Cheng Fang. Our family has no more clothes, so I made some more clothes. Xueer also planned to make some quilts. I bought these There is still some money in the land, and I just heard from the village chief that there was another disturbance at home today, so I wanted to ask my second brother about his plans."

Wang sighed!What an embarrassment to talk about today!Old Mr. Shen even coughed twice and then lay down again. He might be relieved to hear that the third child was taking care of the second child.It may also be that he was ashamed to speak when he heard about today's matter!

Shen Sanzhu stood up and said:
"I'll go to see the second brother first, you guys rest!"

Shen Sanzhu turned around and left the main room, and came to the door of the second room which was still dark.I also heard that the second sister-in-law was still crying, and stopped when she heard the knock on the door.It was Cheng Qiang who came to open the door.

Now Shen Erzhu's family doesn't have an extra room, and the whole family lives in this room.When Shen Sanzhu came in, there were so many people and things piled up in this room, there was no room for so many people to sit!Shen Sanzhu took a look in. The second sister-in-law might feel embarrassed about crying, so she turned her back to the door.

Shen Sanzhu didn't go in, so he asked his second brother to come out.Shen Erzhu sighed, got out of the kang and came out.The two brothers squatted and talked in the burnt house.Shen Sanzhu talked about the matter, Shen Erzhu raised his buried head, and looked at Shen Sanzhu in surprise!Some couldn't believe their ears!Seeing Sanzhu's serious look.Erzhu stood up and confirmed softly:

Shen Sanzhu also stood up and nodded seriously.Shen Erzhu took a step back and called:
"Ye'er's mother, Ye'er's mother, you, come out!"

Lan Shi heard something wrong with her husband's voice, so she also stood up and said in a hoarse voice:
"Third brother. His father, what's the matter?"

"The third brother said that he bought the land to repair the house, and asked us whether to repair it, and he lent us money to buy the land when we repaired it."

"No, Second Sister-in-law, I bought the land on the right side of Seventh Uncle and planned to build a house. I heard about you today. I just want to ask, will you repair it? Did I buy it and you repaired it or I borrowed money I will buy land for you to repair. The area to the left of Seventh Uncle's house is also good. What do you think?"

Shen Sanzhu made his words clear, and Lan Shi also froze for a moment and said resolutely:

"Really? I want to fix it! Fix it out! I won't be next to them!"

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:
"Okay! You guys discuss where the repair is? Let me know how much it costs. I mean, the repair house should be repaired a little better! It may be lived for a lifetime in the future! You guys do the math! Tell me how much it costs. I am not enough and my Yue family is there!"

Lan's tears flowed down again, she stepped forward and said:

"Third brother! Thank you very much! Don't worry! Your second elder brother and second sister-in-law will definitely pay you back! We are not enough, you still have nephews! I... I thank you!"

Speaking of which, Lan Shi will kneel down to Sanzhu!Shen Sanzhu quickly reached out to block it!Repeatedly said:
"Second sister-in-law, don't be like this! Second brother and I are brothers!"

It's the day of the fair again, and Liang Xia has embroidered a few of the big ones, and there are two biggest ones, one is a quilt and the other is a mosquito net.Xuejian wanted to go to the street again, so Zhang took Xuejian, Liang Shuang and Hu to the street.Liang Xia gave the pillow to Xuejian, and asked her to ask Aunt Hongfu if it would be okay to embroider a rabbit like this.In case the host doesn't agree, I can only accompany you!

Mrs. Zhang also brought some vegetables to Liang Shengyue today.Everyone got up early, no one set up an ox cart for them today, Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao were going down to the fields to plant wheat, and Liang Shengbei was also busy!I am helping the old cow to do things.When Xue saw a few people, she bumped into someone else's ox cart on the walk and got a ride.

Several people are also hungry!Zhang bought four pancakes from a roadside pancake shop.When I touched it, I didn't bring any copper coins, so I had to take out a broken silver coin from the inner bag and give it to the peddler.The peddler looked at it and even laughed:
"Auntie, look, I haven't bought much money this early in the morning, so I can't find it!"

Zhang Shi also has some doubts:

"I didn't go out in a hurry, so I didn't bring my little copper."

Xue Jian took out a small purse from her arms and said:
"Grandma, how many coppers? I have some."

The hawker stall said:

"Four coppers."

Xuejian held the cake in one hand and poured coins into the peddler's hand with a purse in the other, pouring out all the coins without thinking.Seeing that there were coins about to be dropped, the peddler hurriedly put down the pancake in his other hand, held the coins in both hands and laughed:

"It's not that much!"

Xue Jian thought the cake was delicious, took a bite and said:

"Hehe, you pick four, and then help me pretend!"

As he spoke, he handed the purse to the peddler.The peddler really picked up four of them and put them on for Xue Jian.I just accidentally dropped the bag when packing it!When the peddler bent down to pick it up, a hand stretched out from the side to pick it up first, and said loudly:
"Haha! I'm lucky today. I found money!"

Xue Jian called:

"That's my wallet!"

The man took a look across the snow and said:
"Kids, don't talk nonsense, how can a child bring money? Besides, if you say it's you, then you call it, do you deserve it?"

Is this a rogue?Xuejian stared wide-eyed and said:
"This is the money I paid for pancakes just now. I ate pancakes, so I asked the boss to pack them for me. If I accidentally dropped them, you snatched them! If you don't believe me, ask the pancake boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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