farmer's daughter

Chapter 112 I Got an Errand for You

Chapter 112 I Got an Errand for You

Chapter 110 Two, I Received an Errand for You
Xue Jian smiled and turned to look at the people in the room, and said to her mother:
"Mom, today I got an errand for you from Aunt Hong, you have to do it well!"

Liang Chengfang said in astonishment:

"What? Why did you... get me an errand? You know that I can't do anything! Doesn't this delay your aunt Hong's business?"

Xue Jian smiled proudly and said:

"This is an idea I came up with! Let me tell your mother, you are the only one who can do this!"

Seeing how angry her mother looked, Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"Mother, don't be angry. I'll think about it. I told Aunt Hong that there are several people in our family who are doing embroidery. I said that I will form a special embroidery team! From now on, all the big pieces at Aunt Hong's place will be handed over first." Let’s do it. Aunt Cui’er and Sister Cao’er are newbies, so it’s up to you to decide how they embroider. If Sister Shuang and Sister Xia are willing to join, then they can do it together! Today I sold the rabbit I drew to Sister Xia’s. Miss Master. Sister Xia will embroider one of these rabbits on all her dowries in the future. She will give you extra money. I promise Aunt Hong to draw eleven more to make up the twelve zodiac signs. Just show it to Aunt Hong. If Aunt Hong thinks it’s okay, she will ask Mother or Sister Xia to make a sample, and then sell it! A sample costs ten taels of silver!”

Liang Xia, who was listening on the side, interrupted in surprise:
"Really? You can gain so much by just embroidering one piece? Twelve taels!"

"Yes! I made an agreement with Aunt Hong today. And in the future, we will all take over big pieces. Doesn't the big piece make more money? And mother. You can find a few more people to learn from you. The more people who do it, the faster we can complete a set of large pieces. In this way, the more money everyone will share. But whether the embroidery is good or not, whether you can do such a thing is up to you. So I found such a thing for you. What do you think, mother?"

Liang Chengfang let out a breath.The sailor patted his daughter.laughed:
"It's almost there."

Liang Xia asked again:
"Xue'er, do you think we have set up an embroidery studio?"

Xue Jian nodded repeatedly and said:
"That's what it means. From now on, my mother and you will have things to do."

I heard Xuejian talk about this.Liang Chengfang was also very happy, pulling her daughter's hand.With a slight sigh, he said:
"Auntie Hong pampered you as a child. She actually believed what you said as a child."

Xue Jian leaned over her mother's chest and acted like a baby.Said:
"Of course. Because I'm your daughter."

No matter how.Xue'er's words made Liang Chengfang feel a little proud.Ever since he was injured and fell down, he has been guilty of not taking good care of the child.Now looking at the children has been able to take care of the family.Liang Chengfang was both emotional and happy.

for a while.Tweety returned with her daughter.Shen Sanzhu, who was drinking tea with his father-in-law in the front yard, returned to the back yard to see his wife.I saw my dad come in.Xuejian and Xiaocao took their younger siblings out.Shen Sanzhu told his wife that Xueer had obtained more than 2000 silver.Liang Chengfang was also very surprised.But she was easier to accept than Shen Sanzhu.Because she has embroidered flowers, she knows that it is not easy to get an embroidered picture.If Xueer can really draw and embroider pictures.That can really help Hongxiu.

Think again about what my daughter told me just now.It appears to be true.If Xueer can really help Hongfu draw these paintings.That Hongfu would really believe her.Then even if I can't do farm work by myself.It can also take care of the family.Well said daughter.If it's dark here, you have to find something bright on the other side.Liang Chengfang's confidence was lifted immediately.

During dinner, Xue Jian asked.The drunk old man with the white beard was still awake.I don't know how drunk he was.Mrs. Zhang even left some food for him.

Recently at Liang's house.The earliest ones to talk about are no longer Xue Jian and Zhang Shi.It's an old cow who forges iron.Lao Niu is working harder and harder now.When he came to live in the Liang family, he felt more and more like a family.I also feel more energetic when I do things.

Get up every morning.First of all, he chopped the firewood first.He also took the chopped firewood to the kitchen.I carried some to the blacksmith's room to start a fire.

Basically when Xue Jian they get up.The old cow has already burned a furnace of iron.Seeing that someone got up, he could start beating.In the past two days, Lao Niu has been rushing to make the iron, and he has already completed forty and is still short of sixty.He was very happy to receive this kind of He Lao Niu, because he knew that this was a profitable business for Xue Jian.

This is the same as Lao Niu feels that someone is always spying on his work today.It's still early in the morning.I looked left and right and found no one.No one was found, and the old cow started hammering again with some doubts.When the iron in hand is just about to take shape.All I could hear was a "Hey" from the roof.

The old cow immediately stopped what he was doing and looked up.I saw the face of an old man with a white beard protruding from the beam of the house.Seeing the old cow looking at him, the old man with white beard didn't feel embarrassed.Jump directly off the beam.Pointing to the iron in the old cow's hand, he asked:
"Old man, what are you hitting in this hand. It's empty in the middle. Is it used to hold wine?"

The old cow's face tightened, and he hurriedly put the unfinished iron behind him.The old cow said to the old man with white beard:
"Who are you? Why are you peeking at other people's work here."

The white-bearded old man didn't care about the old cow's questioning at all.Shaking his body, he still pointed to the iron behind the old cow and asked:
"Old man, I asked you first. You haven't answered me yet. It's a bit strange what this thing does."

The old cow said more seriously:
"Why should I tell you, I don't know you. When did you hide in this room secretly?"

The old man with the white beard didn't care much.He waved his hand and said:

"How can there be any time to hide? I came in almost like you. I came in when you started to bring firewood in to light the fire. Oh, don't talk so much, why don't you tell me what this thing is for first. Yes Not for wine."

It happened that Xue saw it.Come talk to Grandpa Niu and do the ironing first.But he saw the old man with white beard standing in front of Grandpa Niu.Xue Jian stepped forward and asked:
"Hey! Grandpa White Beard, you're sober. When did you wake up? Why are you here?"

The old man with a white beard turned his head to look at Xuejian in a daze, as if he knew him but also didn't.Xuejian said again:
"Grandpa, have you forgotten? You were drunk on the bridge yesterday. My dad and I passed there and carried you back. Oh, yes. You didn't eat when you were drunk last night. Are you hungry now?" ?”

The old man with the white beard also looked dazed.He stepped forward and took Xue Jian's little hand.Some aggrieved said:

"I saw that the thing he made was very strange. I asked him if it was used to hold wine? He didn't tell me. You come and you come. You ask him."

(End of this chapter)

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