Chapter 115

Chapter 110 Five I want to invest
Xuejian turned around and stuck out her tongue.It seems that grandpa and uncle really quarreled over this matter on the road.Of course, I can also see the master's attitude. For the sake of the safety of the whole family, the master doesn't want to take care of this matter.

Xuejian hurriedly comforted her grandfather.Persuading said:

"You don't have to worry too much. The little uncle is also a person who reads and teaches. He knows the pros and cons of these things! Don't we know what the little uncle is like? If the little uncle wants to take care of it, it means that this person really needs help. Besides, no one else knows about Brother Yuanzhi in our house. Grandpa, if you are really worried, can we send Brother Yuanzhi to Grandpa Seven in Shenjia Village? After all, Shenjia Village is in the mountains, and Grandpa Seven’s home is At the end of the village against the mountain."

Liang Zhongqiu was startled.After thinking about it, he nodded and said:
"Wait for your uncle to talk about what to do first. I think it's a way."

Xue Jian turned around and ran to the backyard as well.Sure enough, he saw that the door of Brother Yuanzhi's room was closed properly.Xue Jian didn't say much, and ran back to her mother's room.He happily raised the drawing in his hand and called:
"It's passed. Mother, mother, look at the painting I drew. Sister Xia, you have to repair a sample of this painting first."

Xue Jian handed the painting to her mother first.He said to Liang Xia who looked over.Liang Xia said:

"Ah! This monkey is painted as if it were alive. Xueer, how did you draw it? Also, how do you plan to match the color?"

Xue Jian nodded.He turned around to the thread basket next to Liang Xia, poked around in it, found several colors of thread, and told Liang Xia.

"Look here, these places where I painted the color. Just embroider this color. Embroider this color here."

Xue Jian pointed there, saying what to embroider here and what color to embroider there.Liang Xia looked confused.smiled.

"I can't remember what you said first. I'll finish this point first. I'll find you after I finish a color."

Xue Jian nodded, and then heard someone calling Xue Jian again, and it was Liang Shengyue's voice.Xuejian ran out and saw her little uncle standing in the yard, staring at Xuejian with a dark face, Xuejian was stared at inexplicably!Somewhat confused, he ran up to his little uncle.

The little uncle snorted, turned around and went to the study, Xue Jian had to hang his head and followed to the study.Liang Sheng sat down better, stretched out one hand and kept tapping on the table, Xue Jian knew that this was the habit of the little uncle.I do this every time I think about a problem.Seeing this, Xue Xue obediently stood aside!It looks like waiting to be released!

After a while, Liang Shengyue glared at Xuejian again, and shouted:
"Come here."

Xue Jian rushed over.Liang Sheng said in a low voice:
"You tell me about the group of people you met first!"

"Oh." Xue Jian recounted what happened that day, trying to explain in detail.Liang Sheng listened more carefully.From time to time, he tapped the table with his hands.After Xue Jian finished speaking, she looked at her little uncle quietly.

He pondered for a while.Liang Sheng looked up to Xue Jian and said:

"Xue'er. Ning Yuanzhi can't stay in our house anymore. He has appeared in the front and back yards of our house several times. How many people have seen him. Now we can only send him away. This child's life is too miserable! He was framed when he fell into the water the other time, but luckily he met us."

Although I haven't been in contact with it in this life, I have watched too many TV shows like this in my previous life.Xue Jian also understood what Liang Shengyue meant.Xue Jian also nodded.

"First of all, I was still talking to my grandpa, why don't I send brother Yuanzhi to Shenjia Village, my grandpa's seventh house. I don't think grandpa seventh will refuse. Moreover, grandpa seventh's house is close to the mountain. At the end of the village, no one usually goes there. It’s okay to have one more person. Besides, our house will be over there when it’s repaired. Brother Shiyuan can stay at our house. And even if there’s an emergency, he’ll have a place to hide when he runs into the mountains through the back door.”

Unexpectedly, Liang Sheng shook his head after listening to Xue Jian's words.

"This is not the best way. He is a nobleman. If he keeps hiding like this, his whole life will be wasted in the end. But you can send him to your Seventh Grandpa to stay for a while. I recently I'm going to Fucheng, and I'll inquire after I get to Fucheng. See if there is a better way."

Xuejian let out a soft oh.Then he put his face together and asked:
"Uncle, why can't their family tolerate him? Don't his father and mother care?"

Liang Sheng glared.He reached out and tapped Xue Jian's forehead.Curse in a low voice.

"I've never heard of curiosity killing the cat. Why are you asking so much?"

After a pause, Liang Shengyue said again:

"His father died in the battle. His mother followed. The child was left behind. He was supposed to succeed his father, but blocked the way for others to succeed. Therefore, there is no room for him there."

"Ah. So the people who want to kill him are all his relatives?"

Liang Sheng nodded with a sullen face, but did not speak.Xue Jian also sighed, a typical dispute between Hou and Men.The child becomes a victim of this struggle.Poor far brother!

After thinking for a while, Liang Shengyue said again:
"I think you have to ask someone to go over and tell your Seventh Grandpa first. You can't let others go. It's you or me! Because more people can't know about this matter. Get your Seventh Grandpa's answer After that, we will send Yuanzhi there. We can’t send it during the day, but only at night.”

"Let me go. Uncle, you can't go. You don't know, my aunt hates you to the bone now. He said that my eldest brother is not liked by the husband in school. It is because you are destroying it. She is such a sloppy person , it doesn’t matter if you don’t see it.”

"Besides, there are excuses for what I said in the past. Hey, that's right. Uncle, have the results of the Tongsheng exam come out this time? Have my elder brother Xiao and my elder brother Chengye passed the exam?"

Liang Sheng glanced sideways at his niece.low voice.

"It's passed. It's just that the list hasn't been announced yet. Your brother Chengye is still at the top of the list this time."

Xuejian clapped her hands happily.laughed:
"That's great, that's great. When I go, I will quietly tell my second uncle and aunt. Of course, my excuse for going is to help my mother get the medicine. This is the most suitable way to go to Grandpa Seven's house."

Liang Sheng glared more and said:

"I'm just telling you first. You can't go out and tell others in advance. If they want to hear the good news, they'd better wait for the list to be announced."

Xue Jian stuck out her tongue.She nodded mischievously.There was another idea in my mind.Xuejian said to her uncle again:

"Little uncle. You said that I should start investing in my cousin now. I think my cousin can invest."

Liang Sheng frowned and said:

"What is an investment?"

Xue Jian was taken aback and knew that he had said something wrong again.He said something modern again.

(End of this chapter)

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