Chapter 117

Chapter 110 Seven
"Am I very old, am I really old? My beard is white. Please, please, please worship me as your teacher. If you don't, you will regret it."

The white-bearded old man circled Xuejian twice.Xuejian still smiled and said nothing, but she was thinking in her heart: this Grandpa Mo is so strange.I don't know what he's capable of either.Just pester me to take me as a disciple.Then what did he teach me when he accepted me as an apprentice?It seems that he is an old naughty boy who loves to play.Forget it, just treat him as playing.

Since Xue Jian thinks so.Just ignore old man Mo's pestering.Old man Mo turned around twice.Finally thought of the reason.Jump in front of the snow face.With a look of sudden enlightenment, he said:

"Oh, by the way, you don't know my skills, do you! Come, come, let me show you my skills."

After saying that, old man Mo turned around and pulled Xue Jian out.There is a tall persimmon tree in the yard of the Liang family.This time is when the persimmons are ripe.Mrs. Hu and Mrs. Chen are picking persimmons on the tree with a ladder.But even with a ladder, you can only pick up the lower part.Not to mention that the ladder is not high enough, it feels too dangerous.It's a pity that the two sisters-in-law are talking about the tree.

Old man Mo dragged Xuejian to the tree.Pointing to the persimmons on the tree, he said:

"Then look."

As he spoke, he flew up.Xue Jian, Hu Shi and the others could only see figures moving under the tree.After a while, there was another person standing in front of Xuemian, it was old man Mo.And old man Mo's arms were full of persimmons.

Old man Mo put down the persimmons in his arms, and reached out to pick up an empty basket in Hu's hand.Fly up again.I circled the top of the persimmon tree a few more times.When I came down again, the basket was full of persimmons!The persimmons on the top of the tree have basically been picked.

Old man Mo stood in front of Xuemian with a flattering expression.Speaking of:
"How about it? I have the ability to be your master. Can you worship me as your teacher?"

Xue Jian looked at old man Mo in shock.Unexpectedly, this white-bearded old man was a master of martial arts.Even if Xue Jian no longer understands martial arts.But look at those few laps he made in the air.I also know it's not easy.Much better than those masters I've seen on TV before.

A cow is a cow, but what can I do with a girl learning martial arts?Xuejian still hesitated.Because I also know that girls in this day and age cannot do many things.

Mrs. Hu was also frightened by old man Mo's two slaps.On the other hand, Mrs. Chen looked at Old Man Mo with glowing eyes.Chen himself knows a little martial arts.So she knew that the old man was the best of the best with just these two skills.I was listening to him calling Xue Jian to worship him as a teacher.Mrs. Chen hurriedly said from the side:
"Xue'er. This is a rare opportunity. This old man seems to be a senior master in the martial arts."

Hearing Mrs. Chen's praise, old man Mo showed no modesty at all, but nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, yes, little girl. Hurry up and worship me as your teacher. I'll give you the trick just now. If a girl knows how to do it, it's very beautiful. No one will dare to bully you in the future."

Xue Jian was still hesitant.In the end he just said:
"I'll have to ask my dad about it."

The old man with white beard lowered his head dejectedly.Take a deep breath.muttered:

"Others have always been the only ones who begged me to be my teacher. I begged to be my apprentice just once and you still didn't agree. I don't care. Anyway, I will follow you. One day you will agree to be my apprentice."

After saying that, he turned around angrily and went back to the blacksmith's room.I still went to learn blacksmithing from the old Niutou.Xue Jian chuckled and didn't take it to heart.She was still planning to go to Shenjia Village tomorrow.

Chen Shi sighed:
"Xue'er, it's really good that he accepts you as his apprentice. At first glance, this old man is a master of martial arts. Your cousin Zhen always wants to learn martial arts. If he can learn from such a master, then I can rest assured."

Xuejian also said happily:

"That's right. Cousin Zhen is the right one for him to take as an apprentice. When Cousin Zhen comes back in two days, he will ask Cousin Zhen to meet him. Let him take Cousin Zhen as his apprentice. I'll forget it."

Chen laughed.

"Fool. These martial arts seniors have very strange tempers. They will accept whoever they like. If they don't like it, they don't want it if you get close to it. But when you come back, I will talk to my cousin and let him Go hang around in front of the old man. See if it’s okay. If you can, it’s okay, and you don’t force it.”

Xue Jian felt that the second aunt was very reasonable.Also nodded and did not speak again.Helped two aunts to tidy up the persimmons.

after dinner.Liang Shengle called Liang Zhongqiu and Shen Sanzhu to the backyard.The three discussed it in the study.Because Shen Sanzhu was going to work in the county the next day.Can't accompany Xuejian back to Shenjia Village.In the end, it was decided that Liang Zhongqiu would take Xuejian to go.

certainly.Liang Shengyue didn't tell Shen Sanzhu that Shen Chengye had been admitted to Tongsheng, and that he was the top of the list.I just talked about the method discussed with Xue Jian in the afternoon.Liang Zhongqiu and Shen Sanzhu also felt that this approach was better.

In particular, Shen Sanzhu was very moved when his daughter proposed to help his second uncle build a house!The first thing to do when you walk out of the study is to find Xuejian.Gently hug Xue Jian.Thank you Xuejian for being willing to help his second brother build a house.Xuejian also told his father about the old man with white beard who wanted to accept him as an apprentice.You told your father about the old man with the white beard picking persimmons during the day.

Shen Sanzhu didn't expect that the drunken old man he rescued was a martial arts master.Was he drunk then, or was he not?Shen Sanzhu thought for a while and said:

"I'll go talk to him first and then get back to you."

It is well known that Shen Sanzhu loves his daughter.He wanted to find out about the old man with the white beard first.Then I decided whether to let my daughter go to him.As far as Shen Sanzhu is concerned.He is not opposed to letting his daughter learn martial arts.Originally, Xuejian's health was poor.If you can really learn martial arts.Maybe it could make her feel better.

Shen Sanzhu turned around and went back to the blacksmith room.The old man with the white beard fell in love with the blacksmith room today.He didn't come out except to eat and drink.

When Shen Sanzhu arrived at the blacksmith room.I just heard the old cow scolding the old man with the white beard.

"Look at how hard you used. I was going to beat it like this, and you beat me into a thin slice."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll do it with a little force in the future. I didn't expect to beat it like this with a little force. It's okay, it's okay, I'll melt it again. It's late, how about you Go rest first. I'll melt this piece first and then type it out."

The old bull raised his head just in time to see Shen Sanzhu coming in.He threw the piece of iron in his hand aside and said:

"Why are you still fighting? I'm looking for you."

The old man with the white beard turned around.He saw Shen Sanzhu coming in.Think about it because of Xuejian.The old man with white beard also nodded.Clap the ashes on your hands to welcome them out.

(End of this chapter)

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