farmer's daughter

Chapter 120 Why are you so pedantic

Chapter 120 Why are you so pedantic
Chapter 120 Why are you so pedantic
Xuejian hurried forward and asked:
"How about it?"

Old Man Mo said softly:

"Girl, I'm not a real doctor, but I still have some ways to extend my bones. It's just that I need to get in touch. In this secular world, men and women are said to be different. I'm a little fussy. I'm afraid your family will disagree. Do you understand?"

Xuejian looked at Master blankly, and old man Mo stretched out his hand to wipe his face and said:

"What? My face is red again?"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"Master, aren't you a knight-errant? Why are you so pedantic? You treated my mother, so why don't I go out and spread the word?"

It was rare for old man Mo to calm down.He silently lowered his head, thought for a while and said:

"It's not that I'm pedantic, it's because I killed two people because of this when I was young! Okay, let's not talk about it. You can ask your father first, if they think it's nothing, then I'll try it once. I don't say it can be fully recovered .But if it's just a broken bone, at least you can stand up and walk around."

Xuejian looked up at the sky and said:
"Okay, then I'll talk to daddy tomorrow, and then I'll look for you again."

Old man Mo nodded, but did not speak.Xuejian went back to the backyard to rest.But he knew that the conversation just now had aroused old man Mo's sore spot.That's why old man Mo fell silent.That's why Xue Jian walked away, giving him a space to adjust slowly.

Early the next morning, Liang Zhongqiu drove the ox cart to Shenjia Village with the quilts that Xue Jian and Xue Jian were going to give to grandparents, second uncle's house and seventh grandpa's house.Going to Shenjia Village again, Xuejian felt a different feeling in her heart.This Shenjia Village is his own pain.But it is my own root, no matter what, I still have to come back.Because she came early, Xue Jian didn't meet many people.Just bumped into each other, others were pointing to Xuejian, but no one came forward to say hello to Xuejian, firstly, they saw Liang Zhongqiu driving the car.Most people know Liang Zhongqiu.The second is that Xue Jian has changed too much in the past two or three months.Some people have even met Xuejian before.I don't recognize it now.

so.Xue Jian came all the way to the front of Shen's house, the door of Shen's house was open.Xuejian got off the bullock cart and was about to go in, when a person jumped out from the gate, it was Cheng Qiang.

Shen Chengqiang was still holding a hoe in his hand.It seemed that he was about to go down to the ground, when he went out, he saw a beautiful female doll standing at the door.Take a closer look, but it is snowy.Shen Chengqiang shouted happily:
"Xue'er, are you back?"

Xue Jian smiled and called:

"Brother Chengqiang. I'm here to see my grandparents and my second uncle and aunt."

Cheng Qiang stepped aside and said:
"Come in. Come in."

Xuejian pointed behind her and said:
"Come and help me, why don't you ask Sister Yueyin to come here."

Cheng Qiang looked at the new quilt on the bullock cart, his eyes sparkled.He rubbed his hands vigorously on his body again, raised his hands to look, and then turned around and shouted:

"Sister, sister. Come here."

Yue Yin heard Cheng Qiang's urgent cry and hurriedly ran out:
"what's wrong?"

"Ah, Xue'er is back? Come in quickly."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Sister Yueyin, come here. This is the quilt I used for my grandparents. These two are for your family. And these pieces of cloth are also for you. You take them back and let Second Aunt make clothes for you. , this bag is new cotton. It can be made into cotton coats."

Yue Yin's originally happy smile suddenly froze.road:

"Xue'er, why did you give us so much?"

Because there are so many, I dare not reach out to take them.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Don't worry, this is neither stolen nor robbed. You can take it in first after telling you, and I will tell the second uncle later."

Only then did Yueyin come forward, first greeted Liang Zhongqiu, then picked up Xue'er and told grandma, saying:

"Then give it to grandma first?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Well, I'm too short, and I can't see the way when I hug it. You should hug me."

Only then did Yueyin carry her into the house.Under Xue Jian's gesture, Cheng Qiang also took down the other bed of the ox cart and carried it back to the house.

Just as Yue Yin and Cheng Qiang hugged her in, Xue Jian followed her in. Just as Hong Shi came out of the room, as soon as she saw the new quilt, she called out:

"Hey, this is the quilt you made for me knowing it's cold this day? Oh, just right. My wife is about to give birth. Just right."

Yue Yin glared at her, then went up the steps with the quilt in her arms.Cheng Qiang ran back to his house in a few steps.Hong raised her head and saw that there were quilts on the bullock cart outside the door, so she ran out with a big stride shaking her fat body. It was only about ten steps away, and she was out of breath.

As soon as he ran out, he reached out to hug the quilt on the bullock cart, but was hit by Liang Zhongqiu with a whip.


Hong shi let out a loud cry.After taking a few steps back, he saw Liang Zhongqiu who was still sitting on the bullock cart.Liang Zhongqiu glared at Hong Shi with a dark face.Hong looked at the quilt on the car, and called out at once:

"What did you hit me for? Didn't you just bring us quilts?"

"Go away! What are you?"

Liang Zhongqiu scolded with a stare.The Hong family refused, and stepped forward to argue:

"Isn't this sent to my family? Just now, Yue Yin and Cheng Qiang took theirs back, and the rest is ours."

Liang Zhongqiu also didn't want to get entangled with this woman.Sitting with half-closed eyes and not speaking.Hong did not dare to go forward to take it.Because this person is not only good at beating people, he is also a village head and patriarch.No offence.

At this time, several people came out of the room.It was Lan's and Wang's.It was because of Cheng Qiang that Lan took back a new quilt and said it was sent by Xue Jian.He came out hurriedly.Mrs. Wang heard from Yueyin that Liang Zhongqiu had come.Old Mr. Shen went out to look at the crops in the field.I have to come out to greet him no matter what.What's more, Xuejian also sent herself a new quilt.

Mrs. Wang stepped forward to say hello:
"Dear family, come in and drink some water?"

Lang also said:

"Uncle Liang. Come in."

Liang Zhongqiu jumped off the cattle drive:

"No need. I'm just taking Xue'er back. Xue'er has something to do. I'll just drive her a car."

As soon as Liang Zhongqiu said this, Hong immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand:
"Yo, just to help drive a car. Then you don't need to help me hug you. I will do it myself."

Without giving any face, Liang Zhongqiu raised his whip again.Another 'bang' hit Hong's hand.Hong Shi yelled loudly, took a step back and burst into tears.

Because some people saw that the ox cart was full of new quilts, and some people came to see the fun.They are all pointing and laughing at Hong.

Xue Jian, who came out behind Wang, took a step forward and said:

"It's not for you! This is a set I made for my grandparents and two sets of new quilts for my second uncle's house. That bed was for the seventh grandpa's house that saved me and my mother. Your family Beat me and my mother, and burned my house. Still want my stuff? How thick-skinned!"

(End of this chapter)

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