farmer's daughter

Chapter 123 Not a Little Lover

Chapter 123 Not a Little Lover
Chapter 120 The third is not a lover

After everyone sits down.Xue Jian said seriously:

"Seventh Grandpa, Seventh Grandma, I have something to ask you for your help when I come here today. It's like this, my little uncle and I saved a person, a child, the specific identity is a bit special, I can't tell the whole story. But no matter what His identity, he is a poor child, his parents are dead. His uncle's family wants to kill him in order to grab the family property and status. We all rescued him in the river. As far as we know, that uncle is cruel, I don’t feel relieved if I don’t see the body, and we are still asking people to look for it. So we want to hide him. The place I can think of is your place. It’s backed by mountains and remote. Besides, after we repair the house, he will live in my house went."

Uncle Shen Qi is a man who came out of Fucheng, and he knew it was about the kind of big family when he heard it.After pondering for a while, he said:

"It's okay, bring it here. It's best to send it at night."

Xue Jian nodded repeatedly and said:
"But I'll say it earlier. The person who came to him is someone from the government. Aren't you worried about being implicated?"

Shen Qishu smiled and said:
"This girl will be careful about Seventh Grandpa. Don't worry, Seventh Grandpa will know that this is a scandal in a big family's family after hearing what you said. The poor woman and child are harmed. How old is the child? "

Xue Jian said with some embarrassment:

"I'm just afraid. What if I bring harm to you? Besides, I'm afraid that bad people like my aunt will be attracted by people like them. Brother Yuan Zhi is ten years old. Those who can take care of themselves, just don’t have a home.”

Aunt Shen Qi also repeatedly said:
"That's it. I heard about it when I was in Fucheng. Some big families killed other people's children because of their property. This child is also pitiful. You can send it here. It happens that there is a room in my backyard. I went to clean it up. Usually no one lives there. Many people in the village don’t know that there is a house behind me. As long as it doesn’t come down from the mountain, besides, the mountain behind our house happens to be a mountain wall. Who would dare to climb from here? Ah. Anyone who comes here can see it at a glance. They all have to come from this road ahead.”

Liang Zhongqiu also looked at it, nodded and said:

"Actually, I'm also timid. But my son and this girl want to save this child. So we have no choice but to send it out first. Because we didn't pay attention at first when we were there, and several people in the village saw him. .Now that we know that someone is looking for him, we dare not stay at home for fear of killing him, so we thought about sending it out. Don’t worry, we will take care of his food.”

"See what you said, how much a child can eat. Don't worry."

Xuejian looked at grandpa, nodded and said:
"Okay then, we'll come back at night."

"Go, what night do you want, I will deliver it in a while."

The answering voice came from the roof.Xuejian ran out of the house as soon as she heard it.Sure enough, he saw old man Mo on the roof.Xue Jian jumped and shouted:

"Master, come down quickly. It's not good for you! Overhear us talking."

"Little girl, you thought I was going to follow you. After you left, your grandpa Niu said that nothing good happened to you when you went back to Shenjia Village. You were beaten first, and then almost burned to death when you came back, so I have to come and see. But I just listened to what you said. Don't worry. I'll go back and bring that kid here now. I promise no one will see it."

Of course Xuejian is relieved.She knew that it would be overkill to use old man Mo's ability to do this job, but she was also very happy that old man Mo took the initiative to help her.Xue Jian smiled and nodded:

"Okay, then wait a moment. I'll write a letter to Brother Yuan Zhi. You bring it to him."

"What kind of letter are you writing? You're not a little lover!"

Old man Mo said something foolishly, and Xue Jian's little face flushed red all of a sudden.He stared at his master and shouted:

Old man Mo quickly took a step back and said:

"Okay, okay, you write, you write, I'm waiting."

Xue Jian stomped her feet, turned around, picked up Grandpa Shen Qi's ink stick and rubbed it lightly, then wrote some words with the pen, then folded it and handed it to old man Mo, saying:

"You have to ask my grandma to take you to him first, otherwise he won't believe you."

Old man Mo put the letter paper in his arms and said with a smile:
"Okay, wait a moment."

Old man Mo didn't go through the gate, but flew directly onto the roof, and then walked away from the trees on the mountain.After a few jumps, he disappeared.

"Oh my mother. Xue'er, this old man can fly."

Grandma Shen Qi patted her chest and sighed.From the time old man Mo left until now, she hadn't recovered much.How come people don't know that their home is here?Just now I was still saying that I can look good at people.

Liang Zhongqiu told the two elders about the old man's insistence on accepting Xuejian as his apprentice.Grandpa Shen Qi also sighed:
"Xuejian is still blessed. This is an expert. Xuejian must learn from others!"

After that everyone chatted.Liang Zhongqiu and Grandpa Shen Qi chatted about the appearance of the threshing machine.Liang Zhongqiu just talked a little bit more in front of Grandpa Shen Qi, saying that there was still a snow-covered idea in that thing, and he wouldn't have made it himself.Grandpa Shen Qi praised Xue Jian again and again.

And Xue Jian talked about her mother with Grandma Seven.Of course, it also talked about the need to cheer up the mother to live, so she had to set up an embroidery team for the mother.Of course, Grandma Shen Qi totally agreed.I am a bit older.My eyes are not working.But thinking about what Liang Chengfang wanted to do, he could really find something for her to do.This made Liang Chengfang more worried.I won't think too much about it.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Xue Jian heard someone calling her.Xue Jian went out to have a look.Seeing Brother Yuan Zhi standing in the yard, Xue Jian looked around and said:

"Where is my master?"

Ning Yuanzhi also took a look here and said:
"Old Man Mo saw something on this mountain just now, so he left me and left. He told you to wait for him to come back before leaving."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Come in. This is my seventh grandpa's home."

Ning Yuanzhi had an indescribable expression on his face, a little helpless, a little panic, and followed Xuejian in silently.

"Come on. Brother Yuan, this is my seventh grandpa, this is my seventh grandma. Seventh grandpa, seventh grandma. He is Ning Yuanzhi. That is what I call Yuan Zhige. He will live with you temporarily in the future. After my house is repaired He went to live with us."

"Grandpa Seven, Granny Seven."

Ning Yuan bowed to Shen Qi and his wife with a straight face.The old couple hastily stepped aside.Grandpa Shen Qi said:

"Mr. Ning, don't worry, our place is remote. As long as you don't dislike our shabby place, you can live here with peace of mind. Let the old woman take you to the backyard for dinner. We will clean up the house in the backyard for you to live in later. Come and take a look first. "

(End of this chapter)

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