farmer's daughter

Chapter 126 Cher, You Are a Liar

Chapter 126 Cher, You Are a Liar
Chapter 120 Six, Cher, You Are a Liar

Xue Jian spat it out.It happened to spray on Liang Shenggao who was about to enter the door.Fortunately, Liang Shenggao's skill was not bad, so he jumped away in no time.Seeing that Xue Jian's mouth was covered with black ink, she said in doubt:

"Xuejian, what's the matter with you?"

Xue Jian spit out again and again with a depressed face, and the saliva was black.Hearing his uncle's question, he mumbled:
"Alas! I was distracted and drank the ink for tea."

Liang Shenggao laughed out loud.Xuejian didn't wait for him to say something that made fun of herself, she ran out immediately, she had to wash up first, this ink was originally used for children to try, it is not good ink, it smells bad.The pity is that his white teeth have turned into black teeth.

Xue Jian managed to get the black ink out of her mouth with great difficulty, and after taking care of everything, it was time for dinner.Coincidentally, today is the time of vacation again, and all the people who study are back.Everyone had dinner together, and they happened to talk about Ning Yuanzhi's departure.

Liang Shenggao suddenly interjected:
"If the kid is gone, we really don't feel anything. Usually he doesn't talk much, and only moves around in the backyard. We don't feel that anything is missing after walking for a few days, but Xueer is different."

When everyone heard Liang Shenggao's words, they all turned to look at Xuejian, and Xuejian turned to look at herself.I didn't feel that I was reluctant to part with Ning Yuanzhi.See everyone looking at themselves.Liang Shenggao cracked his lips and said with a smile:

"Today, Xue'er was thinking about Ning Yuanzhi ecstatically. She drank the ink like tea!"

All of a sudden the room was silent.They all turned to look at Xue Jian in surprise.Xue Jian's eyes widened, and she blushed under the eyes of everyone.But not shy, but very angry!

Xue Jian stood up slowly.Staring at the uncle, he shouted:
"Uncle!!! Which eye of yours sees me missing him? I don't miss him!"

Liang Shenggao reached out his hand to touch his mouth and snickered, and stretched out a finger to point at Xue Jian's little bit.Let everyone see that Xue Jian seems to be trying to cover up!Xue Jian was even more furious.shouted loudly:
"I'll say it again, I'm not in a trance because I miss him, but because I want to make a bed that I like!"

The astonishment in the room was even more astonishing.Liang Junlin asked again:
"Xue'er, what is a bed?"

Xue'er turned her head to look at the people who were still staring at her in surprise, feeling speechless.He couldn't help turning his head to look at his little uncle.He could only look at his little uncle pitifully.The little uncle was about to talk to save Xue'er.Just heard a long laugh outside the house:
"Girl Xue, you like beds. Those things are a bit troublesome, but they are available in the south. People in the north don't like to use them."

Xue Jian rushed out when she heard the sound.shouted:

"Master, are you back?"

It was old man Mo who was chatting outside.As the voice fell, he floated into the room.As soon as old man Mo came in, he stretched out his hand to pick up the tea on the table and drank it. Liang Zhongqiu stretched out his hand to stop it, because he drank it himself, but he didn't expect old man's hand to be so fast.He drank it all in one sip, picked up the pot on the table, and started drinking directly at the spout.

Everyone watched him drink until he was full.He put down the pot and patted his chest and said:
"I'm dying of thirst!"

Then sit down again and see that everyone is there.A nod is a greeting.Turning around, I saw Xue:

"Don't worry, it's delivered. As soon as we talked about the old things, everyone stayed behind after crying. I couldn't bear it and came back. That's right. I told you to wait for him."

Xuejian blushed again and shouted anxiously:
"Master! We were talking about the bed just now."

"Oh, that's right, that's right. You're talking about the bed, right? In the south, the south doesn't use the kang, just use the bed. The ladies in the capital also use the bed when they get married. You also want to get married on the bed? Isn't it, you are still young !"

Old man Mo looked surprised.He looked shocked.

The Liang family members in the room let out a loud laugh, Xuejian stomped her feet anxiously, turned her mouth to the wall and ignored them.After a while, everyone saw her shoulders shrugged, and she buried her head, and raised her hands to cover her face.Mrs. Zhang hurriedly scolded everyone, pointed to Xue Jian and said:

"You guys are going too far. Look at how old I am, Xueer. You just laughed at her. Be good, Xueer, come on, grandma loves you, and I will deal with them one by one later."

Liang Junlin also ran to Xue'er, bent over and said:

"Sister Xue'er, we are all teasing you. Don't cry. We won't laugh!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his little hand to gently pull Xue Jian's little hand away, but saw a pair of big bright eyes behind the little hand showing cunning.With a smile on his face, he doesn't look like he's crying!
Liang Junlin was so startled that he couldn't speak.

"you you."

Liang Junzhen also rushed over and saw the same shocking scene.But Dang Junzhen couldn't help laughing again.He also turned Xueer's body around, and everyone saw Xueer's smiling face.Only then did Liang Junlin "you" come out.

"You are a liar!"

"Who told you all to laugh at me!"

Zhang who came over couldn't help laughing and said:
"You ghost girl! You've coaxed me too. You're a ghost!"

He stretched out his hand and pinched Xue Jian's little nose.

Xuejian stuck out her tongue and said playfully:

"Is it like crying? Hehe, Brother Lei, you laughed the loudest at me just now, and I punished you to go to the study to get some paper. I want to draw a picture."

Liang Junlei held back his laughter, this little cousin is really a pistachio.No wonder everyone loves her.He turned around and went to get the paper.

Everyone didn't notice.When everyone was laughing at Xue Jian because he wanted Ning Yuanzhi to drink ink, there was only one person who didn't laugh, and that was Liang Junxiao who was sitting in the corner.Liang Junxiao was 12 years old, and this time he was hit by Tongsheng.Originally, he wanted to tell his little cousin the good news when he came back.But I don't want to hear that Ning Yuanzhi left, but my little cousin lost her soul.No matter what Xue Jian said was true or false because he wanted to decorate the room, but this little boy who cared about his little cousin really thought it was because of Ning Yuanzhi.So, he was very disappointed.This kind of loss can't be told to others!
Plus a sentence that old man Mo brought back.Liang Junxiao knew that the young boy who was younger than him and didn't speak was also good because he saw his little cousin.Liang Junxiao was very sad!Although he knew that his cousin was still young and it was too early to say such things, but the little cousin was smart and understood what Ning Yuanzhi was thinking after thinking about it.And what is he?
No one noticed whether Liang Junxiao was smiling or not, because he didn't talk much at ordinary times, and everyone treated him as usual.The eldest brother Liang Junlei brought paper, ink and pens as well.When Xue'er saw Mo, she glared.Angrily, he took out another piece of charcoal from the small pouch in his arms.

Liang Xia frowned and said:
"Xue'er, look at you always use that charcoal, your fingers are all black, don't you know how to use a brush? Why do you like to use that. It makes your hands always dirty."

(End of this chapter)

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