farmer's daughter

Chapter 132 Will be equal to 0 in the end

Chapter 132
Chapter 130 The second will be equal to zero in the end
Early the next morning, Liang Zhongqiu and Lao Niu went to town again.This time he went back not only to buy some iron embryos, Xuejian also proposed to ask Liang Zhongqiu to buy a carriage for the return, the carriage was faster than the ox cart.It is also convenient to use.

Xuejian still went for a run when she got up in the morning, but she felt that her steps seemed much lighter.Even when she saw Liang Xia at breakfast, Liang Xia circled around Xuejian and said:

"Why do I feel that Cher's skin is whiter?"

Xuejian stretched out her hand and touched her face, and it did feel smoother than before.Hu's interface said:
"Xue'er has the best skin among your sisters. Look at that little face, it looks like an egg that has just been peeled. She looks like your sister-in-law. You see, your sister-in-law has four children, and her skin is just poor." Some blood is good too."

Chen also said:

"Yes, my little sister's skin is really good!"

After eating, the Liang brothers went up the mountain.He said he was going to cut more wood and come back to work, so that he could make wooden floors in the future.

The most lively thing now is the room with newly installed floor heating.Ever since Cui'er brought her children to learn embroidery, Banxia has fallen in love with this room, and He Xuejian and Yuewei have been sitting on the floor and playing in this room.Xuejian had asked her second uncle to find out early in the morning.The room was heated for one night last night, and firewood was added three times. Compared with the kang, the amount of firewood used was about the same.But Xuejian decided to use a new thing, that is charcoal, which can keep the heat longer.

Not long after lunch, Lao Niu and Liang Zhongqiu came back.One was driving an ox cart and the other was driving a horse cart.Seeing the carriage coming back, the Liang family gathered around to watch.This is the first carriage in this village.There were also quite a few people who followed outside Liang's house to watch the excitement.Mrs. Zhang said hello one by one:
"Come in, come in and sit. If you want to go to town in the future, or if you have something to do, just let me know. You have all the carts and carts, so it will be convenient for you to use, right?"

The Liang family's life is getting better and better. First, the Liang family's foundation is good. Second, the Liang family has a Mr. Juren, so the family's land does not have to pay taxes.This adds up to a fortune.Besides, Liang Zhongqiu is very popular, has many ideas, and is willing to fight with his two sons who are farmers.So the Liang family is getting better and better.Now there is a threshing machine sold by Xue Jian's idea.The selling price is not small. Although the machine has not yet been handed over and the full payment has not been received, the deposit alone has received more than 1000 taels.

But to say that the Liang family has bad things, Xuejian thinks that grandpa is a little selfish.I became rich, but I didn't expect to drive the whole village to become rich.It's just that the Liang family doesn't bully the poor, so it's just fair.But if you really want to be powerful and really win the hearts of the people, you have to make everyone in a village rich.So before the autumn harvest, after Xuejian talked with his grandfather, Liang Zhongqiu thought for two days and finally understood what Xuejian meant, so he proposed to help the two most difficult people in the village to harvest in the autumn.This is also the first step.

The second step is to let the old cow accept the calf as his disciple.Let Liang Chengfang accept Tweety to learn embroidery.This can be regarded as reaching the meaning of Xue Jian's saying that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

The third step is to let the daughters-in-law of the family go out to socialize with the younger daughter-in-laws in the village. Only when everyone gets acquainted can they understand each other better.For example, this time, Liang Zhongqiu decided to gather several expert house builders in the village.Go to Shenjia Village to help Shen Sanzhu build a house.This is not using everyone's ability to do private affairs for his family, but Liang Zhongqiu intends to listen to Xuejian's suggestion.Xuejian said that as long as their family starts to repair the house with floor heating, many people will follow in the future.Then Liang Zhongqiu set up a team dedicated to building this kind of house early, won't everyone have another salary in the future?

Of course, these are just some people from Liangjia Village. Xuejian still needs to reserve a few positions for Shenjia Village, and her family will still live in Shenjia Village, so Xuejian also said that this team is in charge of two people. From now on, the eldest uncle will be in charge of Liangjiacun, and the second uncle will be in charge of Shenjiacun.On this point, Liang Zhongqiu said that Xue Jian was very thoughtful.

When Liang Zhongqiu was feeling emotional about having such a smart granddaughter, Xue Jian was also feeling emotional.I feel that there is such a good family who supports and believes in me unconditionally. If I am in the environment of Shen's family, I will have a thousand ways to get rich, and it will be equal to zero in the end!

How nice it is to have a grandfather who wholeheartedly believes in a child who is only a little over six years old, and discusses everything with this granddaughter.There is a little uncle who also takes the blame for himself time and time again without asking why.Up to now, Shen Sanzhu and his wife have invisibly handed over the power of their small family to Xuejian, including the education of younger siblings!

Shen Sanzhu didn't come back for dinner that night. When he got home, everyone had eaten and sat in the main room to discuss tomorrow's arrangements.Seeing him rushing in, Hu stood up and said to make him a bowl of noodles.He hurriedly stopped and said:

"Sister-in-law, I've eaten. I went to my elder sister's house. My elder sister made noodles for me."

Cao'er just closed the door and came in.Immediately after hearing this, he asked:
"Father, did you go to the aunt's house to see Sister Yueya?"

"See you."

Shen Sanzhu took a sip of tea and said:
"Your sister Yueya is still fine now. Your aunt said that when we go back, we will send your sister Yueya back, and we can help if there is anything."

Zhang Shi also said:

"That's right. I once heard Cheng Fang say that your eldest sister wanted Yue Ya to go to her house. Yue Ya is not too young now. She is about the same as our Xia'er, and she can be considered a big girl. She still stays with your eldest sister like this." It's not good to talk about family. It's not good to talk about marriage in the future."

"Oh, their family, I was talking to Cheng Fang yesterday, and Cheng Fang was still talking about that child Yue Yun from your uncle's house, saying that he was delaying the child, and he is fifteen now. Her mother has always I don’t want to tell this girl about my marriage, but I want to keep this girl at home to serve her. I heard Cheng Fang said that this girl has to get up in the middle of the night to cover her mother with a quilt. You said that her father is still there. A big girl enters her parents’ house at night. What are you talking about? This is her mother's fault! Then the Hong family is really not a good person!"

Mrs. Hu listened and answered the conversation.

Shen Sanzhu also sighed and said:

"The girls in my elder brother's family have always been very fond of Cheng Fang. If Cheng Fang hadn't cared a little bit, the girls would have suffered more. Yun'er is really a good girl. Except for Cheng Fang, she did the most work, and she had to take care of the work of the big house after doing everyone's work. A girl of her age looks older than her. So Cheng Fang always remembers her."

Shen Sanzhu turned his head to look and said:

"Mother, why don't you tell this girl a good family, and find a way for this girl to live. Now that my father and mother are still here, and we go back to support her, maybe it's okay to marry her. Hong If she wants to act violently, she will be punished by force. But I can't waste the lives of these girls!"

(End of this chapter)

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