farmer's daughter

Chapter 139 Thief, Give Me Back My Things

Chapter 139 Thief, Give Me Back My Things

Chapter 130 Nine Thief, Give Me Back My Things
All the people who work eat very happily. Most of them are poor people who can't eat meat a few times a year.But just now Liang Zhongqiu said that those who work here eat meat every day.Everyone is an honest person, and they exchange their hearts for their hearts. If the master treats himself like this, then he should work harder after he eats and drinks well.

Everyone ate happily, but Shen Sanzhu still kept paying attention to his daughter. Shen Sanzhu was also a little worried because the daughter hadn't come back yet.Seeing her second aunt go out with a fire stick, Shen Sanzhu also stood up.Shen Sanzhu stood up, and Shen Erzhu also stood up and followed out.

Besides, Xue Jian and Cheng Qiang brought a bowl of vegetables to grandparents in bamboo baskets.At the door of Shen's house.Shen Dazhu's youngest son, Shen Chengjia, was sitting at the door.Seeing Xue saw them coming.The boy glared at him, turned around and entered the room, when Xue Jian and Cheng Qiang walked to the door, the boy was standing at the door holding a stick.Pointing at the snow and seeing them, he said:
"Get out, who told you to come? You are not from the Shen family anymore. Get out as far as you can."

Cheng Qiang took a step forward, blocked Xue Jian behind and said:

"Chengjia, get out of the way, let's go see grandparents."

"No, this is without your grandparents. Get out! Don't get out, I'll break your leg!"

Cheng Qiang stared, stretched his neck and shouted:
"Grandma, grandma."

Seeing that Cheng Qiang was disobedient, Shen Cheng's family was still yelling here, and hit him with a stick in his hand.It hit Shen Chengqiang's blocking arm with one blow.Shen Chengqiang let out an ouch, and it also caught fire.He rushed over, after all, Shen Chengqiang was two years older than Shen Cheng's family, and this desperate one threw Shen Cheng's family to the ground.The two started to fight.

Xue Jian shouted anxiously:
"Stop hitting, stop hitting. Grandma, grandma."

Yue Yun who heard the voice in the room rushed out.Seeing Xuejian, he didn't have time to say hello, so he went directly to separate the two of them. When they were separated, Chengjia kicked two more times without admitting defeat, not wanting to hit Yueyun.Yueyun let go of his arms as soon as she was in pain.Cheng Jia fell back to the ground heavily.Just in time, the Hong family also came out, just in time to see Yueyun let go of her brother and dropped her brother.While yelling and cursing Yueyun, Hong picked up the stick that Cheng Qiang had knocked off and swung it at Yueyun's leg, knocking her down with one blow.Coincidentally, there was a piece of broken bowl thrown away on the side of the road, and Yue Yun's face was poked on it, and a bloody hole was poked right in the cheek.The blood came out all at once.It looked like Yueyun's face was covered in blood.

Xuejian shouted in fright:
"Ah!!! Second sister, second sister!"

Cheng Qiang was also dumbfounded, but he subconsciously ran back to Xuejian, stretched out his hand to hold Xuejian in his arms, and covered Xuejian's eyes.He was afraid of scaring Xuejian.But he didn't want his own hands to be shaking all the time!

Hong Shi was also frightened.I was stunned for a while and didn't scold anymore. I pulled my son up and walked into the house, as if I didn't care.Just as Wang walked out, she was staggered by the fat Hong.But when she was hit, she saw Yueyun lying on the ground with blood on her face.

Because Yueyun is helping with things on weekdays, Wang and Yueyun are the closest.He ran out in three or two steps, and shouted:

"Yun'er! Yuner! What's the matter with you?"

Yue Yun hadn't fainted yet, she reached out her hand to touch the blood on her face, the blood was still flowing out, Yue Yun sat up slowly.Wang stepped forward and put her arms around Yueyun and said:
"Yun'er, Yun'er, get up. Where else are you hurt? This evil woman."

Xuejian broke away from Chengqiang's hand, took out the handkerchief from her arms, and ran over to wipe off the blood for Yueyun.Only to find that blood was still coming out.Xue Jian simply covered Yue Yun's wound with a handkerchief, choked up and said:
"Sister Yun, sister Yun, don't be afraid."

Wang supported Yueyun to stand up, and Cheng Qiang also stepped forward to support the other side.Seeing her grandma helping her into the house, Xue Xue shouted anxiously:
"Grandma, elder sister Fu Yun, go to Grandpa Seven, and ask Grandpa Seven to have a look."

Wang looked at it and said: "It's okay, it's just bleeding. I'll find some spider webs and paste it when I go back. It'll be fine if the bleeding stops and the scar dries up."

"No, the wound on my sister's face will leave a scar, that's not good!"

Wang hesitated for a moment, but Yueyun stood up.Covering his wound, he said:
"It's okay. You don't need to go to Grandpa Seven."

Xue Jian said urgently:

"Sister Yun, go and have a look. It's really not good to leave a scar like this. This is the face. Sister, you are talking about kissing."

Wang also said:

"Yun'er, let's go and have a look. Xue'er is right."

Yueyun stubbornly walked into the house.Everyone followed her in.When they arrived in the yard, Cheng Qiang went first to get a small stool for Yue Yun to sit on.Xue Jian put the basket she was carrying aside, went to fetch some water from a bucket, wet the blood-red handkerchief, and then wiped the blood on Yue Yun's face, some blood It's all down the neck.

Xue Jian was carefully wiping away the blood on Yue Yun, and saw that the wound was still a bit big, and the blood coming out was less now, but it was still bleeding.Xue Jian was a little worried. There was no tetanus shot in this day and age. What if he got infected?
Cheng Qiang was also watching, but no one noticed. The door of the east chamber opened and a woman with a big belly came out. She quietly approached the bamboo basket brought by Xue Jian, opened the lid on it, and saw a large bowl of fried rice inside. Meat.Then he gently lifted the bamboo basket into the house.But he didn't want to be seen by Cheng Qiang when he turned around.

"Put it down, that's not for you!"

Xuejian heard the voice and turned to look over.She also stepped forward angrily, and was about to bring back the bamboo basket with her hand, but the big belly woman hid the bamboo basket behind her back.

Xue Jian rushed behind her, and she carried it in another hand.Anyway, just don't let Xue see.Xuejian turned around, but didn't get the bamboo basket, stood in front of the big belly woman and said:
"Thief, give me back my things!"

Wang turned her head and stared at the big belly woman and cursed:

"Give something to Xueer quickly."

The woman with the big belly is Xue Jian's big brother's woman, the woman named Xiao Cui.Isn't this about to give birth? My stomach is getting big.This woman is not a good person at all, she is promiscuous.After hooking up with Shen Chengzu, Shen Chengzu was coaxed around by her. She also knew that she couldn't always rely on her youth to make a living, since she was obviously in her 20s.Said he was only 17 years old.Once a nerd like Shen Chengzu fell into her hands, of course he would believe everything.Just confess this woman as an ancestor.

Originally, he rented a small house in the town for this woman to live in, but after the family split up, the family had no money for him to support this woman.But at this time, it was discovered that the woman was pregnant.Of course, Shen Chengzu always thought it was his own.So take her back home no matter what.The Hong family, who wholeheartedly promoted his son to heaven, was also unhappy at first, but for the sake of his grandson, he accepted this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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