Chapter 144
Chapter 140 Four
Old Mr. Shen didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, but was pulled forward by Xue Jian.Looked at all the places to be repaired.Take a look down.The whole house was found to be large.Old Mr. Shen also had an account in mind, so he silently calculated it.That would cost a lot of silver.This is only the third child's. I heard that it will be repaired by the second child, so it will cost a lot of money.I don't know what Xuejian did to find so much money.

The group turned around and returned to sit in Shen Laoqi's yard.Grandma Shen Qi just made tea for everyone.I heard a call from outside the yard:
"Uncle Seven, is Uncle Seven here?"

It was Shen Dazhu who came to call, and he saw panic on Shen Dazhu's face, and there was blood on his hands.While yelling, he entered the yard, seeing the village head and his father sitting there, Shen Dazhu hesitated, took a step back, lowered his head and did not speak.After a pause, he raised his head again, knelt down straight to his father and said:

"Father, I came to beg Seventh Uncle to save people. Both the Hong family and Chengzong's family lost their hands. And Xiaocui is about to give birth. I am a father-in-law. I can't help. Yun'er didn't go back either. I called Cheng Wuniang, but Cheng Wuniang said that she only knows how to deliver babies. She can’t cure her hand. And that Xiaocui is suffering from dystocia, bleeding profusely, and needs medicine to stop it. I can’t help it, dad!”

Grandma Shen Qi on the side sighed and said:

"Wait a minute, I'll call you Seventh Uncle, no matter what. The newborn child is always right. You can't watch people die."

The village head also nodded, and Grandma Shen Qi went to Uncle Shen Qi who was showing the foundation of the house to the second child on the other side.After talking about the matter, Uncle Shen picked up a medicine bag and left.

Hu stood aside and said:

"Seventh Aunt, you should go and have a look too. It is a matter of life and death for a woman to have a baby! Although I still hate their family for treating my younger sister's family like that, our Liang family is not a person who makes trouble. Don't worry, I will take care of it at home. It's on."

Aunt Shen Qi also took off her apron and said:
"Okay, then I'll go and have a look too. You can just watch at home first."

Aunt Shen Qi also went out.However, Village Chief Shen still has a lot to say to Village Chief Liang. Village Chief Liang said that he wants to build a very special house, but Village Chief Liang did not say where it is special.Still keeping an air of secrecy.The more confidential this matter is, the more worrying it is, isn't it?
Village Chief Shen moved his chair, sat next to Village Chief Liang and said:

"Tell me, what is the special house you mentioned?"

Liang Zhongqiu laughed, "I really want to know?"

Village Chief Shen nodded and leaned forward a little.Liang Zhongqiu took a sip of tea and put down the cup, and said happily:

"It's not a secret, but it won't be a secret when it starts tomorrow. It's okay to tell you two old brothers in advance. Because this is not just a new house. It's one of our Liangjiacun and your Shenjiacun who made a fortune." Opportunity. But when it comes to that, thank you for seeing us. He's the whole idea."

Having said that, Liang Zhongqiu briefly talked about the plan of the floor heating house proposed by Xuejian.Old man Shen and Village Chief Shen were dumbfounded after hearing it.He listened carefully with his eyes wide open.

When he heard that Xuejian was going to find some people in Liangjia Village and Shenjia Village respectively to be the construction team for this house, Village Chief Shen slapped the table and shouted:
"Okay! With this in the future, at least the family members of our construction team will have income. It really will benefit our village. Xuejian, this plan is great!"

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:
"Your village has a lot of benefits, and more. Because my daughter was disabled, she felt that she had become a burden to the family a few days ago, and she didn't want to live anymore. Xue Jian found her for her mother to live This matter, Xuejian has already discussed with the owner of the largest cloth shop in the town. From now on, all the embroidery work in that cloth shop will be given here first. And Xue Jian asked her mother to teach some The little girl and the daughter-in-law are embroidering flowers. The women are also formed into an embroidery team. In this way, and the women in the village have no time to deliver the goods. They are all handed over to Xuejian, and Xuejian pays. Tell me, is it again? One advantage? This prevents those three aunts and six wives from scolding their little daughters-in-law and gossiping everywhere! Even if the little girls learn a skill, they will be more glorious when they get married. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention, the owner of the cloth village I love that we met each other. Hehe."

Village head Shen got excited when he heard about the establishment of the construction team, but when he heard that there was also an embroidery team, his voice trembled with excitement.His eyes are bright, if Xue Jian is here, he will definitely find that Village Chief Shen's eyes are full of copper coins!


"Of course it's true! It's just that the ugly words are in the front. Girl Xue said that the construction team in Shenjia Village is led by her second uncle. You also know what the situation of Shen's second family is now. Girl Xue is She is helping her second uncle to make a fortune. But when it comes to candidates, Xue Yatou said, the first is to be responsible and diligent. The second is to give priority to those from poor families. This time, those who come to repair the house of the third family will be counted. , but it's also a test, and if you do well, stay here. You can't let the wind out first, or you will cause trouble. As for who the embroidery team wants, it seems that Cheng Fang has a plan. When the house is repaired and comes back, then Let's get started."

Village Chief Shen was so excited that he couldn't sit still.Walking back and forth there:

"Okay, really good! Brother Liang, first you said that this girl is better than a man. I really didn't believe it. Now that I hear you say that, I'm convinced. A girl who is only a few years old. Why is there such a thing?" So many ideas!"

Liang Zhongqiu laughed and said:
"Actually, it's not just you who said it's a pity that she is a girl, but even my third child has said it many times! The third child has said that if Xue Jian is a man, she will be much better than him! But the two elder brothers , let me say something ugly here first, we have to protect this child secretly, because she is still young and too early. I am afraid. This child is now the lucky star of our two villages. So I and him in the open My brother-in-law helped her with everything. Some things were done by her, but in the end they all said that we did it. First, we are protecting her, and second, we can't afford to mess with her now. You also saw that old Mo today. That's right. That's a master in the rivers and lakes. Hehe. Now he loves Xuejian more than us. If anyone touches Xuejian, I guarantee that this person and his whole family or clan will be dealt with by him. He does owned!"

Liang Zhongqiu said these words seriously, and stopped Village Chief Shen from pacing back and forth.Village head Shen is also in his 70s and [-]s, and has seen many people and things, but he has to talk about that old man Mo.That was really the first time I saw him. This is the same person as the hero in the rivers and lakes that the storyteller said.Really can not offend.And what Liang Zhongqiu said was true, when Xue saw this girl, she had to protect her temporarily.

Finally, Village Chief Shen nodded and said:

"You're right! Changyong, now you two will have a good time, don't mess with that family!"

(End of this chapter)

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