farmer's daughter

Chapter 151 Tongsheng also sent happy news?

Chapter 151 Tongsheng also sent happy news?

Chapter 150 Tongsheng also delivered the happy news?

Although Boss Zhang looked a little fierce, but judging from his expression just now, he was not lying.And Xuejian also knew that grandpa was a plan. Xuejian knew that two people in the escort agency were injured at that time, but after the master arrived, the situation was one-sided.

Boss Zhang paced his feet anxiously, and he also knew that patriarch Liang dared to say this in front of his cousin, so it was true.But I didn't know that those Jianghu people were also moved by that thing.Thinking about it now, if I had taken that item back then, wouldn't I have been robbed and killed by those gangsters on the way?Thinking of this, Boss Zhang broke into a cold sweat, and directly bowed to Liang Zhongqiu and said:

"Thank you, Patriarch Liang, for your reminder. Fortunately, that thing didn't fall into my hands, otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know where I died now. I hired these people in a teahouse. I really don't know them. But I don't want to bring trouble to Patriarch Liang. I, I, alas! Cousin, look!"

Boss Zhang looked at his cousin as if he didn't know what to do.Jiang Jingming said solemnly:
"I told you before that you can't deal with those people in the Jianghu, just do your business in a down-to-earth way. Look, this is causing trouble, right?"

Jiang Jingming turned around and said to Patriarch Liang:
"Uncle Liang, how much did you lose? How much did Escort Chen lose? I don't know. Now that we know, we have to bear some responsibilities! We will never shirk it! But my cousin didn't leave after he arrived at my house that day. Go through the door and stay with me all the time. There is really no contact with those people."

Liang Zhongqiu repeatedly waved his hands and said:

"Hey, no, no, it's over. I'm a little unhappy. I thought it was really Boss Zhang, so I'll mention it. Now that you say that, I believe that Boss Zhang really didn't cooperate with those people. As for the loss, As for my in-laws, two masters were injured, nothing else happened, my granddaughter's master happened to pass by and resolved the matter."

Liang Zhongqiu casually pointed to Xue Jian again.Liang Zhongqiu said it lightly, but it was different to Jiang Jingming's ears.First of all, I said that those Jianghu people are powerful, and then said that this little girl's master solved this problem, so this master is probably a master of masters.

Jiang Jingming cupped his hands and said:

"That's okay. If it causes Uncle Liang to lose money, then I'm so sorry. I'll ask someone to send some treatment fees and make an apology when Chen Biaotou turns around."

Liang Zhongqiu shook his head and said:
"That's not necessary. Boss Jiang, you saw this thing today. You should think about how you want to operate it. I also have to discuss with my sons what to do, whether to sell your machine or give you blueprints, no matter what. How, this business is only done with you. As for the cooperation with Boss Zhang, it is up to you. I still owe Boss Zhang a favor. "

Boss Zhang waved his hands repeatedly and said:
"I, no, no, Patriarch Liang, don't bring this up again. It's my fault, I don't know people well!"

Xue Jian stood up and said:

"Grandpa, grandma said that the guests are invited to dinner."

Liang Zhongqiu also hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, come, Master Jiang, Boss Zhang, come here, these brothers, let's have dinner together." Liang Zhongqiu led people into the main room and sat down.However, the sitting position is a bit confusing. The square table can seat two people on each side. Liang Zhongqiu invited Jiang Jingming to the upper seat, and Jiang Jingming was about to sit down.But he saw Liang Zhongqiu took a step back and sat down with the companion on the right.Jiang Jingming immediately stood up and said:
"Uncle Liang, how can you sit like this, come, come, come, don't care about anything else, you are an elder. You should come and take the seat."

Jiang Jingming didn't sit down, neither did the others, they were all standing.Xue Jian snickered at the side, these people just pay too much attention to these etiquettes.

Liang Zhongqiu smiled and said:

"Master Jiang, please sit down. You are a guest. There is an old man in my family who is the master of my granddaughter."

As soon as Liang Zhongqiu said this, a person floated in from outside the room, and sat down directly in the upper seat. It was old man Mo with a white beard.As soon as old man Mo sat down, he picked up his chopsticks to eat, and said:

"There are so many etiquettes, eat quickly, it's getting cold."

Jiang Jingming's horrified expressions haven't slowed down yet.They all stared blankly at the old man who suddenly appeared.Then Jiang Jingming understood.This is the old man that Liang Zhongqiu said he retired more than a dozen people from the rivers and lakes by himself.Not to be underestimated.Jiang Jingming took a step back and cupped his hands:

"I, Jiang Jingming, have seen the old man."

Old man Mo waved his hand and said:

"It's fine, it's fine. Let's eat."

Jiang Jingming still refused to take the seat, and finally Liang Zhongqiu took the seat with old man Mo, and the two brothers Jiang Jingming and Boss Zhang sat down, and the people they brought sat down on the left and right.

The rest of the Liang family were eating in a room on the other side, and Xue Jian was sitting next to Grandpa Niu.softly said:

"Grandpa Niu, do you recognize that Mr. Jiang?"

The old cow nodded.Also whispered:
"Yes, everyone who does business in the town probably knows him. I'm afraid one-third of the shops in the town belong to his family. Many people rent his house to do business. There are only two largest families in the town. , one is Mr. Jiang, and the other is Zhao. If I guess correctly, the painting you painted was requested by Miss Zhao. The Zhao family is the family of high officials in the court."

Xue Jian nodded, and said softly:

"Grandpa Niu, I didn't ask you to come over to eat, because I didn't want you to be seen by them. You are the only one who can do these things now. If they see it, I'm afraid it will be bad for you. That Zhang boss is not a good person. He clearly gave up to him last time. In the end, people from the rivers and lakes came to snatch our wood back, but when grandpa said it today, he still didn’t accept it.”

The old cow nodded, he understood these things, and he didn't care about it anyway.After eating, he followed Chengwen to the backyard.Anyway, those people are there, and they can't strike iron.

When everyone in the main hall was eating happily, a few people came from outside the courtyard door, beating the gong and calling for people.Liang Shengbei went to have a look at the gate, then hurriedly turned around and shouted:

"Father, it's for the happy news."

Only then did Liang Zhongqiu get up and go out.Jiang Jingming also got up and congratulated twice, followed to have a look.When we arrived at the door, it was indeed three official messengers delivering the good news.Seeing Liang Zhongqiu coming out, an official said:

"Is this Liang Junxiao's home?"

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:

"Officer, I am Liang Junxiao's grandfather."

"Congratulations! Liang Junxiao was admitted to Tongsheng!"

Liang Zhongqiu laughed loudly and said:
"Officer, didn't you send the happy news only after winning the exam? Now Tong Sheng also sent the happy news?"

The official said with a smile:
"Yes, it was notified by the family. Not everyone is given away, only the top three. Your son Liang Junxiao won No.2."

(End of this chapter)

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