farmer's daughter

Chapter 170 Get some water to wash your hands

Chapter 170 Get some water to wash your hands

Chapter 170 Get some water to wash your hands

Wang couldn't take it anymore, and slapped her grandson across the face.scolded:
"You don't have eyes, so you read into the stomach of a dog? Others are going to kill you, and you still want a woman! Can't you see clearly what kind of woman that is?"

Wang's slap didn't wake Shen Chengzu up, but attracted Hong. Seeing that Wang had beaten her most precious son, Hong was pointing at this son to take care of her.How can I bear it.That fat body bumped into him again, and shouted:
"Who told you to beat my son? Didn't you follow those sluts to enjoy the blessings? How dare you beat my childish son!"

This is a fool who can't tell the enemy from himself!How could Mrs. Wang withstand her impact, Mrs. Wang was hit by her so that her limbs were on the ground with her back on her back.Looking at the corner of Wang's mouth that closed her eyes and pulled it to her ear, Xue Jian knew that Wang's fall was very painful!
Shen Laoer and Shen Laosan who were watching from the side didn't see that my mother was beaten, so they both rushed forward.Directly facing Hong Shi, he pushed over.Although they were here to block the Hong family, the people brought by Boss Lu didn't think so.The man who came out was still holding something in his hand, which might have come to fight him.So Boss Lu's people also surrounded the two brothers.The scene became even more chaotic.

These people retreated to Wang's side while pushing Sang.Wang was afraid of being stepped on, and tried to get up but couldn't.It seems that it is difficult to even turn over.Xue Jian called the little senior brother to act.Except for the three brothers, grandma and father, no matter who they are, they should be beaten first, as long as no one is killed.

Although this Murong Xing was young, only fourteen or fifteen years old, he was a real family man.With agility, he jumped around the field a few times and knocked down those who approached Wang first.Then he carried Mrs. Wang to the place where Xue Jian was standing.

Of course, Murong Xing's joining also attracted Master Lu's attention. He never expected that there would be such a handsome young man in this rural area, and this young man's martial arts is not weak.So he looked at Murong Xing's actions.And that Xiaocui also followed Master Lu's gaze.This is how to see Xuejian.

Seeing Xue Jian, Xiaocui's eyes shone with hatred.She leaned over and leaned most of her body towards Boss Lu, gave Xuejian a provocative look, and said coquettishly:

"Oh, master, even that little girl, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have given birth to our son prematurely. I raised my baby well in this family, and I don't know where they offended this girl. In the end, she called a white beard Old man, the old man threw that fat woman up the tree and tried to beat me up. I was so scared that I gave birth prematurely. You don’t know, our son almost died. Woo”

As he spoke, he pretended to cry twice.Master Lu hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, I'm here. If anyone wants to make life difficult for my son, I won't make it easy for anyone!"

"Come here, bring that little girl to me. Make her kneel down and apologize to my son!"

Master Lu gave an order, and those who were not in the entanglement all looked in the direction of the master's finger. A little girl who came out of the picture stood there calmly, looking at everyone present coldly.After Murong Xing put down Mrs. Wang, he turned around and stood behind Xuejian. Seeing the battle, Murong Xing took a step forward, blocked Xuejian behind him, and snorted coldly:

"Who dares!"

Regardless of Murong Xing's young age, no one dares to move forward if he dares to say this.Anyone who has seen the world or not, looking at Murong Xing this time, knows that this person is not from this farm family, and the farm family does not have that kind of temperament.Then the aura will calm the people present.

Xuejian smiled softly behind her senior brother, it's great to have senior brother protecting her!

Master Lu stared at him, a little hesitant, this person doesn't look like an ordinary person, do you want to offend him?But the softness from his arm reminded him to be a man who can protect his woman.So Master Lu pointed to Murong Xing and said:

"Which family doll are you from? It doesn't seem to be from this village. It's none of your business. I want to ask that little girl for causing my son to be born prematurely!"

"Heh! Who are you? The lord of the county government? The lord of the mansion? What level of official are you? You opened your mouth to ask the crime. Whose crime can you ask?"

Xue Jian relied on the presence of her senior brother, so she was not afraid of this person.Because from Xuejian's point of view, this person is a fat old man, so when he heard that this person was going to ask him about his crime, Xuejian stuck his head out from behind his senior brother and pushed him back.

"Oh, pretending to be an official?"

Murong Xing said a few words slowly.He also took a meaningful look at Mr. Lu. This person who can be called a master is all cunning.Seeing Murong Xing like this, although he is a child, he might be the child of some official family.I can't stand against any official.Rolling his eyes, he said again:
"Who pretended to be the official? You surprised my woman and caused her to give birth to my son prematurely. Isn't this your fault? You shouldn't apologize to my woman and my son?"

Xue Jian stepped up to the side of the senior brother, pointed at Xiao Cui and laughed:

"Are you sure it's your woman? I thought she was the woman my first cousin brought back to play with my second cousin. Besides, did you ask why she gave birth prematurely that day? Let me tell you, she was the one who stole it." I eat, grab food with a child, how shameless? Scared her? Did I hit her? I didn't touch her, she was the one who grabbed my food and hit me."

When Xue saw a child's words, Master Lu couldn't help but turn his head to look at Xiaocui. Before he could speak, he heard Murong Xing say anxiously:

"What are you talking about, Junior Sister, this ugly woman beat you? And robbed you?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yeah, I originally came to give food to my grandparents, but she couldn't steal it. She even beat me for the food, and asked my little cousin to beat me too."

As soon as Xuejian's words fell, there were only two pops.There was a scream.The woman named Xiaocui was thrown to the ground, one palm print on each side, fearing that she would be swollen for a long time.His mouth was bleeding, and his teeth fell out when he vomited.Now Xiao Cui was frightened.She thought that the old man with the white beard wasn't there, so there was nothing she wouldn't dare to mess with just a kid.Although this Xuejian is young, not to mention his outstanding appearance, he is also so brilliant.Xiao Cui would never admit to anyone that she was jealous of this little girl.That's why when Master Lu came, he wanted to express his anger that day.But I didn't expect that the anger didn't come out, and it even attracted a beating!

After Murong Xing beat Xiaocui, he stood up frowning and said angrily:
"I forgot to take a board, so I hit it with my hands, such a dirty woman! What should I do?"

Xuejian also cooperatively pointed to the water well behind him:

"Get some water to wash your hands. Wash twice more!"

(End of this chapter)

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