Chapter 179
Chapter 170 IX

Liang Zhongqiu looked at Zhang Shi.Zhang said:

"It's good, I'm just worried that someone with a big business will put pressure on us Shuang'er. This in-law's family is too strong, and this daughter-in-law is not easy to be. And have you seen it today? This is about the marriage, originally it belongs to the in-law's family Well, Mr. Jiang said yesterday that his wife was proposing marriage to his son, but Mrs. Jiang didn't come to propose marriage today. Does it mean that Mrs. Jiang doesn't like our family? After getting married, the daughter-in-law won't be liked by her mother-in-law Life is hard. No matter how much a man likes you, he is outside every day, and the ones he gets along with at home are his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Besides, that is his mother. It's hard to say whether he is facing you or his mother. "

Zhang's words were true, and Hu stopped laughing after hearing this, and seriously thought about this possibility.Liang Shuang turned pale even more. She met Mr. Jiang yesterday, and she really didn't think about it, but so many people came to their house early this morning, and they brought so many gifts. I heard it was for I came here by myself, and then I remembered the young man I saw yesterday.Liang Shuang also had a different feeling. Now hearing what grandma said, Liang Shuang felt as if she had descended from the clouds all of a sudden.Liang Shuang stretched out her hand to support the table and sat down slowly, tears welled up in her eyes.Liang Chengfang, who was sitting on the side, stretched out his hand and patted her hand.Want to comfort her.As a girl, if you know that you are disliked by your husband's family, it is a kind of denial of yourself.

Zhang's words calmed down everyone in the room. Although they knew that the Jiang family was a good family, the Liang family would not let their daughter go to another family to suffer.Having a Liang Chengfang is enough to make the Liang family sad.The Liang family is not the kind of family who wants to rush to get rich and welcome nobles.Liang Zhongqiu was silent for a while and said:

"How do you refuse? Master Jiang and Xue'er have a business agreement now, and they will cooperate in the future, and I personally think that Master Jiang and Mr. Jiang are also sincerely here to propose to marry our Shuang'er. It can be seen that I, Shuang'er, are also good." Yes, I just don't know why Madam Jiang didn't come?"

Liang Xia, who had been sitting on the side without speaking, said bluntly:
"Grandpa, why don't you ask the matchmaker. Don't you always ask the matchmaker about this kind of thing?"

Liang Zhongqiu slapped his head and said:

"Oh, yes, you see I'm confused. Damn, why don't you go talk to the matchmaker?"

Zhang stood up and said:
"Okay, I'll talk to the matchmaker first, and ask what's going on."

Mrs. Zhang came out and went straight to the main room, and beckoned to the matchmaker outside the door.The matchmaker hurriedly put down the cup in her hand, and walked out with a sway. Before she came out, she took a look at Mr. Jiang's face. Mr. Jiang was sitting peacefully and didn't speak, but Mr. Jiang looked anxiously at the recruited man. The matchmaker who went out seemed hesitant to speak.Jiang Jingming reached out and patted his son's hand, but said nothing.

The matchmaker followed Mrs. Zhang to a nearby room and sat down, Mrs. Zhang said bluntly:
"Big sister, it's really a good thing that you can come to my house to talk about this matter. The Jiang family is a well-known rich family in our town. There is really nothing to choose about family background. Our family also has some business contacts with Mr. Jiang. This marriage If it fails, there will be business to do. Besides, Mr. Jiang is also my son’s student, so there are connections here and there. The friendship is still there if the marriage fails. So I still want to find out some things. It means that not everyone who proposes a matchmaker Is the hostess in charge? Why didn’t Mrs. Jiang come? If Mrs. Jiang is dissatisfied with this matter, then we have to make some things clear first, so we can’t ruin the friendship between our two families, right? You are also a person who runs around , I understand all of these. But in the end, I hurt my friendship and blamed you."

I have to say that Mr. Zhang is also very good at talking.You have caught the matchmaker in terms of words, you have to tell the truth, if you don't tell the truth, you will be blamed if you break the friendship between us.Although the Jiang family is big now, my family also has Juren and has business dealings with the Jiang family.

How does the matchmaker know how big the business is.But after hearing this, he also knew that the Liang family could not be offended.And if this matchmaking can be made, it will benefit me a lot.So he lowered his voice and said:
"To be honest, I didn't expect this good thing to happen to me. I only heard a half-answer about why Mrs. Jiang didn't come. It seems that Mrs. Jiang is also groping for the situation of some other girls. Mrs. Jiang seems to want to My son is engaged to a family in Fucheng, but Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang are optimistic about your girl. Mrs. Jiang couldn't resist, saying that she had some headaches, so she didn't come. But I think Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang sincerely begged to marry your family Miss. Grandma Liang, don’t miss out on this good marriage. This Mr. Jiang is really a good boy. Excellent. Grandma Liang, it's really hard to find a better one after missing this child."

In fact, what the matchmaker said was true. If I missed this child, it would be really hard to find a better one.

But from the matchmaker's words, Mrs. Zhang also knew why Mrs. Jiang didn't come, and Mrs. Zhang went back to the floor heating room to tell everyone, and everyone understood.Mrs. Jiang looked down on her own family. The Liang family was still a small farming family. Even if there was a juren, the family business was not big.This is the first one in Liangjia Village, but in Huishan Town, everyone only knows that there is a Liang Juren.No one knew about the Liang family in Liangjia Village.

The first-class Mrs. Jiang in Huishan Town certainly looked down on such a family background.Marriage is about the right family. Although there is a saying that a high family marry a daughter and a low family take a daughter-in-law, the Jiang family is actually a local rich man.Mrs. Jiang wanted to change her family. Apart from letting her son take the exam, climbing into the official family was the shortest route.And it happened that the concubine's daughter of the prefect of Yali in Fucheng was just fifteen years old. It was said that this concubine was born by the caring girl of the prefect's wife.So I still have the heart of the magistrate's wife, so I want to find her a student who is taking the exam, and some families are the best.Isn't this home the best?In this way, it will be different for Youpeng to have the help of the prefect in his future exams.

As soon as the matchmaker returned to the main room, she took advantage of Liang Shengbei to go to add water.He whispered to Jiang Jingming that just now Grandma Zhang asked her to ask why Madam didn't come.Jiang Jingming is a smart man who knows what he hears.Looking up at the people of the Liang family who were walking in, without waiting for Liang Zhongqiu to evade, he got up and said:

"Uncle Liang, I know that you may be concerned that my wife is not here. To be honest, my son and I are happy with this marriage. Miss Liang is still young, so let's make an appointment now. No, no, Uncle Liang, wait for me to finish. I know what my wife thinks, and it is understandable that she has a different opinion from ours, but she is not an unreasonable person. Otherwise, we father and son would not be here today. I'm in charge of this marriage. I also guarantee that we can protect Miss Liang. Even if we get married, I won't let her suffer from her mother-in-law. Didn't I say that in the future, let the young couple live in Fucheng .”

(End of this chapter)

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