farmer's daughter

Chapter 183 Someone Is Plotting Secretly

Chapter 183 Someone Is Plotting Secretly
Chapter 180 Three Someone Is Plotting Secretly, Xue Met

Xuejian was very talkative and left.However, the patriarch punched the cotton with his fist. He still didn't get the money, and he didn't force Xue Jian to say why he wanted to buy Houshan.It seems that Xuejian has given up.How can that work? For Shenjia Village, the back mountain is just to collect firewood at the bottom of the mountain, which is useless at all.If it can be exchanged for money, it will be really useful to the clan and the village.What if Xuejian really doesn't want it anymore?The patriarch was not sure what to do, so after thinking about it, he went to the two patriarchs to discuss it.

The elders of the two clans can't help it. It's really not easy to handle the Shen family. His family is rich and has people now!Just the old man with the white beard and his little apprentice are overwhelming!But racking their brains, what the three old men thought most was that there was a lot of wood on the mountain, but wood was really worthless in this Huishan town.There are also those blind bears and so on, but those things are not something ordinary people can beat.By the way, not ordinary people can hit it, but the old man with white beard can hit it!

The three old men thought of this question at the same time and looked at each other. Could it be because of the blind bear on the mountain?Thinking about it again, it's impossible, even if Xue Jian bought this mountain, this mountain is still connected to the mountain.How could that blind man know which mountain was seen in the snow? What if he didn't live in this mountain?So, that's not possible either.What is that for?The patriarch murmured:
"Is there a treasure in this mountain?"

The three old men were all shocked, as if it was only reasonable to think this way, it seemed that there was a treasure on the mountain.It can't be sold to the Xuejian family, so it seems that the Xuejian family bought that piece of land to build a house. It seems that it is for the things on the mountain.One of the elders said softly:
"So that's it! Old Shen Shen looks honest, he's so thoughtful! No, I have to find a way. I can't sell this mountain to his family, that piece of land"

The patriarch slapped the table bitterly and said:

"Oh, I didn't expect that. Now that the land is sold to him, what can I say? Everyone watched him repair the house. There is really nothing in the ground. It seems that the things are on the mountain. Then we can only let him He separated his house from the mountain. At least they can't let them go up the mountain at will."

Another member of the elders also said softly:
"I'm afraid it won't work. The old man with the white beard and the young man can fly. Where can we see them flying up the mountain?"

The patriarch's eyes sharpened, and he said:
"They don't even want to have a good time in our village. Such people are thieves in the rivers and lakes, and they can't stay in our village. For our safety, we should go to the government to say something, otherwise we are afraid that someday we will die. I don't know. What do you say?"

One of the elders of the clan heard this, rolled his eyes, covered his stomach and shouted:

"Ouch, why is my stomach hurting so much? Today my wife's cooking is spoiled. Ouch, Ouch. Patriarch, I have to go to the toilet. I agree with what you said. I'll go first."

Turned around and ran to the toilet.The patriarch glanced at his back with dark eyes, and said contemptuously in his heart:
"Hmph, who doesn't know what you're running for!"

He turned his head and stared at another elder with a more ruthless look.The clan elders only cursed secretly in their hearts:
"The two old foxes are not good things. They want me to go out and offend people? No way."

The clan elder smiled and said:

"Yes, the patriarch is right. We shouldn't condone such a thing. It's a threat to our village, but I have a way."

The patriarch whispered a few words in the patriarch's ear, the patriarch's eyes changed, he nodded and said:

"Well, it's good, it's a good idea. In this way, you go and get this thing done. This is a big deal, so hurry up."

The clan elders cursed inwardly, but they had no choice but to comply.Anyway, I don't show up, I just order others.

"It's not enough to hurry up, patriarch, think about it, now that the old man with white beard is not here, even if the official sent is here, he can't get anyone. I have heard Chang Yong say that this old man will be here before next month. Come back, this can only be done in one fell swoop when he is stuck."

The patriarch nodded and said:

"Yes, you are right. You should wait a little longer. Then let them have a good time, let them have fun now, and let them know what they will do if they offend us."

The two old men giggled.

On the other side, Xue Jian and Shen Sanzhu came back angrily, and the mountain was not bought.Xuejian now plans not to buy it.I bought this mountain because I thought it was connected to my house. If I have any plans in the future, such as building a small villa on the mountain, my siblings will build their homes on this mountain when they grow up. Can't open it, how good?Or one day when I have the ability to build some modern things on this mountain, it is also on my own territory, and the people who want to come in and watch it will be limited, but I am living happily.

Can't buy it now.If you can't buy it, you won't buy it.There is no place to stay here, but a place to stay!Since I am still young, I will talk about it later.

But Xue Jian never expected that those three old men were secretly plotting against her family.As soon as Xue Jian thought about it, she comforted her father, Shen San had always heard Xue Jian, although she was a little annoyed at not satisfying her daughter, but seeing her daughter put it down, he didn't care.He only complained a few words when the second brother asked about it, and the matter was let go.Just get serious about fixing the house.

The floor heating in Shen Sanzhu's house has been installed, and now those who install the floor heating have become skilled.So it will be much faster to pave the way for Shen Erzhu's house. Lan's mouth is so happy from ear to ear every day, she never thought that she would live in such a good house first.This is where none of those high officials lived!Of course, Xueer said this, so she couldn't tell the outside world.Lan's now takes Xue Jian very seriously.He valued it more than his No.1 child born son.If it weren't for this niece, how could my family be where it is now.Even my son may not get this No.1.It is still unknown whether I can still read.

Shen Xuejian also planned the furniture for the second uncle's house, of course, they all refer to some of their own furniture.Xuejian didn't expect that the sale of the mountain was not negotiated. The next day, the eldest son of the patriarch's grandfather's family came to pass a message, asking Xuejian's family to build a high wall to separate the place where the purchased land and the mountain were connected.This made Xue Jian a little angry.Originally, I planned to connect the mountain to the backyard, and it will be my own in the future, so there is no need to separate it. Now the mountain cannot be bought.Originally, I also planned to build the fence, but I was asked to build it by others, and my mood was different.

The wall, Xue Jian has been built, not only built, but also built a high wall!But there was a trace of resentment left in my heart.This place needs to find a place to find it!Xue Jian was not the kind of person who could hold back his anger and keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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