farmer's daughter

Chapter 193 Preparing to be the Liang Family's Visiting Son-in-Law

Chapter 193 Preparing to be the Liang Family's Visiting Son-in-Law
Chapter 190 The third chapter is preparing to be the son-in-law of the Liang family
Why are the villagers talking about Xue? Seeing that they have no time to listen, they are busy arranging all this. The brothers and sisters-in-law of the Liang family are also busy. Everyone divided their jobs last night. One of the two brothers helped to supervise Shen Erzhu's house, and the other I brought two or three people to clean up the backyard of Xue Jian's house.The two sister-in-laws, Mrs. Chen, are still in charge of the kitchen, while Mrs. Hu takes Yueyun to clean up the various houses of Xuejian's house.

Liang Chengfang wanted to help herself, but she was warned by Xue Jian not to walk too much and not to lift heavy things, and she specifically told Yue Lian, who was learning to be a female celebrity here, to watch her.Yue Lian is now using Xue Jian's words as an imperial decree!Liang Chengfang could only accept it!

When old man Mo came back, he never cared what others thought of him. He got off the carriage and headed towards the newly repaired house of Xuejian's family.At present, Xuejian's house is the largest yard in Shenjia Village. Because the back mountain cannot be bought, Xuejian redesigned the entire backyard. Now the entire structure of Shen's house is a two-entry yard, with a row of empty houses behind the wall.The front yard and the surrounding walls on the left and right sides are designed as flower beds.This time the wall encloses the entire pond, anyway, this was bought by Xue Jian's family, no one can tell!Near this big pond, Xuejian asked someone to dig a small pond, but I don't know what it is for!

With the distinction between the front and back yards, Xue Jian designed the rooms of herself, Sister Cao'er and Sister Wei'er in the backyard.Of course, the rooms of the two younger brothers are also in the backyard, and the backyard has become a house.

In the front yard, Shen Sanzhu and his wife were arranged to live in the right side of the main room, and the left side was for old Shen Touer and his wife. The west wing lived in Xuejian’s grandfather Niu and his new disciple, and the east wing was used as a guest room!Old man Mo and Murong Xing's rooms are here, and Murong Xing saw another room in the backyard.He wanted to live in the backyard, but was rejected by Xue Jian!Murong Xing asked who this room was prepared for, Xue Jian gave him a glare and said nothing!It took Murong Xing a long time to realize that this was for Fu Jinghao!

Old man Mo was looking around, while Murong Xing was sighing!

When Murong Xing found Jiang Youpeng from the school, he was talking with Liang Junlei. When he saw Murong Xing, he hurriedly said:

"Master Murong, why are you here? What happened to Shuang'er?"

Liang Junlei also wanted to ask, but when he heard Jiang Youpeng say this, he felt uncomfortable. Why is it that Shuang'er has something to do?Mr. Murong is obviously Xue'er's senior brother, can he take care of Shuang'er's affairs?He must have come to him for something at home. Before Liang Junlei could ask, he saw Murong Xing walking around Jiang Youpeng with his hands behind his back.

"I can't see what's so good about you kid? Why does your mother treat you like a sweet bun? And she's going to give you a hug? Oh, yes, it's not a hug. Hold on, your mother sold you! Whether you want to marry sister Liang Jiashuang is up to your wife! What kind of mother would give her son to a woman!"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Youpeng stopped Murong Xing, who was still circling, and said anxiously, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, although Murong Xing was Xuejian's younger sister's brother, he never cared about his affairs with Shuang'er, and now he appeared here and said that If so, it seems that something happened at home.Did your mother do something else?Did it hurt Liang Shuang?This is what Jiang Youpeng is most worried about.That girl entered his eyes, entered his heart, and just like that, he stood firm.

Murong Xing glanced at Jiang Youpeng strangely.Stretching out his hand in front of his eyes, he said:

"What? Are you stupid? You really think that your family is the richest man in Huishan Town, right? Let me tell you, I was very angry today. My little junior sister and you, Mr. Liang, went to Your family sends invitations. The day after tomorrow is my little junior sister’s birthday, and it’s a good day for the Shen family to move. Everyone wants to celebrate. Set up a drink and eat, and invite your family. Your family is so big, you can send a housekeeper to keep people away Outside. Even the door was not allowed to enter, saying that it was Madam's order. Madam is receiving people from the prefect's house. The master is busy and has no time to see the guests! Then I didn't believe in evil, and dared to shut the door for my little junior sister, so I went again, or Turned me out. Let me tell you. I can deal with it better than that eunuch. Hmph!"

Now that Murong Xing has said this, what else does Jiang Youpeng not understand?It turned out that my mother had never given up on that matter.I told her that I would not agree to marry the prefect's family, but she still insisted on going her own way!Still shutting Mr. out of the door?Jiang Youpeng turned around twice in a hurry, then turned back and asked:
"What about my husband now? Does Shuang'er know about this? No, I have to explain to Shuang'er. I said that there is only her in this life, and she is really the only one!"

As he said that, he rushed out in a hurry.Murong Xing pulled him back and said:
"You rush to tell Sister Shuang now, you are looking for death! My little junior sister and your husband are worried that she will not be able to bear it if she finds out. After the agreement, I will send her to Shenjia Village to help when I go back. Don't let her stay The family, and you, you'd better go home now and deal with your family. The original words, I will tell you the original words. Your husband said that if your family can't handle it, you can only withdraw from the Liang family. No I have to let you talk about retiring. Also, from now on, the Liang family has nothing to do with the Jiang family! Of course, let me add one more thing. This has nothing to do with it, including the cooperative relationship with my junior sister."

Jiang Youpeng nodded repeatedly and said:

"Okay, I'll go back right away. Please tell your husband. I'll go home and deal with it. If my mother insists on going her own way, please ask the Liang family to accept me as her son-in-law. I won't go back to the Jiang family either."

Jiang Youpeng was about to turn around and run again, but this time it was Liang Junlei who was pulling him.The dark-faced Liang Junlei heard the whole story from the beginning to the end, of course he knew that this matter had hurt his sister a lot.Qi is anger, but I also know that it has nothing to do with Jiang Youpeng.I also heard Jiang Youpeng's determination.Liang Junlei said:
"Go and ask for a leave of absence for my husband first. It's best to ask for two more days. My little cousin's birthday is the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Youpeng nodded, turned around and ran away.Attracting the attention of the students in the academy, because as a student, such a wild run is disrespectful!
Murong Xing turned around and said to Liang Junlei:
"Third Uncle Liang also asked me to tell you to bring a few younger ones. I will ask for a day off the day after tomorrow, and all of them will go back to celebrate my junior sister's birthday."

Liang Junlei nodded, and asked the whole story of what happened today in detail again.In front of him, Murong Xing didn't have to hide it.I also told Liang Junlei about my eavesdropping today.It attracted Liang Junlei's attention.Murong Xing finished his work, looked up at the sky, and said to himself:
"Hey, anyway, the master is back, and someone is protecting the little junior sister, so I will go to eavesdrop again and see what tricks the Jiang family has!"

Liang Junlei looked at Murong Xing who was making crooked ideas there speechlessly. Although he knew it was wrong to eavesdrop like this, he also wanted to know what would happen to the Jiang family.I had to cough lightly, pretending not to hear.Murong Xing turned his head solemnly and said:
"I'm going to eavesdrop, you can't tell Junior Sister. Otherwise, I'll say you told me to go again. I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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