Chapter 201

Chapter [-] is the master who cannot be offended
Liang Shengyue, who was waiting to hear the news, and others turned black when they heard this rascal's words.Liang Shengyue only found out last night that Xuejian wanted to buy Houshan but was blocked by the patriarch and others.I didn't expect these people to do things insidiously. It seems that they not only want Xuejian's construction team, but also want this house, and want to know what Xuejian used this mountain to make a fortune!Greed, let them do this kind of framing!
Shen Lao Wu confessed the matter in a ten-to-one manner. He is such a person. He will do bad things, and if he is caught, he will admit it immediately. He knows that it is okay to admit it right away. Get heavy.Old Mr. Shen has been squatting on the side with a dark face, and now he knows that this rascal wants to harm his family, and he also heard that the patriarch and the patriarch are responsible for it.He was even more angry.He took off his shoes, swung them up, and hit Shen Laowu with his head covered his face, cursing while beating:

"You dark-hearted bastard! Yesterday my son distributed rice and meat to the whole village, and you ran to pick it up the fastest. I didn't expect you to eat with one hand and kill our family with the other! Our Shenjia Village I can't keep a bastard like you!"

The officer's face turned black when he heard this, but he didn't expect this person to be a scoundrel!Turning to old man Mo, he cupped his hands and said:
"Senior, it is true that we have offended us. It is our mistake to arrest someone without checking it out. Please forgive me, senior! Recently, we were also driven around by this group of gangsters from Wuyang County. When we heard the news, we also I don’t care about checking it out, because when we finish the investigation, the person has already left. Recently, there is indeed news that a group of people have rushed to Huishan Town, but we haven’t got the exact news yet.”

Headhunter Hong also stepped forward to help and said:
"Senior, this is true. We have all received orders to search for these people, but I don't know that this person went directly to the county to report. He didn't come to us. If he came to the town, I would ask knew."

Old Man Mo snorted and said:
"My old man has nothing else, but I'm not happy that you bothered me to drink."

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the house without looking back, looking extremely hungry.The elder brother didn't say anything, just took the hand of the princess and walked into the house under the leadership of Murong Xing.This kind of thing can't be entirely blamed on the officer, it seems that they are also very tired.

Xue Jian came out of the yard, just now she slipped in to give some orders.Xue Jian stepped forward and said:

"My lord, I will let you deal with the person who reported the situation indiscriminately. We will handle matters related to our clan ourselves. In this way, you and your soldiers are also tired. Today is just the time for our family to move. You are a guest when you come, I have asked someone to prepare food and steamed buns, it will be ready in a while, everyone can sit in the yard."

Shen Sanzhu turned to look at Xue Jian, but she didn't expect that she would leave these people for dinner.Liang Shengyue nodded, turned around and went into the room to call Liang Zhongqiu out to eat with these people.And the officer looked at the dozens of people he brought with him, and knew that everyone was tired and hungry after driving so many roads, but they all ate here, it seemed that there were too many people.Although I watched the family build the new house, I also came from the countryside, and I know that life in the countryside is very difficult.I just don't know how this family has a relationship with these nobles, and the officer is a little confused about whether to agree to eat here.Liang Zhongqiu stood up.

Liang Zhongqiu stepped forward with a smile and said:
"Come, come, put away the guys in your hands, come in and have some hot soup, you have traveled a lot in this cold weather. Don't worry about eating, if you meet us today, it can be regarded as a guest from our host's house Yes. I misunderstood and said it’s fine. Come in. It’s still warmer in this yard than standing outside.”

Looking into the eyes of the soldiers, the officer cupped his hands to Liang Zhongqiu and said:

"Thank you so much. We'll leave money for the meal after dinner."

Liang Zhongqiu laughed and said:
"My lord, I'm too worried. Being able to keep you guys for a meal is considered a friendship, and I'll pay you no matter what the price of the meal is. Besides, it's just a meal of hot soup, and it's still affordable."

First of all, the officer was introduced into the room, and directly led to sit in the main room, and the others were led by Shen Sanzhu and Hong Butou to sit in the yard. As soon as they were seated, some hot dishes were brought up, although some of them were freshly fried. , some can be seen to have been reheated, but for these soldiers, as long as there is something to eat, it is still hot, which is very grateful.

In the main room, after Liang Zhongqiu's introduction, the officer realized that the people sitting there were all people he had heard about, especially this young master Zhao, someone from his Zhao family was an official in the capital. And I am afraid that a small official himself is not enough in his eyes.This is Mr. Jiang, although he doesn't have any official background, but he is rich, so what does the county do? Isn't the Jiang family also paying a share of the money?I thought to myself that I really have to thank the princess for interrupting this matter, otherwise, I am afraid that I will cause big trouble today.

So I ate this meal with everyone with a smile all the time, and didn't dare to look at the different places in this house.Eat well and drink well, take your own people and leave first.After all, with a large group of soldiers, I am afraid that the reputation of the master's family here will not be good.I was reckless!
Shen Sanzhu, Hong Butou and others sent these officers and soldiers away.Turning around, Shen Sanzhu felt a little headache.The people at the table in the backyard are each more important than the other, and Xue Jian will provoke such a family anytime.This is what to do!

In the backyard, the princess noticed the difference as soon as she came in, and couldn't help but look around. Murong Xing enthusiastically took the elder brother and the princess to have a closer look at each room, and introduced the layout here one by one.The princess's favorite room is Xuejian's.There is elegance in simplicity, and strength in elegance!The most important thing is to make people feel comfortable!
After listening to Murong Xing's introduction, the senior brother who followed behind was very interested in this junior sister.But he saw Murong Xing approached with winking eyebrows and said:

"Eldest brother, you have to be careful. The master is so partial now. He said that in the future, the younger sister will be the biggest in the master. We have to help and listen to what the younger sister wants to do. Whoever refuses to listen, he It will come at the door!"

"Hmph, you're talking bad about me behind my back again!"

It was Xuejian who came to the backyard from the front yard after finishing his work to answer the conversation. Xuejian put his hands on his hips, stared at her big eyes, puffed her cheeks, and said angrily.

"How dare you, how dare you, ask Eldest Brother, I'm telling you that you are so smart, look at the design of this house, look at the design of this furniture, which one is not from your hands. Oh, yes, Princess Mistress, Look at the beautiful dress of our little junior sister! This dress was also designed by herself."

The princess who was looking at the gadgets on Xuejian's desk really turned her head to look at Xuejian's clothes. She really didn't pay attention to this little girl at first, but she didn't expect that this girl is really beautiful, and the clothes are also very beautiful. Pretty.As soon as his eyes lit up, he stepped forward and pulled Xue Jian and said:

"Can you make this dress bigger for me? I like it too!"

(End of this chapter)

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