farmer's daughter

Chapter 203 The Wisdom of Living One More Life

Chapter 203 The Wisdom of Living Another Life
Chapter [-] The Wisdom of Living an Extra Life
After seeing off the Zhao family, Hongfu also said goodbye.In fact, she didn't eat a few bites when she came here today, and she kept chatting with Liang Chengfang.The two good friends haven't seen each other for a long time, and I want to talk too much.It wasn't until Boss Jia couldn't wait to urge him that he reluctantly left, and agreed to let Liang Chengfang's house be tidied up before going to town.

Mrs. Jiang's mood is ups and downs today!Originally, she didn't want to get married, but later she knew that her family's strength was not bad, but when she came to see Xue Jian's house today, she was full of thoughts. Speaking of Jiang's family being the richest man in Huishan Town, But you don't have to enjoy it like this in your own home.Of course, I heard that this is a new way of repairing houses.Even Mrs. Jiang, who doesn't understand business, also sees the prospect of this.After that, can you still say that the Liang family is not as good as your own Jiang family?
This is not over yet, I didn't expect that there would be a commotion in front of the door at noon.But it turned out that this granddaughter of the Liang family also had a senior brother of Mr. Hou and a senior brother of Master Ma of the county.Isn't there a princess here?Although the relationship with the Liang family is far away, I heard that this little girl has a good relationship with the Liang family.Isn't this also the support of the Liang family?In the future, if my son takes an exam or something, won't he have someone to help him?
Mrs. Jiang ate the meal so well that she lost her temper at all, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly, if she really made an appointment for her son to marry the prefect's mansion that day.I can't stop regretting it now.I also saw the girl from the Liang family just now. She is tall, beautiful and dignified. She really looks good!No wonder the son fell in love with this girl at a glance.Moreover, the prefect's concubine's daughter who I asked someone to inquire about is very knowledgeable about etiquette, but this girl is liked by the mistress because she looks a lot like the prefect.The prefect is a dark, slightly honest person.You can imagine the girl's appearance.

So all the other guests left.Jiang Youpeng didn't want to leave.Chatting with the Liang family brothers was very interesting, it seems that the Liang family brothers also accepted the son-in-law of the Liang family.Everyone is very friendly.Jiang Youpeng didn't want to leave, and Mrs. Jiang didn't want to leave either.However, Mr. Jiang had the fantasy to discuss this promotion with Xue Jian carefully.But when Xue saw that there was an important guest to accompany, Mr. Jiang had no choice but to catch Liang Zhongqiu, whoever was half drunk.He also needs to discuss with himself how to promote this matter.

In the end, the Jiang family left after dinner.But Jiang Youpeng did not go back to Jiang's house, but went back to Liang's house, saying that he would go to school with Liang's brothers tomorrow.Anyway, I will be on vacation in a few days.This time Mrs. Jiang didn't stop her, she only held Liang Shuang's hand very affectionately when they parted, and repeatedly told her to keep warm and warm and add clothes.But Liang Shuang was completely ashamed.

Under the introduction of Murong Xing, Princess Changsun chose the room prepared for Yue Wei as a house, and Murong Xing also moved to live in the room prepared for Cheng Wu grandly, and said loudly:
"Xue'er, you just missed repairing a few houses, and you still have the second and third senior brothers. If they come, they have to find a place to live, so that's it. If they come, I agree with Chengwen to live with me .”

Chengwen was squatting on the side to play with Yuewei, when he heard this, he said:
"I don't want to live with you. I live in my room. If there are guests who can't live in me, then I agree with you to live in my room temporarily."

Murong Xing pointed to Cheng Wen and said:

"How old are you? Why are you like your sister!"

The eldest grandson looked at Murong Xing, chuckled and said:

"It seems that you live happily here, and you are more comfortable than in the capital."

Murong Xing laughed and said:
"Of course, the younger junior sister here is the boss, and the master is the second child. I can be considered the third child. There are also delicious food made by the junior junior sister. No one disciplines me to obey this and that, so I am free."

Xue Jian gave him a blank look.Turning to the elder brother, he said:

"Actually, it's not that I didn't think about my senior brothers. After I bought this place, I wanted to buy the back mountain. I wanted to build a place like a paradise on the mountain, and let the master live there. Then I and a few Brothers all have a home. It’s just that the patriarch of our village, thinking that I can make some money at such a young age, I’m afraid I bought this mountain for the sake of making money. In order to make some money, I stopped buying it in a fit of anger. No, the farce at noon today was because I didn’t buy it. They wanted to take over our house repair technology, and they couldn’t afford to offend Master, so they wanted to put Master has been taken away, isn't it easy to control us like this?"

The eldest grandson stood up at once, slapped the table and said:

"Damn, who is it?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Sister-in-law, don't get excited. Even if you came today, the old man fainted when he heard that you were the princess. He might be so frightened now. He didn't expect you to have such a big background. Hehe, I can pretend to be a tiger. It's over."

"Ah, what kind of fox pretends to be a tiger?"

The eldest grandson looked at Xue Jian with wide eyes, and humbly asked for advice.Murong Xing also looked at Xuejian.

Xuejian coughed lightly, wondering if this idiom doesn't exist here!Is it because there is no idiom story?Hehe, Xuejian cleared her throat and said:
"This is the story of a fox borrowing the prestige of a tiger."

Then Xuejian told the story.The eldest grandson clapped his hands and said with a smile:
"That's it, okay, you will be a fox for a while, and I will be a tiger for a while. This kind of hateful old man should be punished. In the end, I will buy Houshan. If you don't have enough money, I will pay for it. I am looking forward to what kind of paradise you will build. In the future, brother Chen and I can come to live in the capital when we get tired of living in the capital. Xueer, why don’t you come with us to the capital with so many ways. This way you can earn money A lot of money."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I'm going, but I'm still too young now. You said that if a smart child like me appeared in the capital, would he be drowned in spittle? Maybe he didn't know how he died. Look at me now, I always put What I came up with was handed over to Boss Jia, Boss Zhao, Boss Jiang, and others. Only when they come forward can I, a child, be safe. It doesn’t matter if you earn less money, and it’s not that you can’t make it. No matter how much more You have to spend your money wisely!"

Seeing these words, Lian Quchen was taken aback by Xue Xue's words. She didn't expect that this little junior sister was not only smart enough to do things that others couldn't, but also thought through problems so thoroughly.Can't help but whisper:

"Little junior sister, are you really only seven years old? It feels like you have lived your whole life. You can see it more clearly than us seniors!"

"Hehe, senior brother was joking. Don't you have a previous life? I always believed that I was a smart and happy woman in my previous life. That's why I'm so smart in this life!"

Xue Jian said as if joking.

"How can anyone say that he is smart!"

Murong Xing couldn't help but provoke another stab.

(End of this chapter)

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