farmer's daughter

Chapter 205 The things that are sold are sent to the chapter

Chapter 205 What was sold was sent back

Chapter [-] The things sold are sent back

The patriarch was struggling, and the patriarch who came up with the idea was obviously thicker than the patriarch.He also thought of this level, but it was much easier to let go than the patriarch, who is not easy to let go of his face.Bowing slightly, he walked two quick steps in front of old Mr. Shen, and said flatteringly:

"In this way, you are her master, so you say that the clan has agreed to sell Houshan to her. Today's incident is purely a misunderstanding, isn't it? We are all old people, so we are worried that this little one has no experience and will be taken away by bad people. It’s broken. You can tell that old man Mo is older than us at a glance, but he has a red face, although his hair is white, his hands and feet are much more flexible than ours. Especially the one that can fly around, just like us The thieves mentioned by the storyteller are the same. Aren’t we trying to prevent our clansmen from harming us? Now that we know that he is a capable person and not a thieves, we are not happy for your granddaughter to worship such a master. Well."

Old Mr. Shen raised his eyelids this time, but his eyes were not so good-looking.Staring at the elder for a while, he saw the elder until he took a step back.

"Bah! I've seen shameless people, you are the most shameless! You were so shameless when you were young. Who in this room doesn't know your roots, are you guilty of saying these things? Why didn’t you say that when you went to look for Shen Laowu? If you really suspected that he was a bad person, shouldn’t you be looking for my son Shen Laosan? Firstly, he is Xue’er’s father, and secondly, he is still from this town. But you sent people to the county to find the army. What, you want to take the opportunity to occupy my third child's house? Bah!"

Old Mr. Shen didn't give any face this time. The clan elder didn't find the steps well, and he was poohed twice by Mr. Shen in front of him. Turn your face again.I had to bear it bitterly.

The village chief could see that what Old Shen was waiting for was a word from the patriarch.He looked at the patriarch who was still pretending to be dizzy with his eyes closed, and sighed inwardly:
"Pretend to be dead now, why did you go early?"

But for the sake of the future of this village, and the few nobles who are currently at Xue Jian's house, they cannot afford to offend.The village head stood up again, pulled Shen Qishu and said:

"Lao Qi, come, come, give the patriarch another shot, let him wake up and make a statement, it depends on how to deal with this matter. Is it possible to sell the back mountain to Xue Jian as Xue Jian said. Anyway This matter is not really done today, and things have happened. Even if Xue Jian sees that we don’t say anything when we can’t write two heavy characters in one stroke, it’s hard to protect the two nobles from there. Then It's their master, this is something that our whole clan can't offend, or it's possible to get rid of the clan. This kind of thing can be big or small. Sometimes, we can save our whole clan without our old face people!"

This is all said and done.If the patriarch can't wake up again, there's nothing he can do.And the patriarch who was lying down thought about it, and he had to do what the village chief said, his old face was made by him.But now I have to think about my children and grandchildren. If I really offend those nobles, I will really lose my ancestors.

When Shen Qishu pretended to be confused and really wanted to give another injection, the patriarch sighed and woke up.Slowly opened his eyes, stared at the roof and said:
"I listened to what Chang Yong said. I was wrong, I was wrong! It's okay, those noble people can't afford to offend, and I will take the responsibility of punishing them. I have lived past dozens of years .If this old man can save the people of our clan, I will admit it, let alone I was really wrong! Changyong, you go tell Xuejian, this Houshan, just do as she said, I just hope She can still take care of the folks like this in the future! I am really powerless now, wait two days, and I will personally apologize to her master!"

After hearing what the patriarch said, Uncle Shen looked at the patriarch twice more.This old man will be strong for the rest of his life, although he always uses the banner of the patriarch to do things that only play on his prestige.But he has never been so subdued, and he doesn't know where he made a mistake today.Still really frightened by those noble people.

As soon as the patriarch's words were spoken, the room became quiet. After a while, old Shen Tou knocked on the cigarette holder, put away the cigarette pouch, stood up without saying a word, turned around and went out.

But when he went out, the people in the house were relieved.They are all old brothers, and they know the temper of this old Mr. Shen.He went out like this, showing that he agreed with what the patriarch said.It seems that the village head guessed right, he really just came to ask for an explanation.I want the patriarch to make a statement.

What the old men here were worried about, but in the backyard of Xue Jian's house, they didn't mention it at all.They all gathered in one room to chat.After eating, old man Mo drifted away to nowhere.But no one seemed to care where he went to these few disciples.Xue Jian was dragged by Princess Changsun to ask seven questions.When she first came to this country, the rooms and furnishings here are completely different from her life.Regardless of sitting in the carriage for so long, he enthusiastically pulled Xue Jian around the newly built Shen's house, and naturally, Lian Quchen and Murong Xing had to follow behind.

However, it can also be seen that even Quchen was full of curiosity about this place, and listened carefully to Xuejian's introduction along the way. In the room where he saw blacksmithing, the eldest grandson immediately saw a handful of hot irons placed on a shelf. Dou hurriedly pulled Xue Jian and said:
"This, this, this is very useful. I received five of these as gifts at my wedding this time. I don't need so many, Xue'er. I want to give you one in the future. I didn't expect you to have one too."

Murong Xing followed behind to see, laughed loudly and said:
"Sister-in-law, people in the capital are giving this as presents now? Do you still want to give it to Junior Sister? Hahaha, do you know? This thing was conceived by Junior Sister, made by Junior Sister, and then let Boss Jia Take it to sell, and then sell it to the capital step by step. Oh, Xueer, if this thing is on the gift list of the sister-in-law, it seems that the price of this thing in the capital has doubled several times. You have to That little money is a loss, a loss!"

The eldest grandson looked at Xuejian in surprise and said:
"Really? Did you come up with this thing? How did you come up with it? It's the most sought-after thing in the capital now. I received five and gave one to my aunt and one to Brother Chen's nanny. Being jealous by others, they are all staring at my remaining three."

Xuejian smiled embarrassedly and said:
"It's really nothing, but it won't take long for this thing to be faked by some fake names. Sister-in-law, take a look, it's real if there's something in it. It's what we made here."

Of course, Xue Jian also told the origin of this thing.Princess Changsun praised one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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