farmer's daughter

Chapter 207 Natural Hot Spring

Chapter 207 Natural Hot Spring

Chapter [-] Natural Hot Springs

The four masters and apprentices went down to the mountain stream.According to Xue Jian's journey, the mountain stream is actually not too deep, probably only three stories high, but the cliff is a bit steep, and some places are sunken in.It is very dangerous if people climb down.Before fully reaching the bottom, Xuejian already felt the smell of sulfur rushing towards her face.It seems that there is nothing wrong with the hot spring below.It's just that it's pitch black below, and I can't see anything. Even the two senior brothers Xuejian who are following behind feel that they are lost.Didn't see it.No sound was heard again.

"Master, the brothers are gone."

Xue Jian said with some concern.

"Don't worry Xue'er, we are following you, but you can't see it."

Murong Xing's voice came from behind.Only then did Xue Jian confirm that they were still behind, but old man Mo continued:

"Don't worry, neither of them can lose it. If they lose it, it will be really embarrassing!"

Old man Mo put Xuejian on a flat ground, and Xuejian felt that the air was moist and warm, like cooking steam.Suddenly Xueer's eyes lit up, and a ball the size of an egg was placed in front of her face.Xue Jian backed away in shock.A hand supported her behind her, and a voice sounded above her head:

"Junior Sister, this is a luminous bead for you. With it, you can see things closer."

"Luminous beads?!"

Xue Jian exclaimed, isn't this the Ye Mingzhu mentioned in the book?This thing is old and expensive, isn't it?What did the elder brother just say?give me?

Xue Jian looked up in surprise, she couldn't see the elder brother's face clearly in the hazy heat, but felt that the elder brother was smiling.Xuejian raised her finger and pointed at the bead.Ask again:
"Is this really for me?"


If he hadn't talked to his uncle, Xue Jian wouldn't have dared to ask for it. Now that he knew the value of this senior, although this item was precious, it probably wasn't the only one for him.Xue Jian was as happy as a child's Depot, and carefully reached out to hold the luminous bead.In fact, the brightness of the light it emits is not as bright as a modern ten-degree bulb, but the light is very soft.Although it is white light, it feels warm when you look at it.

See Xue Jian so precious this luminous bead.Murong Xing said sourly on the side:
"If I knew you liked these jewels so much, I would have given them to you. Ah, yes. I forgot. Girls, they all like these things."

Xue Jian didn't pay attention to his sour words, but continued casually:
"Yeah, girls like these. How about you give me one? You haven't given me anything today."

He raised his face and looked at the elder brother again, and said:

"Thank you big brother! I like it so much!"

Lian Quchen reached out to Fu Xuejian's hair.But when she reached out and touched Xue Jian's hair, she froze.Maybe he didn't know why he reached out his hand, but after touching it, he had a real feeling, and then he felt that he stretched out his hand.Lian Quchen was only stunned for a moment, but Xue Jian also felt this change in him.Xuejian didn't resist, instead went up to meet him, reached out and hugged the elder brother's leg.

Of course, originally she wanted to hug senior brother, but her body is too short.I can only hug his legs.However, people who have legs to hug have always been happy!
No matter whether it is hugging the legs or wherever, for Lian Quchen, this hug is very warm and warm. With his reputation in the capital, it is a must-have magic weapon for other people's families to scare children from crying at night.But I didn't expect that this little junior sister was not afraid of herself at all.Maybe she really didn't know her past, didn't know her reputation, she only knew that she was her senior brother, that's why she was so close to her.

Thinking of this, Lian Quchen gently stretched out his hand to push Xuejian away, and took a step back without any trace.Xue Jian still pretended not to feel the refusal of the elder brother, and still raised a smile and said:
"Thank you big brother!"

Old man Mo looked around and said:

"There is no one else, and no other beasts, Xueer, come here, sit down, and I will perform the exercises for you. Chen'er protects the law. Xing'er combines the exercises by himself. Xing'er has a smaller pool in front of the left. The temperature of the water is higher, so you sit in it and practice.”

"Yes, Master."

Usually the little brother is laughing and laughing in front of the master, but when it comes to practicing, he is very serious.After listening to the master's words, the little brother moved to the left.I found a place to sit down and made a report.Then the four of them worked quietly, and old man Mo stuffed another fruit into Xuejian's mouth.It's sour, let's swallow it, and there is some sweetness in the mouth.Old man Mo once again helped Xue Jian melt the fruit.Absorb this fruit.The master and the disciples meditated for two hours, and then one after another got up.Back to Shen's house again.

the next morning.Xue'er and Xiaocao, who got up early in the morning, came to the kitchen together. Because Hu Shi had to help the house repairer cook today, he didn't leave last night.When Hu came to the kitchen, Xuejian and Xiaocao were already talking about rice.The fire in the kitchen was ablaze.Hu looked at Xuejian and joked:
"Yo. Our Snow Maiden is different after she turns seven. You see, she just turned seven yesterday, and she's sensible today, so she's coming to make breakfast."

"Auntie, people get up early every day. You forgot, I used to get up very early to run in the Liang family's yard."

After a while, Mrs. Wang also came over.Mrs. Wang and Mr. Shen have now moved all their belongings to the new house of the third child.Old Mr. Shen originally didn't want to move down, and he felt a little ashamed himself.It was Xuejian who persuaded him a few times before he agreed to move in.He saw it too.To be able to support his husband and wife well, it has to be the third family.

As soon as Wang came in and saw Xuejian, she smiled and said:
"Xue'er, go to the yard, your grandfather has something to do with you."

Xue Jian said in surprise:
"What are you doing up so early? His legs and shoulders can't stand the cold. It's better to ask him to go back to the house. At least there is floor heating in the house."

Xuejian said as she walked out.Also tell old Mr. Shen the words.Old Mr. Shen nodded his head, motioning for Xuejian to follow him into the main room.The floor heating in the main room was still hot last night.

Old Mr. Shen started to smoke as soon as he sat down.Xue Jian frowned and said:

"Grandpa, it's better to smoke less. Later, I will prepare some snacks for you. When you want to eat cigarettes, you can eat something to ensure better health."

Old Shentou said in a low voice:

"Old habits can't be changed."

"Xue'er, let me tell you something. After thinking about it last night, I still have to tell you. What happened yesterday is very disgraceful! It was done by your patriarch grandfather and patriarch. I went to scold them yesterday. , They still can’t talk about it. I really saw them through this matter. From now on, you can do whatever you want. I won’t care about it anymore. However, they said yesterday that they agreed to take over the entire back mountain. Sell ​​it to you. The patriarch also said that he will come to apologize to your master in two days when he recovers."

(End of this chapter)

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