farmer's daughter

Chapter 214 Boss Lu Arrived One Step Late

Chapter 214 Boss Lu Came One Step Late

Chapter 210 Boss Lu Arrived A Step Late

Xuejian and Xiaocao went to the grain store again, where Liang Zhongqiu was waiting for them.Because I want to order rice noodles for my family.Liang Zhongqiu agreed to wait for her here.Get everything you need to buy today.They were all ordered to send them to the place where the carriage was kept.Then Liang Zhongqiu brought Xuejian and Xiaocao to another place.On the way he said:

"I just talked to the owner of the grain store. He said that he knew that there was a man's carriage for sale. It was a new carriage. It was bought at the same time as ours. Something happened to the family now. Let’s sell the carriage for emergency New Year’s Eve. Let’s go and have a look.”

Liang Zhongqiu brought Xue Jian and others to a shop on another street.It seems that this store wants to give up.There is nothing in the store.empty.As soon as Liang Zhongqiu came in with Xue Jian, the person behind the counter immediately stood up and said:
"Guest officer, you make your choice. I plan not to do it. Everything will be reduced in price. How much do you think you want?"

Xue Jian saw that this shop sold ready-made clothes.There are not many clothes left.Liang Zhongqiu stepped forward and said:
"Shopkeeper, I heard from Lao Huang from the food store that your carriage is for sale. I'll come and take a look."

"Oh, that's good, that's good. You come with me, in this back hall. It's for sale."

Liang Zhongqiu also went to the back hall, and sure enough, the people in the back yard were still hurrying up and down, apparently they were packing their things.Xue Jian frowned slightly, Xue Jian had been to this store before.The business of this store is still good, why not do it?

Thinking about it, Xuejian asked.The store owner replied:

"Oh. This little girl doesn't know anymore. My shop is no longer open, and I am also heartbroken. But there is no way, my mother's health is failing. The only wish is to return to my hometown. We are from Yuanyang Town. Back then I I was a helper here. Later, the boss valued me and let me manage the shop. Later, the boss transferred the shop to me. I have been doing it myself for ten years. No, everything is going well. But my mother is sick. I can do the store again in the future, and I am afraid that this is the only time to make my mother come true. We didn’t say that we didn’t open the store. It’s a long way to go back, to take care of her, or to take care of the funeral .Shou Xiao. It takes at least a year to go back and forth. That's why we don't do it. Sell what can be sold first. Let's talk about it later."

Xuejian nodded, it seems that this boss is still a dutiful son!Xuejian asked:
"Then your shop is sold?"

The store said:
"Not yet, I'm going to sell it. There is a boss who wants it, but the price he gave is too low. I, alas, it's the same, I don't know how to let him know that I'm going to sell this store. He is from us. He wants to force my store. The front and back of my store are so wide. I can sell it for 3000 taels at least. And these furniture, but he only gave me 500 taels, saying that if I don’t listen . Just clean me up!"

Speaking of which, the shopkeepers were all red-eyed, and when Xue Jian heard it, she said angrily:
"Which Boss Lu is it?"

When Liang Zhongqiu heard this, he coughed lightly.I want to stop Xue Jian from complaining.But Xue Jian didn't care about him, Xue Jian couldn't see someone bullying such a filial person.

The shopkeeper sighed and said:

"Who else is there? It's Lu Hongsheng from the west end of the town. I heard that he recently had a son. He bullies us businessmen everywhere. He is helping his son earn a fortune."

"Is it fat and fat, with small eyes, and a mole here?"

Xuejian asked again.

The shopkeeper nodded and said anxiously:

"Don't worry, I bought this carriage not long ago. It has nothing to do with him. It can be sold."

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:

"Okay, I know. I saw you the other day when I bought the carriage. I know I just bought it. But you sold the carriage to us. How did you go back to your hometown?"

"I still have an old carriage and two donkey carts. That's enough. This new carriage was originally intended to be bought for delivery. This is an old carriage if I sell it to you. Well, let's make a discount Bar."

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:

"It won't make you suffer. I know this car is good. We will give you ten taels less as much as you buy it."

The shopkeeper said gratefully:
"That's good, that's good! When I bought it that day, I paid 480 taels. Just give me 400 taels. That's good. After all, I used it. The horse is fine. It's a good horse. !"

Xuejian pulled her grandfather and said:

"Grandpa, I want to buy this store. This store is big and on the street. It's a good place to do things."

The shopkeeper heard it and said quickly:

"Little girl, it's good if you can buy it. But that Boss Lu can't be messed with, so he can't cause trouble for you."

Xiaocao followed up with a sentence:

"Boss, don't worry, if we dare to sell, we won't be afraid of trouble from him."

In fact, Xiaocao also thought of it when Xuejian was questioning, this Boss Lu is probably the one who came to the uncle's house to beat someone last time.Thinking about it is also angry, if Xuejian really bought this person's house, it is okay to be angry with that person.He didn't dare to provoke Xue to see him.

Liang Zhongqiu frowned and said:
"Have you thought about what to do? You can get a lot of money by buying this shop."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Firstly, I fell in love with this store. I can do whatever I want. Second, I want to annoy that Boss Lu. He was the one who caused trouble at our house last time."

Just as I was talking, I heard someone shouting on the street:

"Is anyone here? We're here to see the house. Our boss is going to buy this house."

The shopkeeper stomped his feet angrily and shouted:
"Drive the carriage away from the back door first, don't run into this man, it's not a good thing."

Having said that, he is about to go out.Xue Jian stepped forward to stop him and said:

"I'll go and see if it's the Lu I guessed. If it's him, I'll buy this house. I'm not afraid of him."

Xue Jian ran out first.A little girl ran out without attracting attention.But the eyes of the man among the few who came were widened.This person is Lu Hongsheng.He recognized Xue Jian, this girl is not to be messed with, and the people around her have martial arts.Just as he was thinking, an old man with a white beard floated down from the roof.Standing behind this little girl.

Seeing old man Mo, Lu Hongsheng took a step back, rolled his eyes and said:

"Shopkeeper, come out and talk, I bought your house."

The store owner had no choice but to walk out with his head held high, looked at Lu Hongsheng bitterly, but lowered his head.Just about to speak, Xue Jian stepped forward and said:

"Boss Lu came a step late, I bought this house."

Lu Hongsheng stared, looked at the shopkeeper and said:

"I said I want it, but you still sell it to someone else?"

Before the shopkeeper spoke, Xue Jian said again:
"You said you want it, you want it, have you paid a deposit? Do you have a contract?"

Lu Hong gave a pause and said:
"On this street, do I still need to pay a deposit for the house I said I want?"

Xue Jian said lightly:
"It's your business if you don't pay, but I want this house. See if I can afford it!"

(End of this chapter)

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