farmer's daughter

Chapter 220 The Family Who Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 220 The Family Who Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 220 The Family Who Appeared Suddenly

Xue Jian frowned and looked at the four people in front of him, a man who looked to be about 30 years old, and when he saw Xue Jian sizing him up, he took a slight step back.A woman in her 20s who looked old, seemed to want to greet Xue Jian but was a bit embarrassed to speak.She also held a two or three-year-old child in her arms, who couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl.The last one was a boy who looked about six or seven years old.Seeing Xuejian coming out, he hid behind his mother.

Xuejian asked softly:

"Who are you looking for?"

The man turned his head to look at the woman, and the woman timidly whispered in confusion:

"Are you Xue'er? I...I am..., don't you...recognize us?"

Xue Jian frowned, thinking: Should I recognize you?

Seeing Xue Jian frowned, both the woman and the man showed disappointed expressions on their faces. The man even stretched out his hand to pull the woman, as if signaling her to leave.

"Xueer, what are you doing?"

Xiaocao's voice came from behind Xuejian, Xuejian turned to look at Xiaocao, and pointed to the door.Xiaocao ran over to take a look, rushed out and hugged the woman and shouted:

Xuejian was taken aback for a moment, and the woman hugged by Xiaocao looked at Xiaocao, and then exclaimed in surprise:
"Cao'er! You've grown taller, and I finally saw that you've gained some flesh."

Then he looked up at the house behind Xue Jian and said:
"Is this really the third uncle's house?"

Xiaocao nodded excitedly, stretched out her head and called the person behind the woman:
"Brother-in-law, Xiaoliang, eldest sister, is this a stone? Last time I saw him he was still breastfeeding. He is all grown up now."

"Well, Xiaoliang, Shitou, quickly call Aunt Cao'er."

The one named Xiaoliang smiled a little embarrassedly, but didn't speak.The stone in his arms cried out sweetly:
"Aunt Cao'er."

"Hey! Come and give me a hug."

Cao'er stretched out her hand to hug him, but he retracted it.Cao'er laughed, turned around and pointed at Xue Jian and said:
"Sister, do you still recognize it? This is Xuejian."

The eldest sister smiled lightly, nodded and said:

"I recognized her, she didn't recognize me."

Cao'er sighed and said:

"Oh, it's not that the second brother did something bad. The second brother injured Xue'er's head. Xue'er was in a coma for several days. After waking up, she didn't recognize many people. She also broke the third aunt's waist. Now the third aunt can't do heavy work with all her strength."

The elder sister was shocked and said:

"What is he going to do! I don't care about it?"

Cao'er sighed and said:

"If it is now, the master will take care of it. The former master, you know, only has eyes on the elder brother and the second brother. By the way, elder sister, I am now the daughter of the third uncle. They only want me when they divide the family." I don't want rations."

When the elder sister heard this, her eyes turned red.He stretched out his arms and hugged Xiaocao tightly, saying:
"Cao'er, it's your blessing to be with third uncle! We don't want to have such parents! But God doesn't give us a chance to choose."

Seeing that they were about to cry outside the gate, Xue Jian hurriedly greeted them:

"Sister Cao'er, let them all come in and sit at home."

Cao'er took down the bag that the eldest sister was hanging from her hand, pulled her sleeve and said:
"Yes, sit at home and talk."

Cao'er welcomed the family in, and said to Xue while walking:
"Xue'er, don't you remember? This is the eldest sister, the eldest eldest sister in our family. She is older than the eldest brother. She was only married off by them when she was only 14 years old. You know, my mother hates my daughter, At that time, it was said that the eldest sister was married to earn some gift money for the elder brother to study."

Xuejian looked at the family who followed in with some surprise.This is the eldest sister's family?From the beginning until now, it was the first time she heard that there was an older sister in this family.Usually no one mentioned it.But if you think about it, it's called the second sister Yueyun, so there should be an older sister on top.

Just when she was about to enter the main room, Mrs. Wang walked over from the side, saw the eldest sister, and dropped a vegetable basket in her hand on the ground, and shouted in disbelief:
"Are you Yuerong?"

The eldest sister suddenly knelt down, kowtowed and cried:
"Grandma, grandma, I am Yuerong."

Mrs. Wang took two steps forward to support Shen Yuerong and said:

"My darling, you want to come back. Grandma thought you wouldn't come back after you got married."

Xiaocao stepped forward to help Shen Yuerong up, saying:

"Grandma, let's go into the house and talk. Look at the child's face is red from the cold, it's cold outside. Go in and drink some hot water, and I'll cook some noodles for you."

Wang also quickly wiped away tears and said:

"Yes, yes, yes, enter the house and say, enter the house and say. Come in, this is your third uncle's house, and your grandfather and I are now with your third uncle. Your third uncle is well now. This house is just opened Yes. Your second uncle's house is under repair, and it is very wide. Come in quickly. Don't freeze the child."

Mrs. Wang brought the family into the house.Xuejian poured a cup of tea for the elder sister and the elder brother-in-law and sat aside.That Xiaoliang suddenly turned to Shen Yuerong and said:

"Mom, it's warm in this room."

Obviously the whole family felt that the room was warm.The elder brother-in-law didn't even sit on a stool, so he squatted aside and rubbed his hands.The expression on his face was also much gentler.

Seeing their appearance, Xue Jian had to talk for a long time.Quietly backed out, went directly to the mother and said:
"Mother, go and have a look. A family came and they said it was the eldest sister. I didn't even recognize her, but it was Sister Cao'er and Grandma who did. They said her name was Yue Rong."

Liang Chengfang, who was talking about embroidery with a little girl, raised her head. Not only her, but also the daughters-in-law who were embroidering flowers in the room all raised their heads.Dayong Niang said directly:

"Cheng Fang, Yue Rong must have been married for nearly ten years. It seems that she has never returned to her mother's house."

Liang Chengfang stood up and said:

"Yeah, I don't know what's wrong, I'll go and have a look, you guys embroider first, don't worry. Embroider slowly. Xue'er, will you come with me?"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"I'll go to the backyard to see if the Princess and the others are up. I won't go. I can't even remember that there is a big sister, and I haven't heard you mention it. I thought there was no big sister."

Liang Chengfang reached out to pat Xue Jian and went out.When Xue Jian returned to the backyard, she saw the door of the princess's room opened.Looks like they're all up.Xuejian walked over and shouted:

"Sister princess, are you up? What do you want to eat today?"

The princess also brought a girl with her when she came here.When Xuejian came in, the girl Rufeng was combing the princess's hair, when she saw Xuejian coming in, she nodded and said:

"I met Miss Shen."

The princess smiled lightly and said:

"You girl, do you intend to cause me to be scolded by your elder brother? Last time I asked you to cook and you were tired, but your elder brother scolded me and ignored me for two whole days. I really I didn't know you were so tired that day. I'm sorry, Cher."

Xuejian sticks out her tongue and laughs:

"How many times do you have to apologize! Today I know that the senior brother is not here. The senior brother was called to the mountains by the master. He said he would come back from hunting wild game. We will have something to eat later. But I want to make a possibility I'll give you the food you haven't eaten before. Let's bake it!"

(End of this chapter)

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