farmer's daughter

Chapter 229 For That One Bone

Chapter 229 For That One Bone

Chapter 220 IX For That One Bone

But can the princess who has just been liberated be stopped by Xue Jian?Unable to stop, I had to find a way to find an older coat for her.Add an apron, and repeat the things to pay attention to.Unexpectedly, the princess gave her a white look and said:

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't ask you to pay for it if it's too hot!"

Xue Jian was stunned speechless by these words, forget it, leave her alone.I only heard the princess shouting for a while:
"Oh, is it time to drain the oil? No, is this water? Yeah. Did I put too much salt?"

Xuejian looked helplessly at the other half of the messed up grill.Those who can be saved will be saved, and those who cannot be saved will have to be thrown away.But the princess is not discouraged, he throws it away and then uses it to continue making, but it is so bitter that even to dust, those burnt ones that have been baked for half a lifetime are also eaten.

Of course, there were also people around Xuejian.It must be old man Mo, who would come around Xuejian except him, of course, no one would dare to come around Xuejian with him.As soon as Xuejian was baked, he was robbed by him.Definitely robbed.It was only later that someone had an opinion.It was Murong Xing who dared to speak up.His opinion is:

"Master, you can't just want my junior sister's filial piety and not mine. Come, come. I have a jug of wine here, which is just right for this meat."

Some people, who have no ability to think when they hear wine, are immediately drawn away.And then there is a crowd to cheer for!And the person behind Xue Jian was replaced by Murong Xing.Of course, Murong Xing didn't come to grab food.It's just a porter, and every time he carries it, he will be rewarded with a skewer by the master.Murong Xing did it happily.But it was turned into stone by the princess Tianwai.

"Brother Chen, why do I feel that Junior Brother has become like a puppy. Because of that bone."

This made the two people who had been drinking quietly all the time spit out the wine in their mouths with a 'flutter' sound.Detrimental to the image ah!It is really detrimental to the image!Liang Shengyue and Lian Quchen were a little embarrassed and hurriedly took out the handkerchiefs they were wearing and wiped their faces. The effect of this pair of sprays was to make Xue Jian and Hu Yue'e laugh so hard that their stomachs hurt.

Everyone was laughing and joking until the evening, and the old people couldn't bear to go back to their room to chat for a while before going to bed.And Xue Jian these young people came to the main event, Xue Jian asked her elder brother-in-law and younger brother to help, and also called her father and second uncle to help.There is a pile of firewood in the middle of the yard, and everyone gathers around the fire, and also finds someone to talk to and communicate with each other.Even Chengye, who usually doesn't deal with people very much, had a great time talking with the brothers of the Liang family.While Xueer was still baking some named things, Xiaocao and the others came to bake something on the shelf from time to time.

So, in less than an afternoon, the princess got to know everyone very well.Even Yuewei fell asleep in the arms of the princess.Then Liang Shuang carried her back to the house and gave it to Liang Chengfang.And Chengwen chatted enthusiastically with a few cousins ​​and cousins, and would take the initiative to be a host and pour water for everyone.But he couldn't lift the pot, and it was finally completed with Cheng Qiang's help.

And Cheng Qiang was the most unhappy one.Cheng Qiang can't talk to them, because among so many boys, except for Xiao Liang from the elder sister's family, he has never studied.That Xiaoliang was always embarrassed, and went to bed with the eldest sister early.Cheng Qiang couldn't find anyone with a common language.It was Murong Xing who saw it.They had also been together for a while, and Murong Xing naturally knew what was going on with Cheng Qiang, so he took him aside, and the two of them chatted happily without knowing what to talk about.In the end, Murong Xing took Cheng Qiang back to his room to sleep.From that day on, Shen Chengqiang became a different person.

In addition to this pair of friends who had a successful chat, there were two other people who chatted very vigorously. They chatted from afternoon to night. They chatted in front of the public, and then they chatted in the backyard until they came out the next morning.It looked like they chatted all night.These two were Lian Quchen and Liang Shengyue.

Xue Jian saw it, but didn't say anything. If these dignitaries came to the family, if they didn't have some opportunities to develop with their own people, they would be stupid.Xue Jian thinks.This is an opportunity created for some capable people.Success or failure depends on their own development.But if there is a chance not to use it, it is my own fault.It would be a waste of my life.

At first, I just hoped to bring the princess closer to everyone.Anyway, because of my family's relationship with the elder brother, no matter what, the factions in the court will be classified as people on the side of the princess.Then put it into practice, don't stick to white things.Originally, it was impossible for my family to stay in the farm forever.Even if I like this kind of farm life, life is always changing and developing.Seeing Xue, it can be regarded as well-intentioned.

Some people were exhausted from the carnival all night, but those who woke up the next morning knew who were self-disciplined.Xuejian started running in the yard early in the morning as before, and then there were footsteps behind her.Xuejian turned her head and saw that it was Brother Chengqiang.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Brother Chengqiang, why did you come to my house so early?"

Shen Chengqiang scratched his head in embarrassment and said:
"I didn't leave last night. I'll run with you for a while."

After saying that, he started to run again.After warming up, Xue Jian began to practice her own kung fu.After a while, I saw some people coming out again, they were brothers from the Liang family.It's just that they didn't seem to get up by themselves, and someone behind them scolded in a low voice:

"Just after the holiday, you relaxed yourself! Does this count as self-awareness?"

The person behind this was naturally Liang Shengyue.Although there are two dark circles under his eyes, he seems to be in good spirits.Therefore, after last night's carnival, Xue Jian was the most conscious.And the most unconscious person is actually Xiaocao and other girls, who have overslept.Wang originally wanted to ask someone to help with the cooking, but the elder sister came out and stopped her, and finally the eldest sister helped to cook.

Xue Jian deliberately found time to talk to the eldest sister last night, expressing that she could keep their family.But just one thing, if you stay, you must sincerely help with things. I will definitely not lose them, but they must also do well.This made the eldest sister very grateful.Xuejian made some inquiries and knew that her eldest brother-in-law was a good farmer, so she made up her mind. The land that Uncle Jiang had originally bought in Fucheng hadn't been visited yet.In the future, can I give them to the couple to watch for myself?Xuejian has this plan in mind, but she still plans to discuss it with her father.

My uncle is also on vacation now.Xuejian decided to find a time to go to Fucheng.Moreover, it is impossible for the princess and others to stay here for the New Year.They must be going back to the capital, but they don't know when they decide to leave. It seems that tomorrow they have to ask the big brother about their plans.At that time, why don't we go to Fucheng together to get everything done.One is to see the house of Jiang's family, and the other is to see the land that he bought for himself.The third is to see the situation of the shelter prepared by the princess's people.Alas, after all the calculations.This year ago it seemed too busy to have time.

(End of this chapter)

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