farmer's daughter

Chapter 233 Master's Origin

Chapter 233 Master's Origin

Chapter 230 Three Master's Origin
Xue Jian was dumbfounded, but the village chief was not!No matter the patriarch stared at Old Shen with wide eyes angrily, raised his finger and pointed at him, moved his lips but did not speak.The village chief clapped his hands and laughed:

"Hey! Your proposal is in line with what I want, and it is indeed as the elder brother of the patriarch said. I am indeed old. It would be good to help manage the affairs of the clan. The third child is young and familiar with the county. He came to It is the most suitable to be the village head!"

The old man Shen nodded at the side, and Xue Jian looked at these old men as if watching a play.The village head and grandpa were like opera singers, they sang together, completely ignoring the patriarch.It seemed that what they both said was a decision.The patriarch was so angry that his expression changed again and again, but he dared not say it was wrong, nor could he say no!I have all the handles in the hands of Old Shen.Old Mr. Shen said this from his own family, this is a door-to-door slap in the face!

Seeing that the patriarch's face turned red, Xue Jian thought that something might happen. These people don't understand cerebral hemorrhage, but they do.Enough is enough.Xuejian stood up and said:

"Okay, isn't there a ancestral hall for the Chinese New Year? Let's talk about these things when the whole clan gets together. It's too early to say. Grandpa patriarch, we put the money here, you can find someone to repair it Just go to the ancestral hall. Let's go first."

Xuejian then left, and the village head and old Shen Touer didn't say anything more.Then he said goodbye.Haven't left the gate yet.He heard a slap from inside the room, and Xue Jian guessed that the patriarch dropped the teacup.

After returning home, Xue Jian was directly dragged away by the little senior brother. Originally, she wanted to go to Grandpa Niu's place to see how the two newcomers were doing.But the little senior brother took her and flew up the back mountain, and this time came to the hot spring in the back mountain again.Old man Mo is meditating here, with a senior brother sitting beside him.

Xue Jian respectfully stepped forward and saluted.Old man Mo opened his eyes to look at Xuejian and said:
"Yesterday I heard that you are going to Fucheng recently? Your elder brother and the others decided to go out with you. They are going back to the capital. I called you here today to tell you something about Shimen. Because there is Your big brother and the others, you will meet more and more people in the future, and they will become more and more noble. But what I said today is a top-secret matter, so I will talk about it here."

Xue Jian raised her head to look at Master, it was rare to see Master with a serious look, but suddenly found that when Master became serious, his whole body naturally exuded a kind of nobility!Nobility that people have to look up to!Xue Jian was a little puzzled.What is the origin of old man Mo?
As soon as old man Mo raised his eyes, Lian Quchen on one side jumped up and flew to check around.Make sure again that there are no outsiders.Old man Mo stared at Xuejian, and Xuejian felt an invisible pressure that made him kneel down naturally.Old man Mo still stared at Xue Jian and said:
"You have to swear, today's words come out of my mouth and into your ears, and you will not mention it to anyone in the future. You must not leave any words!"

Xue Jian's heart trembled, and in the short time she came to this world, what impressed her most was that these people took vows very seriously!Everyone will do what they promise!Therefore, the last time Fu Jinghao had to make himself swear when he left, now Master has to swear by himself.But Xue Jian really wanted to say in her heart, is the oath that she swore so effective?Modern people take oaths as a commonplace, and they will 'break' their promises at any time.

Thinking so, Xue Jian still knelt up straight and said seriously:
"I, Shen Xuejian, swear, I heard what Master said today, don't spread rumors, don't leave ink, if there is any violation, may the sky be struck by lightning, and I will die a bad death!"

"Okay, let's see Xue."

Xuejian made an oath, and old man Mo waved his hand to get Xuejian to stand up.After taking two steps to the side, he looked up at the blue sky above his head and said:
"Xue Jian, my teacher was born in the royal family. In the royal family, only the emperor knows about it. Some veteran officials in the court know, but they don't know who I am. I told Xueer this, not to let Xueer know my background, Instead, Xue’er must know the direction to act in the future, and do not do things that are not beneficial to the royal family. Do not do things that are not beneficial to the common people. If there is any violation, the master will deal with it by cleaning up the house.”

"The reason why I told you this today is because you came up with the idea of ​​setting up a shelter. It is indeed a good thing. This is beneficial to the people and the royal family. This is exactly what the teacher thinks. But As a teacher, you can't show up, you can't show your face. Master is here to thank Xueer."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. You will gradually come into contact with people in Beijing. You have to pay attention secretly. Who took advantage of me to punish your senior brothers to trick Princess Changsun into saving Your big brother. This matter is very important. Your big brother can’t show up because he is the person involved. All the people involved can’t show up, and I can’t show up. Telling you these things is to remind you to pay attention. Someone is watching us from behind. Sooner or later I will hit your idea. Maybe, only through you can we find out who this person is! I didn’t take the initiative to break this matter to find out, because what he did didn’t do us any harm, and it was also secretly promoted Some things. It’s just that I don’t know who this person is, it’s a thorn in my heart. This may also become a hidden danger to your big brother.”

Only then did Xuejian fully understand it!Shimen was supervised by Ren Limenhe.And everyone doesn't know who it is. If this is the case, who can sleep soundly, always worrying whether there will be someone standing in front of the bed when I fall asleep.What if this person used himself to do something bad?With old man Mo's martial arts and intelligence, he can still be fooled. This person's rank is a bit high.

It seems that the master has entrusted this important task to me, and I have to be careful with everyone I come into contact with from now on.Maybe, it could be that hidden danger.

Xue Jian nodded, frowned slightly and said:

"Is it his first time to make a big brother and princess this time? Has it happened before?"


Old Man Mo murmured.Lost in deep thought, the three brothers and sisters also looked at each other, and they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.Old man Mo paced back and forth slowly, as if he was remembering something.Suddenly, he turned sharply and stared at Murong Xing and said:

"Xing'er, do you still remember the first time you saw Master?"

"I remember. I was only six years old at the time, and I went to the temple with my family to offer incense. I heard the barking of a puppy, and I followed a puppy. Then I ran into Master who was grilling fish. I stepped forward to remind Master is an important place in Buddhism, you can't eat meat and kill animals, but master said you want to eat that puppy. In order to prevent the puppy from being eaten, I was caught by master, and then took my pulse, and then accepted me as a "closed disciple". .”

Murong Xing focused on the words "Closed Disciple".He even blinked Xue Jian twice on purpose.It made Xue Jian snicker.

 Tomb-sweeping day today, I went back to my hometown to worship my parents!The update is a bit late, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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