farmer's daughter

Chapter 236 The feeling of love

Chapter 236 The feeling of love

Chapter 230 Six Feelings of Love
Liang Shuang blushed and said:

"I'm not cold, but I saw two red envelopes on your right hand today. Is it frostbite? Don't pay attention to writing or something."

Jiang Youpeng stretched out his hand to look at his hand. There were indeed two small red dots, and it was indeed that he wiped the furniture with water when he helped his father clean up the yard two days ago and was frozen. Liang Shuang didn't expect to see it.Jiang Youpeng couldn't help but take a step forward after being so cared about by his favorite girl.Stretching out his hand, he took Liang Shuang's hand and said:
"Thank you, Sister Shuang, for your concern. I haven't been frozen before. This time I came here with my dad. I got frozen while cleaning the yard. I didn't expect to be watched by Sister Shuang."

Liang Shuang wanted to withdraw her hand, but Jiang Youpeng held it tightly.Still staring straight at Liang Shuang, Liang Shuang felt a man's direct and warm gaze for the first time, she couldn't help turning her face away, her neck blushing.

"Cough cough."

Someone next to him coughed. Liang Shuang and Jiang Youpeng were so frightened that they let go of their hands immediately. Liang Shuang didn't even look at who it was, and closed the door behind her backhand.Hiding in the house dare not come out.Leave everything to Jiang Youpeng.Jiang Youpeng also blushed.Turning around to look at Liang Shengyue and his wife standing in the corridor, they bowed down and shouted:
"Third Uncle, Third Aunt."

Liang Sheng snorted coldly and said:

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Youpeng blushed and said in a low voice:

"I, let me see if Sister Shuang and the others are still there. I only spoke a few words to Sister Shuang. Please don't blame the third uncle and the third aunt."

"Hehe, look at you, you've frightened the children with your long face. Well, what's wrong with Shuang'er and the others? Why don't you go back to sleep first, we're here to see them too. Look at Xue'er too Are you awake?"

Hu stepped forward with a smile and said.

Jiang Youpeng nodded and said:
"Sister Shuang said nothing bad."

Mrs. Hu nodded, Jiang Youpeng bowed again and said:
"Then ask my third uncle and aunt to rest earlier, I'm tired after riding in the carriage all day. I'll go first."

The last sentence, I'm leaving first, was said in a raised voice, obviously to inform the people in the room.I am leaving.Jiang Youpeng turned around and left first.Only then did Hu Yue'e knock on the door and said:
"Shuang'er, open the door, your third uncle and I are here."

Liang Shuang also opened the door lightly and retreated in. Only then did Liang Shengyue and Hu Yue'e come in.Hu Yue'e looked at Xuejian who had been covered with a quilt.Turning his head and chuckling, he looked at Liang Shuang and said:
"Okay, we didn't say anything about you, but we still have to be careful in the future. Although there are no outsiders in the family, the people in this city care more about these things. We shouldn't come to see the house. Be careful yourself That’s right. Put these two packs of pastries in this room first. Fortunately, two charcoal basins have been prepared for you. Little Xue’er, you have to be vigilant and be careful of the fire. You can’t close the windows too tightly. Or When it is warm, put out the basin. Even the silver charcoal has smoke and poison. This is what Xueer taught us.”

Liang Shuang nodded, just stood aside holding her clothes, her face blushed and she didn't dare to speak.

Liang Shengyue didn't say anything from the beginning to the end.Let Hu Yue'e confess a few words and take the people away.

The next day, Xue Jian woke up early in the morning and realized that this was not her home.Only then did I realize that I had arrived in Fucheng.But he was a little annoyed that he fell asleep and didn't see what the yard looked like, so he opened the door early in the morning and went out for morning exercises, only to find that it seemed to have snowed heavily last night, and the outside of the house was foggy.Everywhere is covered in silver.

Back home after morning exercise, Xue Jian was so hungry that her chest was sticking to her back.Seeing Sister Shuang also got up, she reached out to pick up the snacks on the table to eat, but Liang Shuang stopped her and said:
"This snack has been left overnight, and it's a bit frozen. Let's wait a bit. I'll go to the kitchen and make some porridge for everyone."

Xue Jian thought about it, so she went to the kitchen with Liang Shuang.Unexpectedly, there was a light on in the kitchen, and it seemed that someone had already been there.Liang Shuang and Xuejian stepped into the kitchen, but they didn't want to be surrounded by smoke. There was a coughing sound from behind the stove, and they knew it was Jiang Youpeng.Liang Shuang covered her mouth and nose and walked in quickly. She knew where Jiang Youpeng could cook and fire, and she might not even be able to light the fire.

Going in and taking a look, sure enough, Jiang Youpeng was opening his mouth to blow fire into the stove, but when he saw Liang Shuang coming in, he choked on his breath, and with the smoke, his face turned red from choking, and he couldn't cough. Come, as if unable to breathe, Liang Shuang was frightened, and hurried forward to pat him on the back, helping him straighten out the breath in his chest.But Jiang Youpeng was uncomfortable at first, and secondly, he took advantage of the situation and buried his face in Liang Shuang's waist, and put his arms around Liang Shuang's waist.

It was a very warm scene, but it happened in the wrong place. Jiang Youpeng couldn't help coughing wildly amidst the fireworks.Only then did Liang Shuang pull him up and stand outside the door, patted him on the back and blamed him:

"You don't know how to light a fire, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Youpeng was very annoyed. At the moment when he hugged the soft waist, the warm body fragrance made him nostalgic, but he didn't want the annoying smoke to make him unable to hold back, so he lost the warmth. Hugs!What a pity!
After breathing, Jiang Youpeng coughed until his tears and nose flowed out.Needless to say, he was in a mess, and he never thought that he would let the girl he loves see such a useless side of himself.He bowed his head in shame and said in a hoarse voice:

"I just want to make some porridge. I want you to get up and have a hot porridge to eat. But I don't want to be so useless that I can't even light the fire."

Liang Shuang said generously this time:
"Forget it, go and get the handkerchief. I'll boil hot water and wash it for you. Look at you. If you don't know it, you don't have to do it. No one forced you to do it. Let me do it."

Liang Shuang turned around and went into the house, the unlit firewood was still emitting thick smoke, if it wasn't resolved, there would be no need for people to stay in the kitchen today.Xuejian has been leaning against the door frame, giggling and looking at the little lovers.This is what it feels like to be in love!

Liang Shuang lit the fire in two or three strokes.As long as the fire is lit, the smoke will disappear.Slowly they dispersed.Liang Shuang looked at the pot now, no water had been added yet.This is really a young man, the fire is on fire, but it burns a dry pot.

With Liang Shuang and Xuejian coming to help, of course, Xuejian just needs to light the fire and breakfast will be done.Liang Shuang not only cooked porridge, but also baked cakes.It seems that the Jiang family knows that they will cook and eat by themselves when they come, and they have everything prepared.

After washing up again, Jiang Youpeng changed his clothes and came out to greet Liang's family for dinner. His voice was still a little hoarse, but his eyes looked at Liang Shuang enthusiastically from time to time.Liang Shuang glared at him several times before sitting down and eating breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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