farmer's daughter

Chapter 282 Aunt and One Family

Chapter 282 Auntie's Family
Chapter 280 Second Aunt's Family
Xuejian and Liang Shengyue came to the study in the backyard as usual, Liang Shengyue sat down, frowned and said:

"Have you checked it? It is indeed the person sent by the prince? Is it reliable?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"These two couples are quite reliable. They were sent by the senior brother himself to the third senior brother. The couple who were rescued in the rivers and lakes before the senior senior brother returned to the Marquis Mansion sold their entire wealth to the senior brother. Brother, when you come back, you have brought the deed of sale and handed it over to me. I heard from the third senior brother that this couple has made a lot of efforts in the senior brother's standing firm in the Marquis's mansion, which makes the senior brother very happy. This is Shi Chun The woman in question turned out to be a woman from the rivers and lakes. The second senior brother can find out whoever has passed through the rivers and lakes, and the master is not at ease, so he has already sent a letter to the second senior brother to check. There is no result yet."

The more Liang Sheng nodded, it seemed that Xue Jian was getting more and more sophisticated in handling things.Liang Shengyue said:
"I'm planning to go to Fucheng after the fifth day of the lunar new year. Aren't you going to deal with the affairs of Fucheng? When are you leaving?"

Xue Jian was about to answer when she heard someone shouting at the backyard door:
"Xue'er, Xue'er, come out quickly, the aunt's family is back."

Hearing the sound, Liang Shengyue also got up immediately, pulled Xueer over and said:
"Let's go and have a look together. Your aunt rarely comes back all year round."

Xuejian has met this aunt once.It looks a bit old.I think life at my husband's house may not be very satisfactory.Fortunately, I heard that her uncle was very kind to her.My uncle's family has been small businessmen for generations, and they can be regarded as doing business for a living, but there are some fields, but the uncle's family has a large population.It seems that they haven't separated yet.

Xuejian followed Liang Shengyue to the front yard, and there were many people standing in the front yard.They are all from their own family, and they formed several small circles. After entering the house, everyone sat down, and the children began to kowtow to pay New Year greetings.Then Xuejian also recognized the whole aunt's family.

My aunt's name is Liang Chengying, she is younger than Uncle Liang, but three years older than Liang Chengfang.Married to the Long family, the Long family has a small shop in the town, specializing in selling needles and brains.It's a small business.But when Liang Chengfang started doing embroidery and spinning, she was thinking of her sister's house, who bought needles and threads from Liang Chengying. Every time she bought a batch, it was not a small amount, and Xuejian said that the price was set by her aunt.This can be regarded as a face to the aunt.

My uncle's name is Long Dalei, so I chose a famous name, but he is an honest person.The brother at home is the eldest, but he takes care of the three younger brothers in everything.Therefore, although the aunt's family is the long house, their life is really a bit shabby.

Xue Jian once got news from Aunt Hong that the three sons of the Long family were more cunning than the other.Only the eldest son is too honest, he is the one who suffers.But fortunately, the water level of the old woman of the Long family is fairly flat, so it is still passable now, but as soon as the old woman falls down, the big house of the Long family may lose everything.

Originally, Liang Chengfang wanted to help her sister's family, but Xue Jian disagreed. What Xue Jian meant was to help her aunt send her children to study.My aunt has a daughter who is also 11 years old this year.It is the same year as Xiaocao.What Xue Jian meant was to bring this elder sister here to learn how to embroider with her mother, so that she could save some dowry money for herself.The other things that the aunt should suffer have to be eaten by her.As long as their family is not separated, how much help from this side may end up in other people's mouths and pockets.But if the aunt's family is separated, it will be different.Just help my aunt rebuild the house!
Liang Chengfang couldn't say anything about Xue Jian, and she also knew that what Xue Jian said made sense.Just like before.It's different now that we're separated.I can only do as Xue Jian said.

Liang Chengying has three children, two sons and one daughter. It is said that fortunately the first one was a son, otherwise the old lady of the Long family would not like her daughter-in-law so much.Liang Chengying's first child was not just a son, but a twin, but the first child was a son, and the second was a daughter.It made the old lady of the Long family praise her daughter-in-law everywhere.Liang Chengying also lived up to expectations, and the second child was also a son.

Liang Chengying and his wife also came back today with their three children.This is the first time for Xue Jian to see these two cousins, the eldest cousin Long Fei and the eldest cousin Long Lingqiao really look alike.If you put on women's clothing for your eldest cousin, you will definitely mistake them both.Little cousin Long Lin looks just like their father.A little rough.But I heard that both cousins ​​have entered school.The eldest cousin's grades are not bad, and he is currently the favorite eldest grandson of the old lady of the Long family.

Sisters Liang Chengfang and Liang Chengying also disappeared for a long time.The last time the Shen family moved and invited them to come, it happened to be their old lady's birthday, and they didn't come. Now that the sisters meet, Liang Chengying's eyes are red, and she said:

"I heard that you were seriously injured. I said I came to see you. Look at my sister, I haven't left the door. Don't hold grudges against my sister. My sister is actually worried about you."

Liang Chengfang patted his sister's hand and said:
"I know, my mother told me. Sister, you can't go away, and I know it too. Look, I'm much better now, but I can't use my strength yet. It will get better slowly."

The two sisters were talking on the side. After a while, Long Ling happened to come over and touch her mother quietly. Liang Chengying turned her head and said with a smile:
"Silly boy, isn't this my aunt? Tell me something."

Long Lingqiao looked at her aunt in embarrassment, handed the red envelope that Liang Chengfang gave her to her mother, and stammered:
"Mother, mother, aunt. My aunt gave too much."

Liang Chengying glanced at Liang Chengfang, and was about to open the red envelope after taking it from her daughter.Liang Chengfang stretched out his hand and said:
"Here, this is what we prepared for the children. This time, every child has so many. Sister, my life is better now. Really, I started an embroidery spinning by myself, and our Xue'er is still in Fucheng I bought a Zhuangzi of more than 800 mu. So, you don’t have to worry that I don’t have enough money now. I said to visit you a few years ago, but you also know your home. We are afraid that if we come too much, they will say you ...So. This is for the child, it is the child's private money, you just accept it. Later, I want to ask Lingqiao to come to my embroidery workshop to learn how to do things. For wages."

"Open an embroidery workshop? There are more than 800 acres of Zhuangzi? Cheng Fang, why do you have so much money all of a sudden? You have to be careful."

Liang Chengfang smiled happily.This is my own sister, not someone who just looks at the money and rushes to her.My first concern is the safety of my family.

Liang Chengfang smiled and said:
"Don't worry, our family's money came in the right way. It was Xue'er's business."

After talking, I told my sister about what Xueer had done in the past six months. Liang Chengying and Long Lingqiao were dumbfounded. Isn't this Xue'er so lucky and smart?And now there are relationships in the capital.Liang Chengying twisted her thigh, and there was a pain in her thigh, Liang Chengying believed that she heard correctly.

(End of this chapter)

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