farmer's daughter

Chapter 295 I have to fight for Xue'er too

Chapter 295 I have to fight for Xue'er too
Chapter 290 Fifth, I have to fight for Xue'er

Pang Panghu, who had been quietly waiting for orders, could now see that this master really had something to do with the princess.Look at the butler of the princess, he is a high-ranking person to himself, but he is respectful to the master.In the future, it's better to restrain yourself.

Get things packed.The butler also left two wives for Xue Jian to say:

"These two are the two women who are best at cooking in our other courtyard. One is Mrs. Xie and the other is Mrs. Zheng. I will keep them for the young lady to cook. If the young lady is ready to eat later, I will keep them. If You have other arrangements, just ask them to go back to the other courtyard at that time, especially this Mrs. Zheng, who cooks a good soup. Even the princess ate the soup every day when she came."

Xue Jian nodded and thanked her.I am really not good enough now. Of course, I can cook without being here in the future, but now, I am a master. In the eyes of people like Pang Panghu, I am a person related to the princess.If you insist on insisting on the self-sufficiency of a peasant girl, it doesn't seem so good.Or accept some services to make yourself easy.

After arranging things, Qiu Yuan took the housekeeper and others back to the city first.Xuejian kept them to eat and then they refused to leave.Xue Jian also saw that the weather was not good, and was afraid that it would snow if it didn't rain, so she didn't force them to stay anymore.

Send away Qiu Yuan and his party.Looking back, Pang Panghu was still waiting outside the gate of the manor.Xuejian smiled lightly and said:

"Uncle Pang Da, don't you go in and sit? Why don't you just eat here tonight. I'd like to hear you talk about Zhuangzi's affairs."

How dare Pang Panghu eat here.Busy bowed back a step and said:

"Master, I don't need to eat here. I'm staying here to see if you have any orders. If there is no order, then I will go back first. Let's talk about Zhuangzi's affairs after the master has a rest. I want to come to the master today. Also tired."

Xue Jian nodded and said with a smile:

"Thank you, Uncle Pang Da, for tidying up the yard very well. Also, we are tired from the carriage ride for a day today, and my grandparents are probably tired too. I'll go and see them, you can go back first, turn around I will talk to you about Zhuangzi at a certain time."

"Yes, then I'll go first."

Pang Panghu took a step back and turned back.Xue Jian just went into the house to see, her grandfather was alright, but her grandmother was completely collapsed. Although she was very excited to go out for a long distance at first, she kept bumping on the carriage, shaking for a whole day, and her bones were shaken to pieces.This is leaning on the newly heated kang.When Xue Jian entered, she heard her saying:
"Oh, I'm used to the underfloor heating at Lao San's house, but I still feel really cold when I come out. This man is really old. I used to help with cooking in the winter, so it's over. Man, it's really going to be Can't be more detailed."

Shen Yuerong replied:
"So, grandma, you can be a happy old lady now. Look at the Zhuangzi Xue'er bought. I took a look when I got off the car. It's so big that you can't see the side at a glance. Lord, that's it How wide is the land! How much can you harvest in a year!"

Old Mr. Shen replied slowly:

"Don't think that Xue'er's land is very rich. It hasn't been planted yet. People in this kind of land have to depend on the sky for their food. Xue'er brought your husband and wife here, so don't rely on Xue'er The older sister’s attitude is all about her posture, so she has to give Xueer a hard time. Don’t make it difficult for Xueer. Seeing such a wide area, you also know that Xueer will not lose you. If you work hard, Do you think Xueer believes in her own people or in others? As long as you are sincere and help her a little, she will treat you well in the end. Just think about how she treated you and me. But we have to think, After all, she is still a child, and she needs someone to help her."

Shen Yuerong also said:
"Yes, Lord, I understand. Don't say anything else, I will help Xue'er let us Xiaoliang study. I will help her wholeheartedly. Lu Cheng's family can be regarded as three generations of ancestors who don't know each other. Dou Da is a word, now that Xiaoliang can read, no matter whether he can read well or not, at least we have someone in our family who can read."

Xuejian and Xiaocao stood outside the door, both heard the conversation inside, the two sisters looked at each other and smiled, and didn't make another sound.He turned around and went back to the front hall. Uncle Shen was sitting here drinking tea. He just went out to take a look at the field outside. Although it was dark and he couldn't see clearly, he couldn't see the mountains as far as the eye could see. It is all flat.I don't know if this large piece of flat land belongs to Xueer?Tomorrow Tianming will definitely take Xueer to take a good look.

Although I am now ordered to lead the construction team, as a farmer who has been a farmer for decades, when I see a good land, I always have some excitement in my blood.What's more, this land belongs to Xuejian, and Xuejian is from his own family.

Those who followed went out for a walk and came back, excitedly saying:

"Brother Shen, you didn't go to see those lands. They are all first-class good lands. The mud is better than ours. There is also a big river behind here. With this river I don’t have to worry about drought anymore. Brother Shen’s family has bought a treasure land.”

A few people commented on this land with your words and my words.Shen Erzhu said with a faint smile:
"Don't worry, when we go back to the capital, we will work hard. When we finally come back, I guarantee that everyone in our team will be able to buy a few acres of land like this."

The cooks used by the princess are really different. The meals for these dozens of people don’t need the help of Yue Rong and the others. Can't make it taste like this.Everyone wolfed down the meal.Sitting together and thinking about the future, everyone went to bed.Tonight, everyone squeezed each other and slept in each room. Anyway, everyone brought their own quilt, two people made a quilt, one person's quilt pad, one person's quilt cover, and the floor was covered with a thick blanket. The straw is not cold.

No matter how tired Xuejian is, if she is used to getting up at that time, she will get up early.Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one there, Xue Jian wanted to go to the hill behind the manor to have a look.This manor was built on this hill, probably just to keep out the wind.Hearing that there is a river behind the mountain, Xue Jian wanted to see what was on the mountain.

This mountain is not high, compared to the mountains in Xueshenjia Village, it is not considered a mountain. Xuejian leaped forward all the way. There are no tall trees on the mountain, but there are a few fruit trees. Xuejian saw peach trees and sweet-scented osmanthus Tree.

There is really nothing on this mountain, and the mountain is not big. After a while, I saw the scenery on the other side of the mountain. There is indeed a big river on the other side of the mountain. Delicious.

 When you are in a book shortage, take a look at my first novel "Hou Ye's Beautiful Wife Wants to Turn the Sky Upside down".It was my first time writing a novel, there are many deficiencies, please correct me one by one
(End of this chapter)

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