farmer's daughter

Chapter 298 A Life-Changing Decision

Chapter 298 A Life-Changing Decision
Chapter 290 Eight A Life-Changing Decision
Mr. Hu and Liang Shengyue both stood beside Xuejian. Xuejian took out a piece of white paper, first picked up a pen, and then picked up a simple ruler that she made on the table.Pointing to the scale marked on the ruler, he said:
"I don't need to talk about this, ruler, I believe you all know it. But I will use this ruler to draw a picture of our Shenjia Village. Shenjia Village is so big. If it is drawn into a picture, it can only be reduced. Look, this The painting method is to paint the mountain. This painting method is to draw the river. If it is a small river, it can be replaced by a line. Just writing words on this line shows that this is a river. This is the river. The small ditch behind our house, I think it is a river. This is the road. Let’s name this road, the main road of Shenjia Village. It is also written on this line, and this line The road represents the road. This is the field. We take this symbol as a house. Of course, these symbols are up to you. What pattern do you like to use for this mark? Just indicate it on this side of the drawn picture. What is it. Like this."

Xuejian talked while writing and drawing, and drew Shenjia Village in a while.Then Xuejian said again:
"I'll draw another one of Liangjiacun."

He said that he used the same method to draw Liangjia Village, and then connected the places where the two pictures could be connected.Pointing to the blank space, he said:
"I don't know what it is here. According to my usual visual inspection, this area should be mountains and some fields, but I have never been there, so I don't scribble it down, but this road converges, and they all go back to the mountains. The road in the town. To put it more emphatically. This three-fork intersection is very important. If it is the whole dynasty, you have to use a larger paper to draw it. If you want to draw more detailed, you need a larger paper. Or more Big cloth. But it is not a trivial matter to paint the dynasty. It takes several years to paint all the places, and then put them together in time. Mainly cities, villages, mountains, and rivers. In the future, I just thought, if someone went around the entire dynasty and wrote down the customs and habits of the various places, those who read this book would be equivalent to visiting the entire dynasty! What a great achievement that would be!"

Xue Jian was talking and drawing, and Mr. Hu heard it like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a thunder exploded on the top of his head.He has lived for decades, as if he suddenly found his purpose and knew what he should do.Mr. Hu stood there blankly, not knowing what was going on in his head, but just staring blankly at the things Xue Jian painted, as if he couldn't hear the sound.

However, Liang Shengyue could see that Xue Jian's painting would be very useful in military affairs.Ask Xue Jian about what you don't understand.Xue Jian also answered one by one.When I figured it out, I turned around and saw Mr. in a daze.Liang Sheng wanted to call him more, but Xue Jian stopped him.Mr. Hu stood there blankly for a long time by himself.It was only then that Xue Jian and Liang Shengyue walked to the side and sat down.Mr. Hu turned around with a happy face, saluted Xuejian again and said excitedly:
"Ms. Shen, thank you, Miss Shen. You have explained the old man clearly in this class. The old man knows what I should do in my life."

Mr. Hu's words made Xue Jian and Liang Sheng more stunned, and then Xue Jian said eagerly:
"Grandpa Hu, is this your plan? Are you not going to rush for the exam?"

"I won't go. I hate that I didn't meet you some years ago? If I met you earlier, I wouldn't have missed these years. It's okay, okay. Not too late!"

Seeing Mr. Hu's crazy look, Xue Jian was a little dumbfounded.What does it mean?Mr. Hu wants to be a Xu Xiake?

Liang Shengyue also understood, stepped forward anxiously and tugged on Mr.'s sleeve, and said anxiously:

"Father-in-law! What do you mean? You want to give up taking the exam? Didn't you say that you will give yourself one last chance? Besides, you also know that this time it is Luxiang who is the examiner and it is your chance. What's the matter with you?"

At the end, Liang Shengyue turned his head and glared at Xue Jian. If Xue Jian hadn't talked about this map, he wouldn't have driven him so mad.How big a deal is it to give up going to the examiner? How could it change in the blink of an eye?
Mr. Hu patted Liang Shengyue on the shoulder and said:
"Shengyue, I am nearly forty years old. My only daughter has been taken care of by you. I have no big goals or achievements in my life. Even if I take the exam now, I am old. I knew it in my heart. This time, it’s just as if I’m going to Beijing with you. How can I compete with you young people at this age? Xue’er is right. Someone has to do these things, and if someone does it, it’s a big deal Weiye. Don’t you want me to accomplish this? You know, my temper is not suitable for being an official. But traveling all over the world is what I yearn for. I can accomplish a big thing while walking, Isn't that more of a pleasure?"

Liang Shengyue didn't know how to persuade Mr.I was anxious to turn my head to look at Xuejian.Xuejian also looked at Mr. Hu seriously and said:

"Grandpa Hu, you should think about it. You are just a scholar. You have to endure a lot of hardships to travel through thousands of mountains and rivers. There are many dangers in climbing mountains and crossing rivers. Don't say that there are endless beasts and bad guys. Your body may support you. Are you eating and sleeping outside? You have to think about it? This is a big matter, and the court should send someone to do it. You can do it yourself, and you won’t get help along the way. How can my little aunt and uncle feel relieved? Little aunt's current body can't tolerate any mistakes, if you go alone, I don't agree."

Liang Sheng Yue then said:

"Yes, yes, if you leave like this, Yue'e will be very worried. She is twin now. You see, we are going to catch an exam, and she is worried and sent here."

Xuejian lowered her head and thought about it:
"Well, Grandpa Hu, let's see if my suggestion works. You'd better go to the capital with my brother-in-law, and you can tell my senior brother about this matter, and then I will write a letter to your senior brother. You only need to send this picture Tell the big brother about some of the key uses of the book, and say that you are willing to paint it yourself. Because of this matter, you really need a scholar to paint. Only in this way can you record some special situations in various places. Those who are willing to endure this hardship are afraid Not much. How to go then depends on my elder brother’s arrangement, whether to go in the name of the dynasty, or elder brother to help you go. I will give my elder brother advice and ask him to send someone to follow you. You see Is that okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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