farmer's daughter

Chapter 305 That's Bad at the Root

Chapter 305 That's Bad at the Root

Chapter [-] That's the root cause

With the black thread on Qiu Yuan's head, why did he become a bitch.If it wasn't for remembering how this eldest lady treated Xue'er like that, she still wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge.She didn't expect that she would make herself a concubine.It is said that life is not going well.Because of this, Qiu Yuan asked about it.But you don't want to be called an eighth wife by your junior sister?Fortunately, the younger brother is not here.

Qiu Yuan fell silent.Xue Jian laughed again:

"Okay, I also know that the senior brother came to inquire for me. Hehe, it's better to have a senior brother! Thank you, senior brother."

Qiu Yuan smiled and said:

"It's not all because I went to inquire. It was Mrs. Liu who couldn't help it. She wanted to ask the princess for forgiveness. So she came to us to ask the princess to bring a letter. Who would bring a letter for such a thing, no? Do you want to scold the princess?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Well, what's your plan recently? I told my father before I came that the construction team left behind will finish finishing work on Aunt Hong's house and Mr. Zhao's house in the mountain town before coming up. It may take a It will be a month later. Will you do it after receiving the notice from the Princess?"

Qiu Yuan nodded.Xuejian asked again:

"Hey, third senior brother, you didn't tell me about the last time you went to the capital. How is the capital? Is it better than this prefecture?"

This time Qiu Yuan didn't say a word as if he didn't hear it.Xue Jian glanced at him, and found that his facial muscles were a little tight, as if he was holding back something, Xue Jian didn't speak after thinking about it.It happened to be in front of the shop selling seeds.

Xuejian helped Grandpa out of the carriage, this was the first time Old Shen came back to Fucheng, and he didn't look out from the carriage just now.After getting out of the car, I realized that this prefectural city is really much bigger than Huishan Town.This street, if you look up, you can't see the bottom.It seems very long.The houses here seem to be one floor higher than those in Huishan Town.The streets seem to be much wider.It is no problem for two or three carriages to pass side by side on this street.

Xue Jian led the way into the shop, and the store clerk hurried up to greet him, looking up at Qiu Yuan, he didn't pay much attention to Xue Jian.Xue Jian didn't take it seriously, anyway, she was used to it, and as a baby, going out to do errands would always be a shortcoming.

"Hey, what kind of seeds does the guest officer want? We recently got a batch of grain seeds. Would you like to take a look?"

Qiu Yuan himself didn't understand these things, so he stretched out his hand to help Old Shen.Old Mr. Shen ignored the guy's recommendation.He walked up to him and checked bag by bag.

Regarding the quality of the seeds, only the old Mr. Shen has the right to speak.The little guy only thought that Xuejian was here to play with the adults, so he let Xuejian go inside.Xue Jian looked in one by one, and some bags had their names marked on them, so Xue Jian looked at them one by one.

Suddenly, Xue Jian saw a special thing in a corner, peanuts!It should be peanuts, but the name marked here is oil rice.Xue Jian reached out to pick up one to have a look, and a voice behind said:

"Little girl, that's not our seed. Just look at it."

Xue Jian turned around and saw a fat middle-aged man, said:
"Uncle, where did this come from? Why is it called oil rice?"

"This one, I went to another dynasty in the northwest, and there was someone who sold it from a far away place. I just divided it up and came back to see if there was any purchase, but no one wanted it. .I left it here. It is said that this thing has oil. But I dare not try to eat it, I am afraid that I cannot eat it. I put it here.”

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Well, it can be seen that it has been placed for a long time. Some of them are broken. Why don't you sell them to me for a try, and I can take them back and plant them to see what they are?"

The middle-aged man laughed and said:

"A child is a child, you can buy it if you want. You have to ask your adults, right?"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"Our family is up to me. I bought this one, how much is it? There are broken ones, you can't count me as expensive, and if it's expensive, I don't want it anymore."

The boss looked at Qiu Yuan who was still standing at the door looking at things, Qiu Yuan nodded and said:
"Boss, my sister is in charge of our family. And you'd better give her less money, because she is your big customer today, and I also asked my sister to come to you because I heard steward Huang said that your place is not bad. bought."

The boss froze for a moment, and hurriedly said:

"Hey, I've neglected this distinguished guest. It turned out that it was introduced by Butler Huang. Let's sit down. You say, I will arrange everything you want. I have been dealing with Butler Huang for many years. Don't worry, it must be genuine. for you."

Seeing this, Xue patted her hands and said:
"Wrap this bag up for me, it's up to you to calculate how much. I want to buy seeds for [-] acres of land."

The boss was overjoyed, this is a real big customer!The boss put a smile on his face and said with a smile:

"Little girl, come and sit down, sit down, Chen Er, go and pour hot tea for the guests."

The little guy also rushed to pour tea.Xue Jian also sat down.The boss said again:

"Little girl, what kind of seeds are you planning to buy? If there are more than 800 mu of land, are all the seeds the same?"

Seeing Xuejian and another boy wrapping the bag of peanuts, the boss smiled and said:

"To tell you the truth, when I sold this oily rice back, I also spent two taels of silver. Now it has been put away for so many years, and it is a bit bad. I don't know if it can be planted. This bag is not considered money. , I’ll take it for you to plant and play with.”

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"I would like to start with a kind of rice with a higher yield. Which one do you have here with a higher yield?"

The boss hurriedly turned around and introduced himself:
"This, the output of this is high, but to be honest, this is not very delicious. Generally, it is only sold to those villagers. The price is cheap and the output is high."

Old Mr. Shen went over to look at Xuejian and said:
"Yes, we have planted this before."

The boss said again:

"The yield is high, but it is generally used to grow and sell to the court for military rations. Soldiers are rough, and it is very good to eat this."

Xue Jian frowned and asked again:
"What kind of delicious one is that? Do you have any special seeds like oily rice here? If so, show me?"

The boss nodded and said:
"Okay, this is the kind of rice that tastes better. This kind of rice is rounder and can be eaten by ordinary people. This is the kind of tribute rice. This is expensive, and the output is not very high, but it is delicious."

Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"Is the seed you sowed more likely to survive? Don't you want me to buy it back and not germinate?"

"Girl, you are joking. People in our business have to rely on their conscience. This is the foundation of people's livelihood. If it is broken by me, it is the root of the problem. You are buying eight hundred acres of seeds. If I give you the broken seeds, then I will lose my entire family and I will not be able to pay for it!"

The boss said hurriedly.Xue Jian hurriedly laughed and said:

"Uncle, don't blame me, I underestimated you."

 Thank you book friend yh_yh1166 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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